This essay is about the pros and cons of child labour in the context of the ILO labour standards and the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. The essay is in favor of the abolition of child labour. The facts are mainly based on the situation in Vietnam, but also on the other member states of the TPP.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiation (TPP) is a multilateral free trade negotiation, which should strengthen the economies of the Asia-Pacific region. Currently, 12 countries which are taking part in TPP negotiations announced their interest in a membership. The TPP is considered to be one of the most important trade negotiations of Vietnam now, which includes in not only trade provisions like market opening for goods and services, but also other non-trade ones like investment, labour and environment. Therefore, this agreement should be seen as an opportunity to reinforce and to protect the human rights of children.
The International Labour Organization (ILO) has developed international labour standards to ensure that the globalization of economy provides benefits for everybody, especially in terms of freedom, equity, security and dignity. The abolition of child labour is one of the fundamental conventions, the ILO claims. The “ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up” declared that all members have “to respect, to promote and to realize […] the effective abolition of child labour” (ILO 2015). The demands are defined more precisely in the “Minimum Age Convention” and in the “Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention”.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This paper argues that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement should include enforceable language requiring signatory nations to eliminate child labor. The paper highlights the importance of international labor standards, particularly the ILO's conventions against child labor, and analyzes the impact of child labor on individuals, families, and societies.
- The importance of international labor standards in ensuring fair and equitable globalization.
- The detrimental effects of child labor on children's well-being, education, and future prospects.
- The need for a multilateral framework, such as the TPP, to address child labor concerns and promote social responsibility.
- The complex economic and social factors that contribute to child labor.
- The role of companies and consumers in promoting ethical supply chains and combating child labor.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The paper begins by outlining the objectives of the TPP and the importance of incorporating international labor standards into the agreement. It then discusses the ILO's conventions on child labor, highlighting the definition of child labor and the various forms it can take. The paper further explores the prevalence of child labor in Vietnam, highlighting the economic and social factors that contribute to its persistence. It concludes by emphasizing the need for a comprehensive approach to addressing child labor, including government policies, corporate social responsibility, and consumer awareness.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Child labor, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), International Labour Organization (ILO), labor standards, human rights, globalization, economic development, social responsibility, supply chain, corporate values.
- Quote paper
- Michael Rogg (Author), 2015, Abolition of child labour in context of the ILO labour standards and the TPP, Munich, GRIN Verlag,