This paper aims at raising the reader's awareness for the complexity of dictionaries and is meant to convey lots of additional information on dictionaries as such and also on how to use them, especially with young learners of English in the classroom.
The majority of dictionary owners are not aware of the huge source of knowledge they could have access to if they had learned how to use a dictionary properly and therefore actually will not profit from their purchase.
The first thing most adults do when they start to learn a new language is to buy a dictionary, because this seems to be the first step to successful language acquisition to them. This might be true for some people who really know how to appropriate the multifarious information provided by their dictionaries.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Preface
- Introduction
- 1. Different Types of Dictionaries
- 1.1. Definition
- 1.2. Monolingual and bilingual dictionaries
- 1.3. Learner's dictionaries and native speaker´s dictionaries
- 2. Comparison of Different Dictionaries
- 2.1. All dictionaries at a glance
- 2.2. New Student's Dictionary
- 2.3 Langenscheidt Power Dictionary Englisch
- 2.4. Langenscheidt Schulwörterbuch Englisch
- 2.5. Langenscheidt´s Two in One Dictionary of English
- 2.6. Langenscheidt Universal-Wörterbuch Englisch
- 2.7. Macmillan Essential Dictionary for Learners of English
- 2.8. Das Oxford Grundwörterbuch
- 2.9. Learner´s Wordfinder Dictionary
- 2.10. Das Oxford Schulwörterbuch
- 2.11. Pons Basiswörterbuch
- 2.12. Pons Globalwörterbuch
- 2.13. Pons Smile Wörterbuch
- 3. Online Dictionaries
- 3.1. LEO (URL:
- 3.2. PONSline (URL:
- 3.3. ( (URL:
- 3.4. Word Central (URL:
- 4. Curriculum References to Dictionary Use
- 4.1. The Austrian curriculum
- 4.2. Dictionaries among the government financed books
- 5. Dictionary Features and Required Skills
- 5.1. Information in the dictionary
- 5.2. Skills needed to extract certain information
- 5.3. Deliberations on Dictionary Training and Teaching
- 6. Introduction to Dictionary Use in the English Classroom
- 6.1. Subject Matter
- 6.2. Teaching and Learning Conditions
- 6.3. Media
- 6.4. Questionnaire I
- 6.5. Lessons
- 6.6. Questionnaire II
- 6.7. Personal Reflexion
- 7. Conclusions
- Register of Illustrations
- Bibliography
- Dictionaries
- Online Dictionaries
- Other Literature
- Appendix
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This paper aims to raise awareness of the complexity of dictionaries and to provide information on their use, particularly with young learners of English in the classroom. It explores the various types of dictionaries, their features, and the skills needed to effectively use them. Additionally, it examines curriculum references to dictionary use in Austria and presents a practical proposal for introducing dictionary training in the English classroom.
- Dictionary types and their characteristics
- Effective strategies for teaching dictionary skills
- Curriculum guidelines for dictionary use in Austria
- Practical examples of dictionary training activities
- The importance of dictionaries for language learning and independent study
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
Chapter 1 provides an overview of different types of dictionaries, defining their features and highlighting the distinctions between monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, as well as learner's and native speaker's dictionaries. Chapter 2 presents a detailed analysis of twelve different dictionaries designed for learners, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses in terms of their usability for students. Chapter 3 introduces four online dictionaries that can be used by students and examines their potential for enhancing language learning. Chapter 4 examines the Austrian curriculum's recommendations regarding dictionary use and the dictionaries approved for school use by the government. Chapter 5 delves into the information found in dictionaries and the skills students require to extract this information, discussing common problems and possible solutions. Chapter 6 documents the author's experience with introducing dictionary use in a second-form class at HS Doppl, providing practical activities and evaluations of student learning.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This paper focuses on the use of dictionaries for English language learners, specifically in the Austrian context. Key concepts include dictionary types, learner's dictionaries, monolingual dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, dictionary features, dictionary skills, dictionary training, curriculum guidelines, and teaching strategies.
- Quote paper
- Bianca Lehner (Author), 2005, Introducing Dictionaries to 10-14 Year Olds in the English Classroom, Munich, GRIN Verlag,