A computerized information system for organization and supervision of the implementation of incoming orders for the sale and installation of satellite equipment in the company “Eco-Engineering”

Academic Paper, 2015

9 Pages, Grade: 5.00

Abstract or Introduction

Digital television is beginning to make its way to the Bulgarian market as one of the reasons was the increasing amount of information about it. In essence, it means television signal, which is broadcast transmission and reception entirely in digital form. From the moment of its generation to its adoption by the television decoders, it never converts to an analog signal.
HDTV (High Definition Television) is a digital standard for broadcasting and reception of television channels. It features a high-resolution picture and more specific requirements for the television receivers. The standard was born in 2003, and in the middle of 2014, it began to offer the first receivers that meet the requirements of this technology. Due to the growing number of customers, the number of distributors offering digital tv in Bulgaria is constantly growing, as well as providing the necessary equipment for the broadcast.
What is more, the aim of my essay is to present a computerized information system for organization and supervision of the implementation of incoming orders for the sale and installation of satellite equipment in the company “Eco-Engineering”.


A computerized information system for organization and supervision of the implementation of incoming orders for the sale and installation of satellite equipment in the company “Eco-Engineering”
System Development
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ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Book)
digital television, computerized information, supervision, incoming orders, sale, installation, satellite equipment
Quote paper
Kostadin Ruychev (Author), 2015, A computerized information system for organization and supervision of the implementation of incoming orders for the sale and installation of satellite equipment in the company “Eco-Engineering”, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/437392


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Title: A computerized information system for organization and supervision of the implementation of incoming orders for the sale and installation of satellite equipment in the company “Eco-Engineering”

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