Theorems of Electrical Engineering

Technischer Bericht, 2018

233 Seiten, Note: 1.0

Inhaltsangabe oder Einleitung

In this book, various concepts of the electrical theorems are arranged logically and explained in a simple reader-friendly language. For the proper understanding of the theorems, a large number of problems with their step-by-step solutions are discussed to enhance the conceptual clarity. The book is very simple and easy to understand. The novelty of this book is that the title of the chapter is given by the name of Scientist those who invented the theorems. And an autobiography of each scientist is given at the beginning of each chapter. The multiple choice objective type questions with answers are also given at the end of this book; this will help the students for the preparation of competitive examinations and also for deep understanding.

The prerequisite of the book is that the knowledge of physics and basic mathematics is essential. The objective of this book is to understand the principles of electrical circuit theorems. The electric circuit theorems are always beneficial to find voltage and currents in multi-loop circuits. These fundamental theorems include the basic theorems like Kirchhoff’s laws, Superposition theorem, Tellegen’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem and Thevenin’s theorems. Other groups of network theorems which are mostly used in the circuit analysis process which include Compensation theorem, Substitution theorem, Reciprocity theorem, Millman’s theorem and Miller’s theorems. In this book, various concepts of the electrical theorems are arranged logically and explained in a simple reader-friendly language. For the proper understanding of the theorems, a large number of problems with their step-by-step solutions are discussed to enhance the conceptual clarity. The book is very simple and easy to understand. The novelty of this book is that the title of the chapter is given by the name of Scientist those who invented the theorems. And an autobiography of each scientist is given at the beginning of each chapter. The multiple choice objective type questions with answers are also given at the end of this book; this will help the students for the preparation of competitive examinations and also for deep understanding. The first chapter covers the fundamentals of electrical engineering, which include voltage current, temperature effect on resistance, specific resistance and effect of temperature on temperature coefficient.


Theorems of Electrical Engineering
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
electronic, engineering, Concept, theorem
Arbeit zitieren
Dr. Shankar Dandare (Autor:in), 2018, Theorems of Electrical Engineering, München, GRIN Verlag,


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