Taking into consideration the alarming fact of a water crisis, there is a need to efficient water management to conserve the precious input. This text explains the different strategies for efficient management of water for agricultural use involving: conservation of water, integrated water use and optimal allocation of water.
Water is more crucial to Indian agriculture than is commonly perceived. India’s water resources are under considerable stress as the race between food production and population growth surges relentlessly. With 4 per cent of the world’s water resources and 18 per cent of its population, the country will be hard pressed to meet the water requirements of the various growing sectors. Continual population growth and the predicted impacts of climate change, including shifts in precipitation and glacier melt, makes the water challenge greater.
For better use of water in agriculture in water-limited environments, efforts are needed from different research disciplines: agronomists, plant breeders, plant physiologists, plant biotechnologists, water engineers and others, to develop new approaches in water conservation. For example, is it possible to develop crops that require less water and maintain high yield productivity? Among different approaches water productivity or water use efficiency (WUE) is an efficient approach.
- Quote paper
- Rupesh Meena (Author), 2016, Strategies of Efficient management of water in Agriculture, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/337777