Pedagogical Praxis in Classrooms. Cognitive Consensual Process in Class Room Activities

Scientific Essay, 2017

10 Pages

Abstract or Introduction

The teacher educators of higher education have been practicing the pedagogy in the classes with the pedagogical consciousness. In this context, this paper attempts to meet the following objectives: to explore the state of naïve cognitive consensus in classroom; to elicit the teacher educators' perspective on the naïve cognitive consensus of the classroom: to analyze the naïve cognitive consensus.

In the ancient era, religious leader, philosopher, Guru, Rishi et cetera used to give wisdom or knowledge to their followers, shisyas or disciples gathering them in certain public places. When formal school systems came into existence, classroom concepts emerged as the closed learning group in the formal schools. The public school systems which were state supported, secular free schools for all children are the historical features of the formal education. Classes of schools and universities are intentionally and formally formed with purpose of learning.

The purposes of school and university education were to fulfill the goals of the nation which had neglected the needs and aspirations of individuals. The pedagogical paradigms institutionalized and practiced across the years can be broadly categorized into four orientations; such as philosophical orientation, psychological orientation, socio-cultural orientation and techno-cultural orientation. In other words, it can be classified into teacher centered, student centered, group interaction, group learning or non-centered teaching and e-teaching or e-instruction.

In the context of Nepal, formal classroom pedagogical practice initiated in 1853 A.D. in Thapathali Darbar, later Darbar School. In 1956 A. D., College of Education was established to produce and train school teachers. This effort enforced to develop and practice pedagogical theories in the classroom. At present, the teacher education programs run under various universities are responsible to produce teachers for the schools of Nepal. In this context, classroom pedagogical discourse is the heart of present teacher education and the educators.


Pedagogical Praxis in Classrooms. Cognitive Consensual Process in Class Room Activities
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Lecturer Karna Bahadur Chongbang (Author), 2017, Pedagogical Praxis in Classrooms. Cognitive Consensual Process in Class Room Activities, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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