"Hyper Text Markup Language 5" is called the relatively new standard in web technologies. HTML 5 is said to fairly knock over our common understanding of how the Internet works: in technical terms as well as in the way online marketers can reach their target groups. It’s important to underline this crucial impact on the daily business of digital marketing, because at the end of the day, every inch of our value added chain has to give an answer to our biggest question: How can we succeed in innovating the way brands are built.
HTML 5: The Gentle Revolution - Häufig gestellte Fragen
Was ist HTML 5 und welche Bedeutung hat es für Online-Marketing?
HTML 5 ist der neue Standard in Webtechnologien, der die Funktionsweise des Internets sowohl technisch als auch in Bezug auf die Reichweite von Online-Marketingkampagnen verändert. Es ermöglicht Innovationen bei der Markenbildung und bietet neue Möglichkeiten, Zielgruppen zu erreichen.
Wann wurde HTML 5 veröffentlicht und welche Vorläufer gab es?
HTML 5 wurde am 28. Oktober 2014 vom World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) veröffentlicht. Die erste Version von HTML stammt aus dem Jahr 1992 und war auf die textuelle Darstellung von Internetinhalten ausgerichtet. Es folgten drei weitere Versionen bis 1997, die Neuerungen in Formulartechniken, Bildern, Textfluss, Skripten und Frames beinhalteten.
Welche neuen Funktionen bietet HTML 5 im Vergleich zu seinen Vorgängern?
HTML 5 bietet neue Funktionen in den Bereichen Video, Audio, lokalem Speicher und dynamischer 2D- und 3D-Grafik, die in HTML 4 nicht unterstützt wurden und zusätzliche Plugins wie Adobe Flash benötigten. Es ist vollständig kompatibel mit bestehenden HTML 4-Websites und verbessert die semantische Strukturierung des Quellcodes. Ein besonderes Merkmal ist der Fokus auf responsives Webdesign.
Welche Vorteile bietet HTML 5 für Online-Marketer?
HTML 5 benötigt keine Plugins wie Flash und ersetzt in vielen Fällen Skript-Sprachen wie JavaScript. Dies ermöglicht die Entwicklung von Software und Werbemitteln für alle relevanten Plattformen und Browser, was Kosten spart. Es erweitert die Reichweite von Zielgruppen und verbessert die Analyse- und Reportingmöglichkeiten durch Software-Dashboards. HTML 5 unterstützt Geolocation, direkten Kamera-Zugriff und bietet eine flüssige und schnelle Performance auf mobilen Geräten.
Wie wirkt sich HTML 5 auf programmatischen Einkauf aus?
Die hohe Effizienz des programmatischen Kaufs von Online-Werbeflächen in Echtzeit, kombiniert mit der umfassenden Kompatibilität von HTML 5, ermöglicht die Nutzung von 100% des verfügbaren, unverkauften Display-Inventars, da keine technischen Einschränkungen mehr bestehen.
Wie unterstützt HTML 5 das Storytelling im Online-Marketing?
HTML 5 ermöglicht die Erstellung nahtloser, dynamischer Display-Werbekampagnen ohne technische Einschränkungen. Es erlaubt das Tracking der gesamten Customer Journey über mehrere Geräte hinweg, ohne Einschränkungen durch Software oder Hardware.
Welche Quellen wurden für diesen Text verwendet?
Der Text verweist auf zahlreiche Quellen, darunter Artikel von verschiedenen Autoren und Websites, wie z.B. htmlgoodies.com, dcustom.com, tutorials.at, peterkropff.de, selfhtml5.org, absatzwirtschaft.de, html-seminar.de, stackoverflow.com, w3.org und t3n.de. Die genauen Links sind im Originaltext aufgeführt.
HTML 5: The Gentle Revolution
n easy-to-learn, brilliant looking, modular and fully compatible Internet standard turns online advertising inside out
“Hyper Text Markup Language 5” is called the relatively new standard in web technologies. HTML 5 is said to fairly knock over our common understanding of how the Internet works: in technical terms as well as in the way online marketers can reach their target groups. It’s important to underline this crucial impact on the daily business of digital marketing, because at the end of the day, every inch of our value added chain has to give an answer to our biggest question: How can we succeed in innovating the way brands are built.
HTML 5 was officially released on 28th of October 2014 by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and it is called the “core language” of the Internet. The first version of HTML already dates back to 1992 - it was merely oriented on textual representation of Internet content. Until 1997, there were three follow-ups of HTML, which covered innovations in formular techniques, pictures, textflow, scripts and frames.
Since then, it took the W3C 17 years to develop and work out the fifth version of HTML, which should this time be a real game changer: HTML 5 introduces new functions in video, audio, local memory and dynamic 2D- and 3D-grahpics, which were not supported in HTML 4 and could not be implemented without additional plugins like Adobe Flash.
HTML-5-Code is totally compatible with all existing websites written in HTML 4 and it is also a progress in semantic structuring of elements in the source code. The most visible and most convenient innovation for consumers and online marketers in HTML 5 is the focus on responsive web design.
