A free press is the cornerstone of a democratic society. It has been said that liberty depends on the freedom of the press. However, when these freedoms and rights are left unrestricted or without borders there are likely to be abuses. This write-up looks to figure out the provisions in the 1992 constitution that protect the independence and freedom of the press and also try to find out if there are other provisions in the constitution as well as other legal documents that act as checks on these rights and freedoms. The write-up will later examine situations that could warrant deliberate restrictions on media freedom.
The write-up has been organized into seven sub-headings namely; article 162 of the 1992 constitution, the media, brief history of the media in Ghana, press freedom and the role of the media in Ghana, the need for press freedom in Ghana, abuses of press freedom in Ghana and circumstances that would warrant restrictions on the media without jeopardizing the human rights of Ghanaians.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- Article 162 of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana
- Brief history of the media in Ghana
- The need for press freedom in Ghana
- Abuses of press freedom in Ghana
- Circumstances that would warrant restrictions on the media without jeopardizing the human rights of Ghanaians
- Conclusion
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This write-up aims to analyze the provisions in the 1992 Constitution of Ghana that safeguard press freedom and independence, explore any limitations on these rights, and examine situations that could warrant restrictions on media freedom without violating the human rights of Ghanaians.
- Constitutional guarantees of press freedom in Ghana
- Historical development of the media in Ghana
- The importance of press freedom for a democratic society
- Challenges to press freedom in Ghana
- Circumstances that may justify restrictions on media freedom
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The introduction highlights the significance of a free press in a democratic society and outlines the structure of the write-up.
The chapter on Article 162 of the 1992 Constitution details the provisions that guarantee freedom and independence of the media in Ghana, emphasizing their entrenched nature and the limitations imposed by other laws.
The chapter on the brief history of the media in Ghana traces the evolution of the media landscape from the colonial era to the present day, highlighting key milestones and challenges to press freedom.
The chapter on the need for press freedom in Ghana explores the role of a free press in promoting democracy, accountability, and citizen participation.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This study focuses on media freedom, press independence, constitutional provisions, the 1992 Constitution of Ghana, historical development of the media, challenges to press freedom, restrictions on media freedom, human rights, and the role of the media in a democratic society.
- Quote paper
- Kwesi Nyarkoh Koomson (Author), 2013, Media Freedom in Ghana, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/338932