This qualitative research aimed at to investigate the effects of multimedia messaging mainly radio broadcast and group discussion to combat child marriage resulting to effect action in three local place in Northern Ethiopia.
The study uses KAP's as evaluation framework and purposively selected 81 radio listening groups diary as a main data collection tool as well as semi-structured interview of 18 grassroot workers and three report document for triangulation purpose. The views and reactions of listeners written on the groups diaries grouped under the three main categories KAP's then using inductive and deductive thematic analysis at interpretive level sub-themes are identified.
The findings of the study revealed that under knowledge main category three sub-themes are identified. And from the data listeners indicated their knowledge about the consequence of child marriage and related laws, and reasons why it was practice. Moreover, they indicated they know the benefits of child protection, equal education for both girls and boys, and the role of children to combat child marriage. Regarding attitude change five sub-themes are identified describing the perceived benefits and harmfulness of child marriage, intention to abandon it, the belief of appropriate age challenges in combating child marriage. Under practice category seven sub-themes are identified which indicates the cancellation of large number of child marriage plans, penalties due to not obeying the law, a number of reports to legal bodies, measures taken by different actors, decision made pro and against child marriage and collaborations effectiveness to combat child marriage. Besides one report of early sexual intercourse some negative actions recorded are the presence of marriage arrangement deals and partners choice by parents.
Based on the study findings some recommendations were drown on: the effectiveness of KAP's as a framework and radio listening groups diary as data collection to evaluate media interventions; multimedia messaging like radio broadcast together with listening group discussion for effective and efficient method for educating the people for behavior change; collaborative action together with local media is very effective strategy in combating child marriage and to bring the desired change at community level; protection, support and encouragement to victims of child marriage, and measures to be taken to sustain and improve the observed changes against child marriage.
- Acknowledgement
- Table of content
- List of Tables and Figures
- Abbreviations and Acronyms
- Abstracts
- 1.1. Introduction
- 1.2. Problem statement
- 1.3. Purpose and Significance of the study
- 1.4. Objective of the Study
- 1.5. Assumptions
- 1.6. Limitations and delimitations of the study
- 1.7. Definitions of terms
- 2.1. Child Marriage
- 2.2. Prevalence, Cause and Consequence of Child Marriage
- 2.2.1. Prevalence of Child marriage
- 2.2.2. The consequence of child marriage
- 2.2.3. Cultural misconceptions are the main causes of child marriage
- 2.2.4. Education and women
- 2.2.5. Large age difference between married couples has effect on girls life
- 2.2.6. Mother girls are vulnerable to poor health outcomes
- 2.2.7. HIV/AIDS and Child marriage
- 2.2.8. Policy, regulations and Child marriage
- 2.3. Steps taken to stop Child Marriage
- 2.4. Base line Surveys in North Gondar
- 2.5. Theoretical models and functions of communication
- 2.5.1. Diffusion communication model
- 2.5.2. Participatory communication
- 2.5.3. Hybrid approach and health behavior change communication
- 2.5.4. Media functions and principles
- 2.5.5. Media for behavior change
- 2.6. Communication for Social change
- 2.7. Multimedia and Media mix effects
- 2.8. Radio Program for Behavior Change
- 2.8.1. National radio
- 2.8.2. Solving deficiencies of radio
- 2.8.3. Community radio for behavior change
- 2.9. Radio Listening Groups
- 2.9.1. What is listening
- 2.9.2. Listening group definition, principles, size and leadership
- Definition of listening group
- Principles behind group listening
- Listening group size
- Leadership in listening groups
- 2.9.3. Community listening groups, localization and advantages
- 2.10. Background of the study
- 2.10.1. The beginning of utilization of radio for education in Ethiopia
- 2.10.2. Working principles, Interaction method and Listeners of GEMC
- GEMC principles
- GEMC interaction methods
- GEMC Listeners
- 2.11. Listeners Diary Analysis
- 2.12. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice as a Framework
- 2.12.1. Knowledge
- 2.12.2. Attitudes
- 2.12.3. Practices
- 3.1. Research Design
- 3.2. Study area
