The Background Field (BF) is an advanced figurative quantum model of the Zero-Point Field, the probable origin of inertia, gravity and EM fields. It explains too, why the speed of light is limited, and unclear phenomena like "antigravitation" and the “Tunnel Effect” by means of interactions between elementary particles and the BF. The BF fills up the whole universe and represents therefore a resistance to any moving particle, even to light.
Our universe consists of a BF located inside an absolute void space. We can imagine the BF as a 3-D matrix of virtual gravitons linked by strings. The tension of the strings produce the resistance, we know as "inertia". Contraction of the BF produces gravitation, while a spinning BF produces EM-fields.
If we made a "hole" in the BF, this hole would have no more any inherent resistance, thus allowing to increase the velocity of particles beyond “c”. Such tiny holes in the BF are probably the origin of the "Tunnel Effect“. This effect is the first evidence for the BF. A second evidence for the BF is the higher temperature of the solar corona (up to 2x106°C) with respect to the photosphere (5,500°C) due to the high pressure of radiation that just leaves the material surface of the sun and produces large "holes" in the surrounding BF. The lack of resistance in such holes allows photons to accelerate beyond "c", thus gaining more energy and making increase the temperature in the corona.
Furthermore, if antigravitation resulted to be real, it would be the third evidence for this model, since it would be the result of competition between EM and gravitational fields for virtual particles derived from the BF. Experimental evidence of the BF would be the prediction that “c” increases in the outer space where the BF is less dense and inertia less intense. An anomalous behavior of gravitational attraction between celestial bodies could be the result of a hole in the BF between those bodies.
Finally, spacecrafts could use strong EM-radiation to produce holes in the BF and achieve practically unlimited speeds.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Results
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
The objective of this work is to present a model of the Background Field (BF), a quantum model of the Zero-Point Field, and to provide evidence supporting its existence. The model aims to explain various phenomena, including inertia, gravity, electromagnetic fields, the Tunnel Effect, and potentially antigravitation.
- The Background Field (BF) as a model of the Zero-Point Field.
- The relationship between the BF and inertia, gravity, and electromagnetic fields.
- Explanation of the Tunnel Effect through interactions with the BF.
- Potential evidence for the BF from the solar corona's temperature and antigravitation.
- Implications of the BF for spacecraft propulsion.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
Abstract: The abstract introduces the Background Field (BF) as an advanced quantum model of the Zero-Point Field, explaining inertia, gravity, electromagnetic fields, and phenomena like antigravitation and the Tunnel Effect through particle-BF interactions. It posits the BF as a universe-filling resistance to particle movement, even light, and suggests evidence for its existence in the Tunnel Effect, the solar corona's high temperature (attributed to BF "holes" allowing photon acceleration beyond 'c'), and the potential reality of antigravitation. The possibility of using strong EM radiation to create BF "holes" for faster-than-light travel is also mentioned.
Introduction: This section explores unresolved aspects in physics, such as the Tunnel Effect and inertia, suggesting a potential deficiency in current understanding or a need for a more complete concept of time. It highlights recent developments in string theory and Zero-Point Energy (ZPE) research, indicating a possible link between inertia and gravitation. The author's approach centers on the interrelation of inertia, gravity, EM fields, the Tunnel Effect, and antigravitation, considering the BF as a 3-D field of virtual gravitons within an absolute void. The prediction of BF "holes" allowing faster-than-light particle velocity is introduced, with the Tunnel Effect presented as initial evidence due to its overlight speed properties, generated by intense EM radiation.
Results: This section describes the universe as comprising an absolute void and the BF, composed of virtual gravitons (VGs) linked by strings in a 3-D matrix. This matrix generates phenomena such as inertia, gravity, EM fields, and the Tunnel Effect. The absence of the BF would fundamentally alter the universe, as particles would accelerate beyond 'c' without the inherent resistance of the BF. The BF's composition of VGs and strings is further explored, explaining its ability to generate EM and gravitational fields through interactions with material particles. A detailed explanation of neutral interaction between fermions and VGs is presented, describing how kinetic energy is transferred, gravitons are created, and inertia arises as a resistance from the strings anchoring the VGs. The section concludes by elaborating on the continuous contraction and reorganization of the BF due to these interactions.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Background Field, Zero-Point Field, inertia, gravity, electromagnetic fields, Tunnel Effect, antigravitation, speed of light, virtual particles, string theory, Zero-Point Energy.
Frequently Asked Questions: A Comprehensive Language Preview
What is the main topic of this document?
This document presents a model of the Background Field (BF), a quantum model of the Zero-Point Field, and provides evidence supporting its existence. The model aims to explain various phenomena, including inertia, gravity, electromagnetic fields, the Tunnel Effect, and potentially antigravitation.
What are the key themes explored in this document?
Key themes include the nature of the Background Field (BF) as a quantum model of the Zero-Point Field; the relationship between the BF and inertia, gravity, and electromagnetic fields; the explanation of the Tunnel Effect through interactions with the BF; potential evidence for the BF from the solar corona's temperature and antigravitation; and the implications of the BF for spacecraft propulsion.
What is the Background Field (BF)?
The Background Field (BF) is presented as a universe-filling resistance to particle movement, even light. It's a 3-D field of virtual gravitons within an absolute void, linked by strings in a matrix. This matrix generates inertia, gravity, electromagnetic fields, and the Tunnel Effect.
How does the BF explain inertia and gravity?
The BF explains inertia as a resistance from the strings anchoring the virtual gravitons. Gravity and electromagnetic fields are generated through interactions between the BF and material particles. Specifically, kinetic energy transfer between fermions and virtual gravitons leads to graviton creation and the resulting inertia.
How does the BF explain the Tunnel Effect?
The Tunnel Effect is explained as a result of interactions with the BF. Its overlight speed properties, generated by intense EM radiation, are presented as initial evidence for the BF's existence and the possibility of "holes" in the BF allowing faster-than-light particle velocities.
What evidence is presented for the existence of the BF?
Evidence supporting the BF's existence is suggested through the Tunnel Effect, the high temperature of the solar corona (attributed to BF "holes" accelerating photons beyond the speed of light), and the potential reality of antigravitation.
What are the potential implications of the BF for spacecraft propulsion?
The possibility of using strong EM radiation to create BF "holes" for faster-than-light travel is discussed as a potential implication for spacecraft propulsion.
What is the structure of the document?
The document includes an abstract, introduction, results section, a table of contents, objectives and key themes, chapter summaries, and keywords.
What are the key words associated with this document?
Key words include: Background Field, Zero-Point Field, inertia, gravity, electromagnetic fields, Tunnel Effect, antigravitation, speed of light, virtual particles, string theory, Zero-Point Energy.
What is the overall conclusion of this document?
The document proposes the Background Field as a comprehensive model explaining various fundamental phenomena in physics, offering a new perspective on concepts like inertia, gravity, and the possibility of faster-than-light travel.
- Quote paper
- Dr. Carlos Calvet (Author), 2000, The Background Field Theory, Munich, GRIN Verlag,