This thesis examines the effect of cultural factors on entrepreneurship in different eco-systems including attitudes and the role of journalism.
The object of this thesis is an exemplary examination of the question in a national context, whether and to what extent cultural dimensions influence individual’s propensity to found a start-up. The entrepreneurial activities in Germany and the United States differ from each other which is also reasoned by different value systems and attitudes. Indications of rather an individualist or collectivist and rather a risk-averse or risk-affine attitude towards start-ups and its foundation will be focused upon. Building on Hofstede’s research on cultural dimensions, newspaper and blog articles from the United States and Germany dealing with start-up foundations and the attitude of the respective society on start-ups including the founders’ views will be analyzed. Since all cultural dimensions are intercorrelated, quantifying the effects of how much single cultural dimensions influence start-up foundations while excluding the influence of other dimensions is difficult.
Therefore, the thesis does not examine the effects of the above mentioned two cultural dimensions isolated from other cultural factors, but it sets a focus on those two dimensions by analyzing statements and ideas published in newspaper and blog articles that deal with founders and start-ups.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- Theoretical Background: Culture & Entrepreneurial Activity
- Culture
- National Culture
- Assessing Cultural Difference
- Cultural Dimensions
- Individualism & Collectivism
- Risk Aversion & Risk Affinity
- Start-ups
- Content Analysis: Cultural Factors influencing Start-up Foundation
- Methodology
- Influence of Individualistic & Collectivistic Attitudes of German Society
- Influence of Individualistic & Collectivistic Attitudes of US-American Society
- Influence of Risk-averse & Risk-taking Attitudes of German Society
- Influence of Risk-averse & Risk-taking Attitudes of US-American Society
- Discussion
- Conclusion
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This study aims to examine the impact of cultural factors on attitudes towards start-ups, specifically comparing the entrepreneurial landscapes of Germany and the United States. It explores how cultural dimensions, such as individualism, collectivism, risk aversion, and risk affinity, influence the foundation and development of start-ups in these two countries.
- The influence of cultural factors on entrepreneurial activity.
- The role of national culture in shaping attitudes towards start-ups.
- A comparative analysis of the start-up ecosystems in Germany and the United States.
- The impact of cultural dimensions, including individualism, collectivism, and risk aversion, on start-up foundation and development.
- Exploring the connection between cultural values and economic performance.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Introduction: This chapter introduces the topic of entrepreneurship, particularly the significance of start-ups in driving economic growth. It highlights the contrasting entrepreneurial environments in Silicon Valley and Germany, showcasing the disparity in start-up creation and funding.
- Theoretical Background: Culture & Entrepreneurial Activity: This chapter delves into the concept of culture and its influence on entrepreneurial activity. It discusses national culture, cultural dimensions, individualism versus collectivism, and risk aversion versus risk affinity, providing a theoretical framework for understanding how culture shapes entrepreneurial behavior.
- Content Analysis: Cultural Factors influencing Start-up Foundation: This chapter presents a methodology for analyzing the influence of cultural factors on start-up foundation. It examines the impact of individualistic and collectivistic attitudes, as well as risk-averse and risk-taking behaviors, on the German and US-American entrepreneurial contexts.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This study focuses on the key topics of cultural factors, entrepreneurship, start-ups, national culture, cultural dimensions, individualism, collectivism, risk aversion, risk affinity, Germany, and the United States.
- Quote paper
- Magdalena Pusch (Author), 2017, The Influence of Cultural Factors in Attitudes towards Start-ups, Munich, GRIN Verlag,