As Donald Trump is now President of the United States, it is of interest to analyze his controversial personality. Therefore the research question focusses on elaborating if Donald Trump's personality can be linked to the Dark Triad in psychological personality traits, especially to narcissism.
His hair is aloft. While he is verbally attacking his adversaries, his fingers jab the air. Donald Trump has been forceful, offensive and loud in almost every public debate he participated in. His success gives rise to questions such as these: How could someone like him win the presidency? Why have Americans elected someone who seems to be politically unqualified? How could someone gain acceptance by bullying his competitors as well as denigrating Muslims, Mexicans and women? When Donald Trump announced that he would run for president on 16th June 2015, neither Republicans nor Democrats took him seriously, and some of them saw him as a laughing stock. What was initially perceived as "freak shows" soon turned out to be the main attraction in the media coverage on the presidential campaign.
Can Donald Trump's personality be linked to the dark triad?
Personality and Dark Triad
- Quote paper
- Anil Balci (Author), 2017, Can Donald Trump's personality be linked to the Dark Triad?, Munich, GRIN Verlag,