The Effect of Single Parenting on Students’ Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Arusha City, Tanzania

Masterarbeit, 2016

94 Seiten, Note: B (3)

Inhaltsangabe oder Einleitung

The study aimed to assess the effects of single parenting on students’ academic performance in secondary schools in Arusha city council. The purpose was fulfilled through four specific objectives: to identify the causes of single parenting, to identify the challenges faced by single parents on students' academic performance, to propose the solutions to overcome the challenges faced by single parents on students academic performance, to determine the effects of single parenting on students academic performance in secondary schools in Arusha city and to determine the relationship between single parenting factors and students’ academic performance. The study followed survey design whereby quantitative technique was applied.

The data were collected through questionnaires using a random sample of 612 respondents. It was found that, single parenting is caused by divorce, death, separation and not married. Also, the study revealed that, challenges faced by single parents on supporting students’ academic performance in secondary schools were inability to buy school requirements, lack of enough time to check students’ exercise books, inability to supply money for lunch to their children, poor communication and lack of time to give homework to children. Also, study laid down that, single parenting challenges can be solved through providing the basic necessities to students as well as encouraging their children to study hard. It was also realized that, single parenting leads to economic hardships among students, lack of support from parents, lack of school resources, life stress and instability and anxiety and depression.

The study concluded that, single parenting is caused by divorce, death, separation and not married. Also, the study confirms that, single parenting hinders students’ academic performance in secondary schools. The study recommended that, single parents should buy all school requirements for their children and spend time for academic issues related to their children. The study also recommends that, head teachers should pay more attention to single parenting students and provide counseling to them to encourage them. Also, the government should identify the needs of single parenting students and act accordingly.


The Effect of Single Parenting on Students’ Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Arusha City, Tanzania
Masters of Art in Educational Management
B (3)
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
953 KB
effect, single, parenting, students’, academic, performance, secondary, schools, arusha, city, tanzania
Arbeit zitieren
Joyce G. Malima (Autor:in)Dr. Philip Eric Akech (Autor:in), 2016, The Effect of Single Parenting on Students’ Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Arusha City, Tanzania, München, GRIN Verlag,


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