Israel Zangwill is undoubtedly one of the most influential Anglo-Jewish writers of the 19th century in Victorian England. His collection of short stories established him as the „preeminent literary voice of Anglo-Jewry“. He „revealed and explained an alien community to its non-Jewish neighbours and made the universe of the Jewish immigrants more intelligible to their acculturated coreligionists“. The novel "Children in the Ghetto" became „the first Anglo-Jewish bestseller“. Zangwill therein deals with topics such as the social situation of the Jewish community in London's East End as well as their struggle between being modern and religious Jews at the same time. Assimilation and anglicization therefore are huge topics in his literary work. He also offers pointed insights on the tension between assimilated middle-class West End Jews and mainly poor and newly arrived Eastern European Jews at that time, an important aspect to understand the misconceptions inside the Jewish community.
This seminar paper gives an outline on the history of Jews in England until the 19th century, ending with the later Jewish immigrants that came in the sequel of the pogroms in East Europe in the late 19th century. Furthermore, there is a short outlook on the depictions of Jews in English Literature with a special attention on the most well-known representations of Jews in the works of Chaucer, Shakespeare, Sir Walter Scott, Dickens and George Eliot before a brief summary on the representation of Jewish identity in Anglo-Jewish fiction of the 19th century will be given. Consequently, Israel Zangwill‘s literary works will be analysed to a small extend and afterwards the short story "Anglicization" from his short story collection Ghetto Comedies will be summarized and analysed on its representation of Jewish identity, anglicization/assimilation, anti-Semitism and christianity. The aim of this seminar paper is to answer the question, if and to what extend the history of the Jews in England did influence the representation of the Jewish identity in Zangwill‘s "Anglicization" and if the depictions of anglicization/assimilation, anti-Semitism and christianity in the short story could be transfered onto parts of the Jewish community in 19th century England.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction & interrogation
- History of the Jews in England
- 11th-18th century
- 19th century emancipation
- Anglo-Jewry VS late-19th century immigrants
- Representation of Jewish Identity in non-Jewish literature
- Victorian Anglo-Jewish Fiction
- Israel Zangwill's Anglicization
- Short Summary of Anglicization
- Depicitions of Jewish identity and anglicization/assimiliation
- Depictions of anti-Semitism
- Depictions of christianity
- Conclusion
- Bibliography
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This seminar paper explores the representation of Anglo-Jewish identity, assimilation, anti-Semitism, and Christianity in Israel Zangwill's short story "Anglicization." By examining the historical context of the Jewish community in England, the paper analyzes how the history of the Jews influenced the representation of Jewish identity in Zangwill's work. The paper aims to determine whether the depictions of anglicization/assimilation, anti-Semitism, and Christianity in the short story can be applied to parts of the Jewish community in 19th century England.
- The historical context of the Jewish community in England
- The representation of Jewish identity in Victorian Anglo-Jewish fiction
- The depiction of assimilation and anglicization in Israel Zangwill's "Anglicization"
- The portrayal of anti-Semitism in "Anglicization"
- The representation of Christianity in "Anglicization"
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The paper begins with an introduction that establishes Israel Zangwill as a significant Anglo-Jewish writer of the 19th century, highlighting his contributions to the understanding of Anglo-Jewry. The introduction emphasizes the importance of considering the historical context of the Jewish community in England to comprehend Anglo-Jewish literature.
Chapter 2 provides a historical overview of the Jewish community in England from the 11th to the 19th century. This chapter explores the periods of expulsion, tolerance, and eventual emancipation of Jews in England. It delves into the social and legal constraints faced by the Jewish community before the 19th century, emphasizing the importance of understanding these historical circumstances for comprehending the literary works that emerged during the period of emancipation.
Chapter 3 explores the representation of Jewish identity in non-Jewish literature. It examines depictions of Jews in the works of prominent English authors such as Chaucer, Shakespeare, Sir Walter Scott, Dickens, and George Eliot. This analysis provides a broader context for understanding the representation of Jewish identity in Anglo-Jewish fiction.
Chapter 4 delves into Victorian Anglo-Jewish fiction, acknowledging the significant contributions made by Anglo-Jewish writers during the reign of Queen Victoria. It highlights the emergence of Anglo-Jewish literature as a distinct genre within the broader context of Victorian literature.
Chapter 5 focuses on Israel Zangwill's "Anglicization." It provides a summary of the short story and analyzes its representation of Jewish identity, anglicization/assimilation, anti-Semitism, and Christianity. This chapter explores how the story reflects the tensions and challenges faced by the Jewish community in 19th century England.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Anglo-Jewish identity, assimilation, anglicization, anti-Semitism, Christianity, Victorian literature, Israel Zangwill, "Anglicization," Jewish history in England, social situation of Jews in England, Jewish community in London.
- Quote paper
- Marc Liebe (Author), 2013, Israel Zangwill's "Anglicization". The Literary Representation of Anglo-Jewish Identity, Assimilation, Anglicization, Anti-Semitism and Christianity, Munich, GRIN Verlag,