Hoax as A Threat Towards Nation's Diversity. A Challenge for Indonesian Government to Overcome It

A Case Study of Hoax Dissemination About Tanjung Balai in 2016

Fallstudie, 2017

7 Seiten, Note: 3.00

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Popularity of any type of media might be accomplished by various means, one of which is to disseminate hoax. As hoax is considered interesting or sensational with a purpose to attract attention or to enhance profit, media industry is always trapped to publish hoax since it is considered "a false truth". Particularly, social media has a huge tendency to disseminate hoax due to its speed capacity and flexibility to be accessed by public in various social , economy , and education statuses.

Apart of the purpose to attract attention or to enhance profit, hoax currently has become a sharp weapon to attack peace situation in the nation diversity. Indonesia with a very diverse circumstance is a priority target for hoax dissemination, principally the one regarding religion and political issues. Case of Tanjung Balai is one of the most dangerous hoaxes due to its negative impacts for the region and its local society. In national scale, it encourages negativity to minority groups, in this case Chinese and Non Moslems. Fortunately, local and national government anticipated it well and conducted strict enforce to the disseminating actor.

Through direct observation to various media and literature study, this paper is intended to uncover the threat of hoax for nation's diversity and how the government's attempt is to implement anticipating actions to eradicate further negative effects due to hoax dissemination in this country generally.


Hoax as A Threat Towards Nation's Diversity. A Challenge for Indonesian Government to Overcome It
A Case Study of Hoax Dissemination About Tanjung Balai in 2016
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
446 KB
This paper elaborates how hoax might develop as a means of segregating the society and lead to nation separation as well as how the government overcome the conflict by imposing strict actions to enforce the existing law in the province.
hoax, nation's diversity, government's attempt
Arbeit zitieren
Fanny S Alam (Autor:in), 2017, Hoax as A Threat Towards Nation's Diversity. A Challenge for Indonesian Government to Overcome It, München, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/428702


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