The Internet has enabled people from all over the world, with different backgrounds and different social status, to communicate with each other. Through instant messaging and other platforms it has become possible to have written conversations with another person. Therefore, the Internet has become an important part of communication and over time different ways of communicating and expressing oneself on the Internet have developed. This has different reasons and meanings. To understand this, various aspects have to be taken into account. In this paper, I will focus on the social factors of the question what Internet language is and how it developed and continues to develop.
First of all, I will examine to what extent Internet language is jargon or slang and the reasons for this. In order to do that it first has to be looked at what the differences between the two types of language usages are and special attention has to be paid to who uses these varieties and how they are used by these people. It also has to be looked at where on the Internet these forms are used and what the meanings of the use of such a language are to determine what Internet language actually is.
In the second part of this paper, I will continue to discuss my findings of the first part in terms of the social aspects of Internet language and its meaning for the construction of identities and judgment of others. Therefore, my paper will focus on the question of what social identity (or construction of identity and identification with a certain social and age group) has to do with different language usage among different groups of Internet users. I will argue that language use on the Internet functions as a method of social identification with and among certain user-groups and differentiation from other groups.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Main Part
- Internet Language: Jargon or Slang?
- Internet Language and Group Identification
- 3. Conclusion
- 4. Bibliography
- 5. List Of Further Reading
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This paper examines the social factors influencing the development and use of internet language. It aims to analyze the relationship between online language and group identification, exploring how language use contributes to the formation and expression of online identities.
- The distinction between internet jargon and slang.
- The role of internet language in group identification.
- The relationship between language use and social status/background.
- The evolution of internet language from specialized jargon to mainstream slang.
- The use of internet language as a tool for both inclusion and exclusion within online communities.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
1. Introduction: This introductory chapter sets the stage for the paper by highlighting the significance of the internet as a communication medium and the subsequent development of unique linguistic features within online spaces. It lays out the paper's central focus on the social aspects of internet language, particularly its role in group identity and its evolution from jargon to slang. The chapter explicitly states the intention to investigate how internet language functions as a mechanism for social identification within different online user groups, thereby establishing a clear research objective and framework for the subsequent analysis.
2. Main Part: Internet Language: Jargon or Slang?: This section delves into the definition and differentiation of jargon and slang, drawing on Flexner's work to establish that jargon represents the technical vocabulary of specific subgroups, while slang refers to informal language used by a larger but not universally accepted population. The chapter highlights how slang often evolves from jargon as it gains wider usage and acceptance. It argues that the internet exhibits a similar dynamic, with various online communities employing their own jargon, which can transition into slang, and eventually into standard language, demonstrating a continuous evolution of internet linguistic norms. The chapter also explores how language choices reflect group membership and the desire for both inclusion and exclusion within specific online communities.
2. Main Part: Internet Language and Group Identification: This section shifts the focus to the social implications of online language use, emphasizing its function as a tool for self-identification and group affiliation. Building upon the previous chapter's exploration of jargon and slang, it argues that internet language serves as a marker of social identity, influenced by factors like age, gender, and professional background. The chapter supports this argument by citing Crystal's observation on the strong sense of identity among hackers, reflecting a broader trend in online communities where language use reinforces a shared culture and expertise. This analysis connects language choices to the construction and maintenance of online group identities, highlighting how shared linguistic codes foster a sense of belonging and distinction from other groups.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Internet language, jargon, slang, group identification, social identity, online communities, internet culture, language evolution, social status, online communication.
FAQ: A Comprehensive Language Preview
What is the topic of this paper?
This paper examines the social factors influencing the development and use of internet language. It focuses on the relationship between online language and group identification, exploring how language use contributes to the formation and expression of online identities.
What are the key themes explored in the paper?
The key themes include the distinction between internet jargon and slang; the role of internet language in group identification; the relationship between language use and social status/background; the evolution of internet language from specialized jargon to mainstream slang; and the use of internet language as a tool for both inclusion and exclusion within online communities.
What is the structure of the paper?
The paper is structured into five sections: an introduction, a main part divided into two subsections ("Internet Language: Jargon or Slang?" and "Internet Language and Group Identification"), a conclusion, a bibliography, and a list of further reading. The table of contents provides a detailed overview of the chapters and subsections.
What are the main arguments presented in the introduction?
The introduction highlights the significance of the internet as a communication medium and the development of unique linguistic features in online spaces. It establishes the paper's focus on the social aspects of internet language, particularly its role in group identity and evolution from jargon to slang. The introduction clearly states the research objective: to investigate how internet language functions as a mechanism for social identification within different online user groups.
How does the paper define and differentiate between jargon and slang?
The paper draws on Flexner's work to define jargon as the technical vocabulary of specific subgroups, and slang as informal language used by a larger, but not universally accepted, population. It argues that internet language often evolves from jargon to slang as it gains wider usage and acceptance, reflecting a continuous evolution of online linguistic norms.
How does the paper discuss the role of internet language in group identification?
The paper argues that internet language serves as a marker of social identity, influenced by factors like age, gender, and professional background. It cites Crystal's observation on the strong sense of identity among hackers as an example of how shared linguistic codes foster a sense of belonging and distinction from other groups within online communities.
What are the key takeaways from the chapter summaries?
The chapter summaries highlight the evolution of internet language from specialized jargon to more widely used slang, its role in shaping online group identities, and its function as a tool for both inclusion and exclusion within online communities. They emphasize the social and cultural aspects of online communication and the importance of language in constructing and maintaining online social groups.
What keywords are associated with this paper?
The keywords associated with this paper include: Internet language, jargon, slang, group identification, social identity, online communities, internet culture, language evolution, social status, and online communication.
- Quote paper
- Katharina Gerhardt (Author), 2015, Internet Language and Group Identification, Munich, GRIN Verlag,