This thesis aims to understand the underlying motivations and contexts of artists who question the disconnection between urban life and nature especially with respect to aspects of time.
The methodology used is largely about the analysis of artwork. The strategies adopted by the artists discussed here vary from critiquing the ambitions of city builders in their pursuit of controlling time to shunning urban time altogether and reaching for the rhythms of nature. In order to ground this understanding of artwork in the contemporary context the thesis explores how contemporary urban life changes our experience of time and how this separates us from the natural world. Theories regarding the relationship of the human, the natural world and the passage of time are covered in order to contextualize this analysis. These include the study of entropy by Robert Smithson, Martin Heidegger’s theory of the “earth and the world” and Georges Bataille’s ideas about the human impulse to annul the passage of time. The eastern philosophy of Zen and the aesthetics of Wabi Sabi that in many ways corroborate the ideas proposed by western thinkers have also been considered.
It was concluded that the connection with the natural world is governed by the experience of time and its relationship to the human ego. The time of the cities is so controlled by the demands of the human ego that it is increasingly difficult for urban dwellers to connect with the time of nature that is beyond our control. It is only by immersing ourselves in the time of nature that we can distance ourselves from aspects of our ego (like desires, concerns, ambitions) and return to a state of connection.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Abstract
- Chapter 1
- The Human Ego and the Separation from Nature
- Introduction
- Literature Review
- Methodology
- Limitations
- Chapter 2
- Cities that Deny the Passage of Time
- Materials, Forms and the Perception of Time
- The Need to Annul the Passage of Time
- Chapter 3
- Cities that Mold the Experience of Time
- Chapter 4
- Art that Reconnects with the Rhythms of Nature
- Chapter 5
- Conclusion
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This thesis aims to understand the motivations and contexts of artists who question the disconnect between urban life and nature, specifically with respect to time. The research analyzes artwork, exploring how artists critique the urban control of time, embrace the rhythms of nature, and reconnect with the natural world.
- The disconnection between urban life and nature, particularly regarding the experience of time.
- Artistic strategies for critiquing and challenging urban temporalities.
- The significance of reconnecting with the rhythms of nature through art.
- The role of time in fostering a sense of oneness with the natural world.
- The influence of theoretical frameworks on understanding the relationship between the human ego, time, and nature.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
Chapter 1: The Human Ego and the Separation from Nature
This chapter explores the sense of disconnection from the natural world experienced by urban dwellers, particularly artists. It discusses the influence of the human ego and the role of time in perpetuating this separation.
Chapter 2: Cities that Deny the Passage of Time
This chapter examines how cities attempt to control and manipulate time, often denying its natural passage. It explores the impact of urban design, materials, and forms on our perception of time and the consequences for our connection with nature.
Chapter 3: Cities that Mold the Experience of Time
This chapter delves into how cities shape our experience of time, often creating a sense of urgency and artificiality that can be detrimental to our connection with nature.
Chapter 4: Art that Reconnects with the Rhythms of Nature
This chapter explores the role of art in reconnecting with the natural world and its rhythms. It examines artistic strategies that challenge urban temporalities and embrace the timelessness of nature.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This thesis focuses on the relationship between urban life, nature, and time, exploring the disconnection between these elements and the role of art in bridging this gap. Key concepts include the human ego, urban temporalities, natural rhythms, timelessness, and the search for oneness with the natural world.
- Quote paper
- Nandita Mukand (Author), 2014, The time of cities and the time of nature. Regarding art dealing with the disconnection between urban life and the natural world, Munich, GRIN Verlag,