- 3.3. Role of the researcher
- 3.4. Data collection and Instrumentation
- 3.4.1. Participants of the study
- 3.4.2. Sampling procedure and sample size
- 3.4.3. Data collection methods
- Diary to collect data
- Interview to collect data
- Document review to collect data
- 3.5. Data Analysis Method
- 3.5.1. Content analysis
- 3.5.2. Conceptual and relational analysis
- 3.5.3. Thematic analysis
- 3.6. Validity
- 3.6.1. Trustworthiness
- 3.6.2. Internal validity
- 4.1. Knowledge main category
- 4.1.1. Knowledge of solutions
- 4.1.2. Knowledge of problems
- 4.1.3. Knowledge of concepts
- 4.2. Attitude main category
- 4.2.1. Belief change
- 4.2.2. Regret of doing
- 4.2.3. Regret of not doing
- 4.2.4. Resistance
- 4.2.5. Convinced
- 4.2.6. Intend to do
- 4.3. Practice main category
- 4.3.1. Canceled child marriage
- 4.3.2. Support victims
- 4.3.3. Disseminate message
- 4.3.4. Collaboration
- 4.3.5. Role models evolved
- 4.3.6. Decisions made
- 4.3.7. Giving advice
- 4.4. Result summary
- 4.1. Knowledge main category
- 5.1. Summary
- 5.2. Conclusion
- 5.3. Recommendations
- Reference
- Appendix 1: Semi structure interview questions for Social agents and Grassroots agents
- Appendix 2: Bossie true story from Wogera woreda
- Appendix 3: Dasash true Story from Dabat woreda
- Appendix 4: Bisrat Radio Program 26 weeks topics for Adults
- Appendix 5: Bisrat Radio Program 26 weeks topics for Children's
- Appendix 6: Bisrat Radio Program listeners sample diary one
- Appendix 7: Bisrat Radio Program listeners sample diary two
- Appendix 8: Bisrat Radio Program listeners Attendance sample one (children group)
- Appendix 9: Bisrat Radio Program listeners Attendance Adult sample two ( women group)
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte
Die Studie untersucht die Auswirkungen von Multimedia auf die Kinderheirat in Nordäthiopien. Sie verfolgt das Ziel, die Rolle von Radioprogrammen und Hörgruppen in der Sensibilisierung für die Problematik der Kinderheirat und die Förderung von Verhaltensänderungen zu analysieren. Die Studie basiert auf einem hybriden qualitativen Ansatz, der sowohl quantitative als auch qualitative Methoden kombiniert.
- Die Verbreitung und die Ursachen der Kinderheirat in Nordäthiopien
- Die Auswirkungen von Multimedia auf das Wissen, die Einstellungen und das Verhalten von Menschen in Bezug auf die Kinderheirat
- Die Rolle von Radioprogrammen und Hörgruppen in der Verhaltensänderungskommunikation
- Die Wirksamkeit von Multimedia-Interventionen zur Bekämpfung der Kinderheirat
- Die Herausforderungen und Chancen bei der Nutzung von Multimedia zur Förderung von sozialem Wandel
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel
Kapitel 1 führt in das Thema der Kinderheirat in Nordäthiopien ein und stellt die Forschungsfrage sowie die Zielsetzung und Bedeutung der Studie dar. Es werden die Forschungsmethodik, die Annahmen, die Einschränkungen und die Definitionen der verwendeten Begriffe erläutert.
Kapitel 2 bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die einschlägige Literatur zum Thema Kinderheirat, einschließlich ihrer Verbreitung, Ursachen und Folgen. Es werden verschiedene theoretische Modelle der Kommunikation, insbesondere die Diffusionstheorie und die partizipative Kommunikation, sowie die Rolle von Multimedia in der Verhaltensänderungskommunikation behandelt.
Kapitel 3 beschreibt die Forschungsmethodik der Studie, einschließlich des Forschungsdesigns, des Studiengebiets, der Rolle des Forschers, der Datenerhebungsmethoden und der Datenanalysemethoden. Es werden die verschiedenen Datenerhebungsinstrumente, wie z. B. Fragebögen, Interviews und Dokumentenanalysen, sowie die verwendeten Analysemethoden, wie z. B. Inhaltsanalyse, konzeptionelle und relationale Analyse und thematische Analyse, erläutert.
Kapitel 4 präsentiert die Ergebnisse der Studie und diskutiert die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse. Es werden die Auswirkungen von Multimedia auf das Wissen, die Einstellungen und das Verhalten von Menschen in Bezug auf die Kinderheirat analysiert. Die Ergebnisse werden anhand von Daten aus Hörertagebüchern, Interviews und Dokumentenanalysen dargestellt.
Die Schlüsselwörter und Schwerpunktthemen des Textes umfassen die Kinderheirat, Multimedia, Radioprogramme, Hörgruppen, Verhaltensänderungskommunikation, Nordäthiopien, Wissen, Einstellungen, Praktiken, hybride qualitative Forschung, Diffusionstheorie, partizipative Kommunikation, Inhaltsanalyse, konzeptionelle und relationale Analyse, thematische Analyse.
- Arbeit zitieren
- Getnet Eshetu (Autor:in), 2014, The Effect of Multimedia on Child Marriage in North Ethiopia, München, GRIN Verlag,