This paper examines the other side of gender violence. Domestic violence is not always about men being victimizers and women being victims. In this study, I tried to investigate the opposite of this assumption.
It is generally assumed that, in our Moroccan culture, women, the fairer sex, are the victims of abuse and ill-treatment on the part of their male partners, the rough sex. In this research paper, we aim to examine the reverse of this assumption. Specifically, we aim to provide an answer to the question of whether Moroccan women abuse their male partners, and if the answer is in the affirmative, we intend to answer another, related, double question, namely how and why do Moroccan women abuse their male partners? It would be noted that, in the present work, we use the expression "women’s tyranny” to refer to women’s ill-treatment of men by using harshness, cruelty, and violence, and their prioritization of their own selfish interests over those of men. It also implies the violation of men’s rights and the questioning of their manhood. “The term women’s tyranny will be defined and discussed at length in chapter 1”
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Chapter one: General Introduction
- O. General Introduction
- O.O Introduction
- O.1 Rationale
- O.2 The basic assumption of the study
- O.3 Objectives of the study
- O.4 Research questions
- O.5 Methodology
- O.6 Organization of the work (chapters and sections)
- O.7 Conclusion
- Chapter two: Review of the Literature
- 1. O Introduction
- 1. 1 Stereotypes
- 1.2 Biological differences between men and women
- 1.3 The status of women in Moroccan society nowadays
- 1.4 A cultural approach to gender and language
- 1.4.1 Examples of gender differences
- 1.5 Tyrant
- 1. 6 Fiction
- 1.7 Women's tyranny
- 1. 8 Abuse
- 1.9 Psychological abuse
- 1. 10 Forms of abuse
- 1. 11 Conclusion
- Chapter three: Data collection and classification
- 2.0 Introduction
- 2.1 Data collection
- 2.1.1 Methods
- Observation
- Interviews
- Questionnaire
- 2.1.1 Methods
- 2. 2 Instrumentation
- 2.3 validity and reliability of the questionnaire
- 2.4 The distribution of respondents by age and gender
- 2.4.1 The distribution of respondents by age
- The distribution of respondents by gender
- 2.5 Data classified according to themes
- 2.6 Conclusion
- Chapter four: Data analysis
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3. 2 Data analyzed according to themes
- 3.2.1 The age group of informants
- The number of males and females who participated in filling out the questionnaire
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This research paper aims to investigate the phenomenon of women's abuse of their male partners in Moroccan society. It seeks to challenge the common assumption that women are always the victims of abuse and explore the possibility of men being subjected to ill-treatment. The study aims to answer the question of whether Moroccan women engage in abusive behavior towards their male partners, and if so, to understand the reasons behind it and the methods employed. The study also aims to shed light on the societal perceptions of women's tyranny and its impact on Moroccan families.
- Women's abuse of male partners in Moroccan society
- Challenging traditional gender roles and power dynamics
- The societal perception of women's tyranny
- The impact of cultural and social factors on gender relations
- Methods and reasons behind women's abuse of men
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
Chapter one provides a general introduction to the research topic. It outlines the rationale behind the study, establishes the basic assumption that women might engage in abusive behavior towards men, and defines the concept of "women's tyranny." The chapter also lays out the objectives and research questions, the methodology employed, and the organization of the work.
Chapter two delves into a review of relevant literature. It examines stereotypes about gender roles, biological differences between men and women, the status of women in Moroccan society, and how gender is constructed within a cultural context. It also explores the various forms of abuse that can occur, including physical, psychological, and verbal aggression.
Chapter three focuses on data collection and classification. It outlines the methods used to gather data, including observation, interviews, and questionnaires. It also discusses the validity and reliability of the data collection instruments and presents the demographic characteristics of the respondents. Finally, the chapter classifies the collected data according to various themes relevant to the research topic, such as women's perception of women's tyranny, Moroccan wives' ill-treatment of their husbands, and societal views on the issue.
Chapter four delves into the analysis of the data collected. It examines the data according to the various themes presented in chapter three, taking into account the age and gender of the respondents. The chapter analyzes the collected data and presents insights into the prevalence and nature of women's abuse of men in Moroccan society.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This research paper centers around key concepts such as women's tyranny, gender roles, power dynamics, abuse, ill-treatment, cultural context, societal perceptions, Moroccan society, and data analysis. The study examines the prevalence and reasons behind women's abuse of men in Moroccan society and explores the various forms of abuse, including physical, psychological, and verbal aggression. The research also delves into the societal perceptions of women's tyranny and its impact on Moroccan families.
- Quote paper
- Housseine Bachiri (Author), 2014, Women's Tyranny in Morocco. Domestic Violence in Reverse, Munich, GRIN Verlag,