Mergers & Acquisitions (hereafter collectively referred to as M&A) seems to be an ambivalent issue. On the one hand the worldwide number of M&A deals increased tenfold from 1985 to 2012. On the other hand the failure quote of M&A deals lies between 70 and 90 % according to an article in HBR from 2011 with reference to several studies. Companies in the modern economic environment get increasingly complex and aligned to international activities. The mix of employees gets more and more diverse, people have different values, imaginations and opinions. This initial position makes it increasingly difficult for people to work together. Many conflicts appear in everyday working life. They are frequently not solved and remain subliminal for a long time. Besides that demo-graphic change continuously influences the working world of today. Those developments come up to a much higher shape in M&A deals. One of the main reasons, why M&A deals fail is negligent human resources management (hereafter collectively referred to as HRM). People in power seem to be not informed and skilled sufficiently to handle M&A situations appropriate, as a huge number of M&A deals fail. In numerous cases insufficient attention to HRM with all its problems in this special change situation is responsible for the failure. It is a major challenge for companies and their leaders to solve interpersonal and professional problems within their company that can occur in conjunction with an M&A deal. The challenge for top management and HRM is to be well prepared for all upcoming problems, whether they are interpersonal or professional. In M&A deals huge amounts of money are invested combined with dependencies as jobs, competitiveness and success of a company. Therefore the critical success factor HRM in M&A is worth to be examined closely.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1. Problem Description
- 1.2. Objective of Work
- 1.3. Scope of Work
- 2. Theoretical Basics
- 2.1. Individuals in Organizations: Motivation Theory Approaches
- 2.2. Groups in Organizations: Group Behavior
- 2.3. Leaders in Organizations: Leadership Theory Approaches
- 2.4. Organizational Behavior
- 3. Current Challenges in Global Economics
- 3.1. Mergers & Acquisitions
- 3.2. Interpersonal and Professional Challenges
- 3.3. Demographic Changes
- 4. Approaches to solve Interpersonal and Professional Problems
- 4.1. Change and Resistance
- 4.2. Communication
- 4.3. Conflict Management
- 4.4. Leadership Qualities & Soft Skills
- 4.5. Motivation
- 4.6. Team Building and Team Development
- 4.7. Corporate Culture
- 4.8. Personnel Selection
- 4.9. Talent Management
- 4.10. Diversity Management
- 4.11. Work Life Balance
- 5. Intercultural Particularities
- 6. Results
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This master's thesis aims to examine the complexities of reorganizing companies in the context of mergers and acquisitions (M&A), focusing on the interpersonal and professional challenges that arise during such processes. The study explores strategies and approaches to address these challenges effectively, considering various aspects of organizational behavior, leadership, communication, and cultural integration.- The impact of M&A on organizational structure and dynamics
- The role of leadership in managing change and fostering integration
- Effective communication strategies for navigating interpersonal and professional challenges
- The significance of cultural integration in achieving successful post-merger outcomes
- The importance of talent management and diversity management in M&A contexts
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The first chapter introduces the research topic, outlining the problem description, the objective of the study, and its scope. Chapter two provides a theoretical foundation by examining key concepts in organizational behavior, including motivation theories, group dynamics, leadership approaches, and organizational behavior models. Chapter three delves into current challenges in the global economy, particularly focusing on M&A trends and their implications for organizational restructuring. Chapter four explores various approaches to address the interpersonal and professional challenges associated with M&A, covering topics such as change management, communication, conflict management, leadership qualities, motivation, team building, corporate culture, personnel selection, talent management, diversity management, and work-life balance. Chapter five examines the intercultural particularities that arise in M&A scenarios, highlighting the importance of cultural sensitivity and appropriate integration strategies. Chapter six presents the findings of the research, analyzing the effectiveness of different approaches in managing M&A-related challenges.Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This master's thesis focuses on the critical aspects of company reorganization within the context of mergers and acquisitions (M&A), examining the interpersonal and professional challenges that often arise. Key themes include change management, leadership, communication, cultural integration, talent management, diversity management, and work-life balance. The study utilizes concepts from organizational behavior, leadership theories, and various management frameworks to analyze the complexities of these challenges and propose effective solutions for achieving successful post-merger outcomes.- Quote paper
- Gerrit Kehrenberg (Author), 2013, Reorganization of Companies in the Context of Mergers & Acquisitions with the Focus on Interpersonal and Professional Problems, Munich, GRIN Verlag,