The role of international law in Article 42(1) of the Washington Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes

Masterarbeit, 2011

59 Seiten, Note: 19


Table of Contents

List of abbreviations


I. Introduction
A. What is the ICSID Convention?
B. What regulates Article 42(1)?
C. Overview of the problem

II. Literature Survey
A. Role of international law in Article 42(1), first sentence
1. International law as the chosen law by the parties
2. International law in the absence of its choice
a) Implicit negative choice to exclude the application of international law
b) Application of international law to a certain extent
3. Conclusion and open questions concerning the role of international law under Article 42(1), first sentence
B. Role of international law under Article 42(1), second sentence
1. Supplemental and corrective role
a) Arguments
b) Criticism
2. Limited supplemental and corrective role (ius cogens)
3. Applicability at all times
a) Precedence of international law at all times
b) Autonomous application of international law
4. Conclusion and open questions concerning the role of international law under Article 42(1), second sentence

III. Research
A. Research methodology
B. Analysis
1. Textualist interpretation
a) Literal interpretation: wording
aa) Different languages
bb) “and”
b) Systematic interpretation
aa) Position of international law within Article 42(1)
bb) Other articles and provisions of the ICSID Convention
c) Conclusion from the textualist interpretation
2. Historical interpretation of the wording: preparatory work
a) Original aims
b) Preliminary and first draft
c) Discussion
d) Final vote
e) Conclusion from the historical interpretation
3.Casuistic interpretation: development of ICSID case-law
a) Article 42(1), first sentence
b) Article 42(1), second sentence
aa) Earlier decisions
bb) Supplemental and corrective role
cc) Change to a broader formulation
c) Conclusion from the casuistic interpretation
4. Comparative interpretation: analysis of external sources
a) Former practice
b) Arbitration rules
c) Multilateral treaties
d) Bilateral treaties: BITs
e) Conclusion from the comparative analysis
5.Teleological interpretation: parties’ interests
a) Claimed interests
b) Underlying interests
c) Conclusion from the teleological interpretation

IV. Conclusion and Future outlook
A. Conclusions on Article 42(1), first sentence
B. Conclusions on Article 42(1), second sentence
C. Future Outlook


Table of ICSID cases

Ende der Leseprobe aus 59 Seiten


The role of international law in Article 42(1) of the Washington Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes
ICSID Convention
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
806 KB
ICSID, International Law, Article 42(1) ICSID Convention, Role of international law
Arbeit zitieren
Lydia Beil (Autor:in), 2011, The role of international law in Article 42(1) of the Washington Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes, München, GRIN Verlag,


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