This is a Lecture Notes on a one semester course on Differential Geometry taught as a basic course in all M.Sc./M.S. programmes in Mathematics. This consists normally of curve theory leading up to fundamental theorem of space curves as well as the Gauss theory of surfaces covering first fundamental form, second fundamental form, Gaussian curvature, geodesic and Gauss Bonnet theorem. This Lecture Notes is based on lectures I have given to M.Sc. Mathematics students of Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, India.
Here are the salient features of the Lecture Notes. Proofs of all assertions are completely given in a lucid student friendly manner. A large number of solved exercises are included. All these are to facilitate self study by the students. I have also adopted the modern approach to develop the classical topics treated here. The Lecture Notes is highly influenced by the approach adopted in Elementary Differential Geometry by Andrew Pressley and Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces by Manfredo P. do Carmo. I am indebted to these authors whose work have influenced my learning of the subject as well as the preparation of this Lecture Notes. I hope this little book would invite the students to the subject of Differential Geometry and would inspire them to look to some comprehensive books including those mentioned above.