Caltex Australia Limited is a multinational petroleum brand corporation working with 3500 employees in more than 60 countries throughout the Asia-Pacific region as well as the Middle East and southern Africa. Operating in the oil and gas industry Caltex accommodates its largest oil retail network in Australia and pursues a strong commitment to sustainability in terms of environment, workforce and customer relations.
Nowadays diversity management gains a significant relevance. It describes “the systematic and planned commitment on the part of organisations to recruit and retain employees from diverse backgrounds” (Kirton 2009). Due to profound and rapid change in demography diversity management becomes a necessary adjustment for global corporations which is simultaneously a precious “competitive advantage bringing real value to companies by adding to the collective skills and experience of the organisation” (Australian Institute of Company Directors, 2010).
This report focuses on Caltex’s diversity management and explores opportunities of improvement by applying the Six Approaches Framework of Brosnan. An implemented set of practices valuing diversity in a workforce primarily directed at improving business goals and not consequently following a legal requirement, “entails a positive duty [on international corporations] to promoting race equality policy” (Ahmed & Swan 2006). By analysing the company’s lacks in diversity management, the report includes recommendations how to manage diversity at Caltex more efficiently.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- Current Diversity Management Strategies
- Analysis of Current Diversity Management Strategies and the Application of the Six Approaches Framework by Brosnan.
- 1) Ethnospecific approach
- 2) EEO/Antidiscrimination approach
- 3) Psychological\\interpersonal approach
- 4) Productive diversity
- Effectiveness of Current Strategies
- The Diversity Needs of Caltex Australia Lmtd.
- Recommendations
- Conclusion
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This report examines Caltex Australia Limited's diversity management strategies, evaluating their effectiveness and exploring opportunities for improvement. The report utilizes Brosnan's Six Approaches Framework to analyze Caltex's current practices and identify potential areas for development.
- The implementation of diversity policies at Caltex Australia Limited.
- The effectiveness of Caltex's current diversity management strategies.
- The application of Brosnan's Six Approaches Framework to assess Caltex's diversity management practices.
- Identifying areas for improvement in Caltex's diversity management strategies.
- Providing recommendations for enhancing diversity management at Caltex.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Introduction: This section introduces Caltex Australia Limited, outlining its operations and commitment to sustainability. It emphasizes the importance of diversity management for global corporations and highlights the report's focus on analyzing and improving Caltex's diversity strategies.
- Current Diversity Management Strategies: This chapter outlines the three primary strategies implemented by Caltex to promote diversity: initiatives for women in management, indigenous employment, and flexible work arrangements. It provides detailed descriptions of each program, including the rationale behind their development.
- Analysis of Current Diversity Management Strategies and the Application of the Six Approaches Framework by Brosnan: This chapter applies Brosnan's Six Approaches Framework to evaluate Caltex's diversity strategies. It examines the ethnospecific, EEO/Antidiscrimination, psychological/interpersonal, and productive diversity approaches, highlighting how they relate to Caltex's current practices.
- Effectiveness of Current Strategies: This section analyzes the effectiveness of Caltex's diversity strategies, focusing on their measurable outcomes and potential shortcomings. It discusses the importance of measuring the impact of diversity policies to ensure genuine implementation and effectiveness.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Diversity management, Caltex Australia Limited, Brosnan's Six Approaches Framework, ethnospecific approach, EEO/Antidiscrimination approach, psychological/interpersonal approach, productive diversity, women in management, indigenous employment, flexible working arrangements, diversity policies, organizational culture, inclusion, equal opportunities, business goals.
- Quote paper
- Jenny Streb (Author), 2015, An Analysis of Caltex Australia Lmtd's Management of Diversity Policies, Munich, GRIN Verlag,