Human Resource Managers in Education. Their Roles in School Effectiveness

Fachbuch, 2014

68 Seiten

Inhaltsangabe oder Einleitung

Human resource division is an essential part of any organization. The officials working in this section are called human resource managers. The responsibilities of these managers are planning, recruiting, selection, induction, training, developing, ensuring safety, determining compensation packages and smoothing career path of personals working in the organization. Human resource managers in education organization also perform these common jobs. Apart of these, there are other human resource managers in education. The core job of other human resource managers in education is unique and very different than other organization. It will be more understanding if we define who these Human resource managers in education are. In education, they are principals, their deputies, head of the department, teachers, parents, guardians and so on. Their core responsibilities are to manage, nurture, educate and prepare the prospective human resources of the society. These prospective human resources are the students who will lead the country, society and family. Their innovation will take the country in its great height. Prosperity of a country is largely determined by the quality of these resources. The people who are responsible to develop these prospective human resources are the greatest persons of the country and society. Their jobs are really unique and can be graded as very important human resource managers (VIHRM) of the country. This book has focused on the impact of their roles on preparing their students ensuring effective environment of the school. Findings of some action researches have been presented in different chapters to support their roles in strengthening school effectiveness. In these chapters, the contribution of VIHRMs in education such as principals, teachers, parents will be highlighted from different empirical findings.


Human Resource Managers in Education. Their Roles in School Effectiveness
The University of Malaya  (Faculty of Education)
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
646 KB
human, resource, managers, education, their, roles, school, effectiveness
Arbeit zitieren
Kazi Hoque (Autor:in)Megat Ahmad Kamaluddin (Autor:in), 2014, Human Resource Managers in Education. Their Roles in School Effectiveness, München, GRIN Verlag,


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