The recent 20 years have been the era of globalization with enormous growth in international trade and foreign direct investment (FDI). In former times, most Western companies did not engage in international business. On the hand their domestic market seemed to be attractive enough and there were sufficient opportunities for growth. On the other hand, companies did not have to take into consideration the specific features of foreign markets, such as foreign languages and “strange” cultural behaviour. Nowadays, however, the changing business environment has forced most companies to seek opportunities in foreign markets as well. (Compare: Kotler, Armstrong, Saunders, Wong; Page 166) This development has led to the existence of so - called MNCs - multinational companies, which conduct business globally. Nowadays, there is no economy in which foreign companies are not active. In those companies, employees, suppliers and customers come from many different cultures, which has led to an increasing awareness about questions related to Cross Cultural Management (Compare: Bergemann, Sourisseaux; Page 9) In my essay, I will concentrate on this topic and I will try to describe cross cultural management in France. Concerning the structure of this essay, I want to start off by trying to give an explanation of the term "culture". Afterwards, I will explain one of the best known models to describe cultural dimensions -Hofstede's 5-D-Model- and point out French and German cultural elements. But my main goal is to show how culture influences the management process and the business behaviour of the French company leaders and to compare these elements to the German business people. I will explain some differences between German and French business people, as far as management and leadership are concerned, by the help of an investigation of small and medium – sized companies. By describing three important features – values and objectives, internal leadership and external leadership I will point out the main differences between German and French company leaders, as far as leading and representing the firm, but also behaviour in daily business life and the relationship to business partners is concerned. Finally, I will point out, what German business people have to consider when they do business with French companies, how they can avoid mistakes in business decisions, how Germans should behave in a French company and draw a conclusion of this essay.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Main objectives and overview of the essay
- Definition of the term "culture"
- Hofstede's 5- Model
- German and French cultural dimensions in comparison
- Intercultural communication – Comparison between Germany and France
- Goals and Values
- Internal Leadership
- External Leadership
- Summary of the results
- Summary
- Reference
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This essay aims to explore the concept of cross-cultural management, focusing on the specific context of France. It seeks to provide an understanding of how culture influences management processes and business behavior within French companies, particularly in comparison to German business practices.
- The definition and dimensions of "culture"
- The application of Hofstede's 5-D-Model to German and French cultures
- The influence of culture on management styles and business practices in France
- The differences between German and French leadership styles and behaviors
- Practical implications for German companies operating in France
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Chapter 1: Main Objectives and Overview of the Essay: This chapter provides an introduction to the topic of cross-cultural management and its increasing relevance in the era of globalization. It outlines the essay's structure and key objectives, emphasizing the focus on France and its comparison to German business practices.
- Chapter 2: Definition of the term "Culture": This chapter explores various definitions of "culture" and presents a comprehensive understanding of the term as a set of rules, norms, and values that influence our perceptions, judgments, and feelings. It emphasizes the role of culture in defining group identity.
- Chapter 2.1: Hofstede's 5- Model: This chapter delves into Hofstede's renowned 5-D-Model, examining its five cultural dimensions: power distance, individualism vs. collectivism, masculinity vs. femininity, uncertainty avoidance, and short-term vs. long-term orientation. It provides definitions and examples of each dimension.
- Chapter 2.2: German and French Cultural Dimensions in Comparison: This chapter analyzes Hofstede's dimensions in the context of Germany and France, highlighting the implications for business life. It examines the differences in power distance, individualism vs. collectivism, and uncertainty avoidance between the two countries.
- Chapter 3: Intercultural Communication – Comparison between Germany and France: This chapter explores the differences between German and French business practices in terms of goals and values, internal leadership, and external leadership. It aims to provide practical insights for German companies operating in France.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The essay focuses on key concepts related to cross-cultural management, specifically exploring the cultural dimensions of Germany and France, including Hofstede's 5-D-Model, leadership styles, business behaviors, and the impact of culture on organizational practices.
- Quote paper
- Christian Herbst (Author), 2004, Cross Cultural Management in France, Munich, GRIN Verlag,