The Quilt in the Short Story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker as a Symbol for the Appreciation of the Heritage of African-American People

Essay, 2017

6 Seiten

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This essay deals with the short story “Everyday Use“ by Alice Walker, which was first published in 1973 as a part of the short story collection "In Love and Trouble". The short story contains many symbols, one of them a handmade quilt, which the two sisters Maggie and Dee (or “Wangero”, as she calls herself) both want to have, but for different reasons.

In this essay I am going to show that the handmade quilt as a family heritage both symbolises the appreciation of the history of the family and the history of the African-American people. I will also argue that the two sisters, who both want to have the quilt, represent different ideas of how to appreciate the family’s heritage and their origin: While Maggie sees the quilt as an everyday object and wants to maintain the traditions, Dee wants to keep it as a piece of art to depict it as an artefact of a past life, which is no longer reality for her and the African-American people.


The Quilt in the Short Story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker as a Symbol for the Appreciation of the Heritage of African-American People
Universität Bielefeld  (Fakultät für Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft)
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
This is an ungraded essay. Yet, the lecturer's feedback was very positive and the essay was assessed as adequate to pass the course.
Everyday Use, Alice Walker, Quilt, African-American, Heritage, Appreciation, Short Story
Arbeit zitieren
Nina Schütze (Autor:in), 2017, The Quilt in the Short Story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker as a Symbol for the Appreciation of the Heritage of African-American People, München, GRIN Verlag,


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Titel: The Quilt in the Short Story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker as a Symbol for the Appreciation of the Heritage of African-American People

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