For decades, there has been a widespread assumption in the field of English language education that native speakers are better teachers. They are said ‘to speak “unaccented” English, understand and use idiomatic expressions fluently, and completely navigate the culture of at least one English-dominant society. As a result, nonnative English-speaking educators have found themselves often implicitly, and sometimes explicitly discriminated against’ native speakers of English.
Around the world 80 per cent of English language teachers are non-native speakers of English. But native speakers of English are usually given more value: they find it easier to get a job as an English teacher and get in general better payed. They are seen as belonging to a higher professional status than non-native speakers. It is said that as native speakers grew up speaking English they are more acquainted with the language and with that provide a better language education to their students.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Native Speaker Teachers vs. Non-Native Speaker Teachers
- Native Speakers: Advantages and Disadvantages
- Higher Level of English Language Proficiency
- Lack of Language Awareness and Pedagogic Skills
- Native Speakers: Sociocultural Competence
- Native Speakers: Confidence and Fluency
- Native Speakers: Models for Native Speakers of English
- Non-Native Speaker Teachers: Advantages and Disadvantages
- Understanding and Sensitivity to Learners' Backgrounds
- Translation and Language Analysis
- Models for Successful Language Learners
- The Role of Standard English
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This essay examines the long-standing debate about whether native speakers of English make better teachers of English as a foreign language compared to non-native speakers. The essay aims to provide a balanced perspective, acknowledging both the strengths and weaknesses of each group. It explores the advantages and disadvantages of both native and non-native teachers, ultimately arguing that both types of teachers hold valuable qualities and can contribute significantly to language education.
- The advantages and disadvantages of native speaker teachers
- The advantages and disadvantages of non-native speaker teachers
- The importance of language awareness and pedagogic skills for both native and non-native teachers
- The role of cultural competence and understanding learners' backgrounds
- The role of Standard English in language education
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Native Speaker Teachers: The essay first explores the advantages and disadvantages of native speaker teachers. It acknowledges that native speakers often have a higher level of English proficiency but may lack language awareness and pedagogical skills due to their lack of experience learning English as a foreign language. However, native speakers can also be valuable for their ability to teach sociocultural competence and provide an authentic cultural experience for learners.
- Non-Native Speaker Teachers: The essay then focuses on the strengths of non-native speaker teachers, highlighting their deep understanding of their learners' backgrounds and their ability to translate effectively. Non-native teachers can also act as role models for successful language learners, demonstrating that it is possible to acquire a high level of proficiency in English despite not being a native speaker.
- Standard English: The essay concludes by considering the importance of Standard English in language education and arguing that a teacher's language proficiency should be closer to Standard English than to any particular variety of English spoken by native speakers.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The essay explores the key topics of native speakerism, language awareness, pedagogic skills, sociocultural competence, language acquisition, and the role of Standard English in foreign language education. It examines the perspectives of both native and non-native English teachers, considering their advantages and disadvantages in the context of language teaching.
- Quote paper
- Clara Winterfeld (Author), 2017, Is it better to learn English from a native or a non-native speaker teacher?, Munich, GRIN Verlag,