Implementation and Validation of Gravity Effects in a Pore-Network Solver

Carbon Dioxide Storage - Experimental Showcase

Bachelorarbeit, 2012

54 Seiten, Note: 1.0


1 Introduction

2 Pore network solver with gravity
2.1 Physical displacement mechanism
2.2 Local capillary pressure pci(swi) (Lee et al. [2009])
2.3 Gravity affected flow rate between pore bodies
2.4 Mathematical Equations and algorithm
2.4.1 Assumptions
2.4.2 Boundary Conditions
2.4.3 Governing equations
2.4.4 Pressure Field Solver
2.4.5 Time-step Calculation
2.4.6 Algorithm

3 Validation and code development 3.1 Test Case 1 - Macroscale pore column (single phase)
3.2 Test Case 2 - Microscale pore column (single phase & low interfacial tensions)
3.3 Test Case 3 - Microscale pore column (single phase & high interfacial tensions
3.4 Test Case 4 - Macroscale pore column (multiphase)
3.5 Test Case 5 - Microscale pore column (multiphase & low interfacial tension)
3.6 Test Case 6 - Microscale pore column (multiphase & high interfacial tension)
3.7 Test Case 7 & 8 - Microscale pore column with injection of less dense fluid
3.8 Test Case 9 - 2D-Pore field with equal sized pore bodies (low interfacial tension)
3.9 Test Case 10 - 2D-Pore field with equal sized pore bodies (high interfacial tension)
3.10 Test Case 11 - 2D-Pore field with poly sized pore bodies (low interfacial tensions)
3.11 Test Case 12 - 2D-Pore field with poly sized pore bodies (high interfacial tensions)

4 Parameter study on fluid displacement 4.1 Drainage Phase-diagram for immiscible displacement after Lenormand et al. [1988]
4.2 Influence of Interfacial Tension
4.3 Influence of the viscosity ratio
4.4 Influence of inlet pressure and injection rate
4.4.1 Displacement evolution
4.4.2 Influence of flow rate variations

5 Simulation of the CCS-Showcase 5.1 Experimental setup
5.2 Pore network modeling of CCS-Showcase
5.2.1 HYPON-model after Acharya et al
5.2.2 Assumptions for the pore network
5.2.3 Generation of the pore network
5.3 Simulation of the experiments
5.3.1 Physical properties of injected fluids
5.3.2 Ethyl acetate with a flow rate of 150mlminand 2mm glass beads
5.3.3 Heptane with a flow rate of 150mlminand 2mm glass beads
5.3.4 Comparison of ethyl acetate and heptane
5.4 Simulation of a High Pressure Showcase

6 Conclusion

7 Outlook

Ende der Leseprobe aus 54 Seiten


Implementation and Validation of Gravity Effects in a Pore-Network Solver
Carbon Dioxide Storage - Experimental Showcase
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
3409 KB
implementation, validation, gravity, effects, pore-network, solver, carbon, dioxide, storage, experimental, showcase
Arbeit zitieren
Bilal Özkan Lafci (Autor:in), 2012, Implementation and Validation of Gravity Effects in a Pore-Network Solver, München, GRIN Verlag,


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