The aim of this research lies, besides an analysis of the situation of the youth sport system in Austria, on the development of quality indicators of youth sport on a national level. An extensive review of existing literature on youth sport policy at national and European level will lay the fundamental basis for further research. Sports policy and policy-making-processes theory will be displayed in the theoretical framework. The research questions therefore investigate what quality criteria could be proposed to fulfill an effective youth sport policy. Therefore, preliminarily the current situation and structures of the youth sport in Austria will be analyzed as groundwork. Empirical data of conducted experts’ interviews within the area of youth sport will be evaluated.
Jugendsportpolitik stellt bis dato ein sehr wenig erforschtes Gebiet in der Sportwissenschaft dar. Die meisten Studien die Jugend und Sport behandeln untersuchen quantitativ Sportpartizipation oder den gesundheitlichen Zustand der Jugend eines Landes. In der Literatur wird viel über den erschreckend schlechten Gesundheitszustand der Jugendlichen diskutiert, doch genaue Untersuchungen die den Hintergrund durchleuchten, wie das Jugendsportsystem aufgebaut ist und funktioniert, gibt es kaum. Genauso fehlen in der Literatur generelle Qualitätsindikatoren, was eine qualitativ hochwertige Jugendarbeit ausmacht. Aus diesem Grund hat diese Masterarbeit das Ziel, eine systematische Darstellung der Jugendsportpolitik in Österreich sowie auf europäischen Level zu präsentieren. Des Weiteren werden Qualitätskriterien für die nationale Arbeit im Jugendsport durch die Empirie herausgearbeitet.
Der empirische Teil umfasst auf der einen Seite eine sekundäre Datenanalyse durch umfassender Literaturrecherche. Primäre Daten, auf der anderen Seite, werden durch sieben Experteninterviews gewonnen. Die transkribierten Interviews werden analysiert und in Bezug auf die Forschungsfragen mit Hilfe der Analyse Software MAXQDA 11 interpretiert.
Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine umfassende Darstellung des Jugendsportsystems in Österreich und auf europäischer Ebene. Bezüglich der Erarbeitung von Qualitätsindikatoren bringen die Erkenntnisse aus Literatur und der empirischen Untersuchung ein umfassendes Modell hervor.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Abstract
- Content
- Abbreviation
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1 Relevance of the Research Problem
- 1.2 Purpose Statement
- 1.3 Structure
- 2. Literature Review
- 2.1 Youth Sport and Sport Policy
- 2.2 Status Quo Health Situation of Austrian Youth
- 2.3 Youth Sport System and Politics in Austria
- 2.4 Youth Sport at European Level
- 2.4.1 Health and Sport Situation
- 2.4.2 Youth Sport at European Level
- 2.4.3 Germany
- 2.4.4 Finland
- 3. Theoretical Framework
- 3.1 Definitions
- 3.2 Sports Policy - Theoretical Approach
- 3.3 Quality Management
- 3.4 Quality Management in Sport and Non-Profit Organizations
- 4. Research Questions
- 5. Methodology
- 5.1 Research Design and Method
- 5.2 Data Collection and Analysis
- 5.2.1 Data Collection
- 5.2.2 Interview Processes
- 5.2.3 Data Analysis
- 5.3 Development of the Guideline for the Semi-structured Interviews
- 6. Results
- 6.1 Youth Sport System
- 6.1.1 Policy Documents
- 6.1.2 Structure of Youth Sport in Austria
- 6.1.3 Youth Sport at European Level
- 6.1.4 Tasks and Actions of Youth Sport
- 6.1.5 Interference Parameters
- 6.1.6 Factors of Success in Youth Sport
- 6.2 Quality Criteria
- 6.2.1 Definition of 'Quality'
- 6.2.2 Quality Criteria
- 6.2.3 Quality Management in Sports Organization
- 6.1 Youth Sport System
- 7. Discussion
- 7.1 Discussion of Research Questions
- 7.1.1 Structure of Youth Sport
- 7.1.2 Quality Criteria of Youth Sport Policy
- 7.2 Limitations
- 7.1 Discussion of Research Questions
- 8. Conclusion and Implications
- 9. References
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This master thesis aims to provide a systematic representation of youth sport policy in Austria and at the European level. It focuses on the analysis and development of quality indicators for national youth sport work. The study investigates the current state of youth sport systems, their effectiveness, and the factors contributing to a high-quality youth sport environment. It aims to identify key elements for improvement and to develop a model for promoting quality in youth sport in Austria.
- The current state of youth sport policy in Austria
- The role of policy documents in shaping youth sport practices
- Quality indicators for youth sport work at the national level
- Factors contributing to successful youth sport programs
- Potential for improvement and future development of youth sport in Austria
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The initial chapters provide a comprehensive overview of the research context, including a review of existing literature on youth sport and sport policy, the health situation of Austrian youth, and the existing youth sport system in Austria and Europe. Chapter 3 introduces the theoretical framework, focusing on definitions related to sports policy, quality management, and quality management in sport and non-profit organizations. Chapter 4 outlines the research questions guiding the study. Chapter 5 details the methodology employed, including the research design, data collection methods, and analysis procedures. Chapter 6 presents the results of the study, encompassing an analysis of the youth sport system in Austria, the role of policy documents, the structure of youth sport, and the identification of key quality criteria.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The core focus of this thesis lies in the analysis and development of quality indicators for youth sport policy in Austria. Key concepts include the structure of youth sport systems, the role of policy documents, quality management in sports, and factors contributing to the success of youth sport programs. The study also draws on empirical data gathered through expert interviews, providing valuable insights into the current state of youth sport in Austria and potential avenues for improvement.
- Quote paper
- Ursula Witzani (Author), 2015, Youth Sport Policy in Austria. Analysis and Development of Quality Indicators at National Level, Munich, GRIN Verlag,