Globalization has brought new opportunities to developing countries, and within the last few decades, especially the People’s Republic of China transformed itself from a developing nation behind the bamboo curtain to one of the most influential nations on the world market. China’s online population is growing very fast and counted already more than 560 million users in 2012, with a share of more than 70% of mobile Internet users. The Internet has become an indispensable tool for finding information quickly using a search engine. Therefore, for companies trading in China, their website will undoubtedly be vital in enhancing their public image and increasing sales volumes, and improving this website through search engine marketing (SEM) will be crucial to succeed. Due to huge cultural differences and governmental censorship of the Internet in mainland China, doing online business in this country is definitely different as in the Western world.
To find out what is necessary for launching an international company website in China successfully, this paper describes and critically analyses the basic knowledge about China’s online users and its online media world as well as search engines available in China and the challenges Chinese internet users face because of The Great Firewall. Aiming to provide key input for effective search engine marketing, this thesis combines theoretical background from various literary sources with the results of the author’s online survey and interviews with four online marketing experts, who give an insight into their in-depth know-how of China's online marketing world and to provide advice on effective SEM for China’s leading search engine Baidu.
Clearly, as this papers shows, practising successful SEO depends on the combination of many different factors and actions. Writing original content, proper usage of keywords, incoming links from authoritative sites and other Baidu-sites are just some issues to be considered. Furthermore a Chinese ISP and content written in well-articulated “Simplified Chinese” are other keys to success. Doing SEA for Baidu is quite challenging, especially for foreigners, because it requires experience with SEA, cultural understanding and perfect knowledge of Chinese to find the right keywords and handle Baidu’s SEA and Analytics tool. Nevertheless, understanding China’s culture and language is an important factor achieving good online visibility in China.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Problem definition
- Research Questions
- Objective
- Structure and methodology
- Online user
- Mobile Internet user
- Online shopper
- Online media landscape
- Websites with .cn-Domains
- Social Media landscape
- Conclusion
- Baidu:
- Qihoo 360:
- Sogou:
- Google:
- Others
- Tencent:
- Bing:
- Yahoo:
- NetEase:
- Challenge of mobile search
- Conclusion
- How China censors the Internet
- China's "Great Wall"
- Filtering online content
- Internet control through ISPs
- What is censored in China
- Google and online censorship
- How to get around censorship
- Conclusion
- Online questionnaire & interviews with experts
- Tait Lawton / Nanjing Marketing Group
- Anita Zheng / Baidu SEO service provider
- Mark Burns/ Wordbank
- Marchi Ma / Charm Click
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Content
- Backlinks
- Site structure & internal links
- Avoiding Flash & JavaScript
- Meta description tags
- Chinese Language
- Image filenames and alt-attributes
- XML site map & Baidu Webmaster tool
- Importance of the ISP
- Domain
- Further recommendations for SEO in China
- Further recommendations for SEO in general
- Search Engine Advertising (SEA) / Pay Per Click (PPC)
- How does PPC work in general
- Baidu PPC platform
- Baidu Paid Search - PPC
- Baidu Contextual Ad - C Pro
- Baidu Brand Link
- How to open a Baidu PPC account
- Effect of PPC on organic rankings
- Future development
- Analytics
- Conclusion and practical implications
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This thesis investigates the practical implications of launching an international company website in China, focusing on the specific challenges and opportunities posed by the Chinese market. The work explores the online media landscape, search engine marketing strategies, and the complexities of internet censorship in China.- The unique characteristics of the Chinese online media market, including its diverse platforms and user demographics.
- The role of search engine marketing in reaching Chinese consumers, with a particular emphasis on Baidu, China's leading search engine.
- The impact of internet censorship on SEO strategies and the implications for international companies operating in China.
- Practical recommendations for optimizing website content, backlink strategies, and paid advertising campaigns for the Chinese market.
- The evolving landscape of mobile internet usage and its significance for future search engine marketing efforts in China.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Introduction: This chapter sets the stage for the thesis by outlining the research problem, research questions, objectives, and methodology.
- China and Online Media: This chapter provides an overview of the Chinese online media landscape, highlighting key characteristics such as user demographics, website ownership, and the growth of social media platforms.
- Search Engines in China: This chapter examines the dominant search engines in China, including Baidu, Qihoo 360, Sogou, Google, and others. It discusses their market share, features, and implications for SEO strategies.
- Internet Censorship in China: This chapter delves into the complex issue of internet censorship in China, exploring its methods, scope, and impact on online content and search engine optimization.
- Search Engine Marketing: This chapter focuses on the practical implications of SEO and SEA for international companies targeting the Chinese market. It examines specific strategies for optimizing website content, backlink strategies, and paid advertising campaigns. The chapter also includes insights from interviews with experts in the field.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This thesis explores the key concepts of Search Engine Marketing (SEM), online media landscape, internet censorship, Baidu, SEO, SEA, PPC, Chinese market, international companies, and website optimization. The work draws on practical insights from industry experts and provides a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with reaching Chinese consumers through digital marketing.- Quote paper
- Anita Gerstmayr (Author), 2013, Search Engine Marketing for the Chinese Market, Munich, GRIN Verlag,