In retrospect, technology seems to have a dark shadow behind its benefits. Effects of computer games on the behavior of children is one of the most debated topics in psychology studies because of the robust growth in video game industry in the last few years. A background study on the growth of the video industry shows that it is one of the fastest growing industries in the entertainment industry with the video games of all genres becoming the most popular form of media. The children are one of the most players in the industry and as a result, its effect on children cannot be ignored. Contrary to the public perception, the video game industry is catching speed as research shows that over 45 million households in the United States posses a video game console. It is also debatable that young children are gaining access to violent video gamers in the United States and other countries across the globe. As a result, the young people are more susceptible to the negative effects of video games compared to the older adults (above 34 years of age).
The effects of the video games among children have, therefore, attracted concerns among the parents, medical professionals, educators, society, and policy makers. Research shows that school shooting and youth violence are on the rise in the United States attributed to the growth of video games hence attracting public concerns in the country. For instance, the growth of several violent games such as brutality and gore, two games well known for their use of guns, and doom and resident evil are popular violent video games in the United States and their increasing violent content has been linked with the school shootings and youth violence in the country.
Therefore, this report explores the link between video games and children’s behavior. The methodology used in this report is the analysis of both primary and secondary literature that focuses on the correlation between violent video games and acts of aggression in the society such as violent crimes. Relevant books and journals have been utilized with intensive research and debates on the effects of video games on the behavior of children.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- Theoretical Perspectives
- Effects of Video Games on the Behavior of Young Children
- Conclusion
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This report investigates the relationship between video game consumption and children's behavioral patterns. The report analyzes both primary and secondary literature, focusing on the correlation between violent video games and aggressive behavior in society. The report aims to shed light on the potential impact of video games on children's development, particularly in the context of violent video game content.
- The impact of violent video games on children's behavior.
- The role of theoretical perspectives, particularly the aggression model, in understanding the link between video games and aggression.
- The effects of video game consumption on children's cognitive skills, attention spans, and social interactions.
- The potential consequences of video game addiction on children's mental and physical health.
- The broader societal implications of the increasing prevalence of video games and their potential impact on crime rates and social norms.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Introduction: This chapter introduces the topic of video games and their potential effects on children's behavior. It highlights the increasing prevalence of video games, particularly violent video games, and discusses the concerns surrounding their potential negative impact on children. The chapter also outlines the methodology used in the report, which involves an analysis of both primary and secondary literature.
- Theoretical Perspectives: This chapter explores the aggression model, a prominent theory that links exposure to violent video games to increased aggression in children and adults. The chapter discusses the theory's key arguments and evidence, highlighting the potential mechanisms through which violent video games might influence aggressive behaviors.
- Effects of Video Games on the Behavior of Young Children: This chapter delves into the specific effects of video games on children's behavior. It examines the role of video games in shaping children's cognitive skills, attention spans, and social interactions. The chapter also discusses the potential for video game addiction and its associated negative consequences. The chapter explores evidence suggesting that video game consumption may contribute to increased crime rates and attention deficits among children.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This report examines the relationship between video games, especially violent video games, and children's behavior. It explores the potential impact of video game consumption on aggression, cognitive skills, attention span, social interaction, and mental health. Key terms and concepts include violent video games, aggression model, cognitive skills, attention deficits, video game addiction, and societal implications.
- Quote paper
- Patrick Kimuyu (Author), 2018, Effects of Video Games on Children’s Behavior, Munich, GRIN Verlag,