HTML 5 is “living” - it introduces the so-called “canvas-“object, which allows us to create images and adopt them individually - even animations are possible.
To online marketers, the most important innovation is the fact that HTML 5 does not need plugins like Flash anymore - in many cases, it also replaces script languages like JavaScript.
In the media business, this is like a quantum leap for distribution and increase of reach. Many devices do not support plugins like Flash or script languages so far and their users can not be addressed via common creatives. This meant a loss in ad visibility and a decrease in net contacts, Mag. David Staudinger, MSc. (FH) which by all means was a loss for our clients and our business. Going further in terms of efficiency, HTML 5 allows developing software and creatives once for all available relevant platforms and browsers. This is reported by software engineers to tremendously save costs in the process of ad creation.
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Image 1:HTML5 devices and platforms reach
HTML 5 not only boosts possibilities in reach of target groups, but it allows to excel ourselves in analysing and reporting of our services regardless of operating system, browser or underlying hardware. This is conducted via software dashboards like for instance iAnalyse, a product of iProspect (brand of Dentsu Aegis Network). Dashboards like iAnalyse can be modified and configured in various ways with different modules. They integrate and aggregate many sorts of data streams (like conversion rates, social media responses, click rates etc.). Those dashboard solutions help us and our clients to get valuable insights in their advertising campaigns. They can be designated as real breakthroughs with regard to transparency, practical use and real time information about business performance. Since HTML 5 has become a widely common standard in web development, it changes many areas of the online business. Flash Player is losing ground every day and will soon be history in web animations. HTML 5 in return supports also geolocation, direct camera access and behaves on mobile devices as fluent and fast as an app.
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Image 2:HTML5 - What marketers need to know
Referring to the fact that HTML 5 is a game changer in web animations and mobile marketing, it is also an absolutely remarkable boost for programmatic buying.
The highly efficient way of buying online ad impressions in real time combined with the all-round compatibility of HTML 5, we are now in online marketing capable to make use of 100% of the available unsold display inventory (!).
This results simply from the fact that there are no grave technical restrictions any more.
The online branch is developing and today, dealing with a brand and dealing with products is all about telling a story. As we all know, a story has got a beginning, a middle part, a culmination and an ending.
This describes also very well the manner in which media experts should present and represent their clients’ services and products. A story is living, because of its dramaturgy and its seamless transitions. It is living, because it is dynamic and reaches the audience at various touch points. Today, users are only touched by contextual stories, which are being emotionally charged and told coherently.
HTML 5 is basically a technical innovation, but offers indeed much more than only a technical answer to the question of storytelling.
It allows marketers to set up seamless, dynamic display advertising campaigns, without being repulsed by technical limitations.
On the basis of this new web technology, we can now track the complete customer journey across multiple devices without any restrictions of software or hardware: from desktop to mobile, from GDN to Facebook Exchange and from Google Chrome to Mozilla Firefox.
It took 17 years to construct a new global Internet core language, which gives online marketing a new dimension: And it seems that waiting has paid off!
Fiedler, David: Differences Between HTML4 and HTML 5 [http://www.htmlgoodies.com/html5/tutorials/Web-Developer-Basics-Differences-Between-HTML4- And-HTML5-3921271.htm#fbid=TqQcYjrwCGR][March 30, 2015]
Fritsche, Jessica: 5 ways HTML5 changes content marketing, part 5 [http://dcustom.com/5-ways- html5-changes-content-marketing-part-5/][March 30, 2015]
Hammer, Andreas: Responsive-Webdesign-Tutorial [http://www.tutorials.at/responsive- webdesign/02-html5-elemente.html][March 29, 2015]
Kropff, Peter: HTML5-Elemente [http://www.peterkropff.de/site/html5/elemente.htm][March 28, 2015]
[Unattributed]: HTML5 Features [http://www.selfhtml5.org/html5-features/][March 29, 2015]
[Unattributed]: Socioromantic bietet erste HTML5-Lösung für Mobile RTB [http://www.absatzwirtschaft.de/sociomantic-bietet-erste-html5-loesung-fuer-mobile-rtb- 16063/][March 26, 2015]
[Unattributed]: JavaScript einbinden [http://www.html-seminar.de/javascript-einbinden.htm][March 25, 2015]
Waite, Paul D.: Does HTML5 mean doing less with JavaScript? [http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3662562/does-html5-mean-doing-less-with-javascript][March 30, 2015]
W3C: HTML5 Differences from HTML4 [http://www.w3.org/TR/html5-diff/][March 29, 2015]
Zaglov, Ilja: Ist Flash tot? [http://t3n.de/news/flash-tot-zehn-beeindruckende-515046/][March 27, 2015]
Table of figures:
Image 1: Introduction to HTML 5, see: http://de.slideshare.net/gilfink/introduction-to-html5- 32976388
Image 2: What marketers need to know about HTML 5, see:
- Quote paper
- Mag. MSc. David Staudinger (Author), 2015, HTML5. The Gentle Revolution. A new Internet standard turns over cross-device reach, visual advertising and tracking of customers, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/295884