At the end of his languages and applied linguistics studies, the researcher decides to carry out the research about Linguistic communication challenges encountered by tourist visiting Musanze District under the case study of VNP Area, with the aim of making an assessment of linguistic skills and the level of customers’ satisfaction in Tourism and hospitality industry.
This goal was achieved under the following objectives:
To identify linguistic communication challenges encountered by tourists when they are being offered Tourism and hospitality services,
To identify the effects of linguistic communication challenges on Tourism and hospitality,
To suggest promising solutions to address linguistic communication challenges identified in Tourism and hospitality.
As far as hypotheses are concerned the researcher assumed firstly that since Rwanda, a multilingual country with a single and common mother tongue, Tourists are likely to encounter linguistic communication challenges. Secondly, unsatisfied tourists classify Rwanda as a tourists’ nonattractive area and thirdly, training by competent language professionals is one of the strategies to address language problem.
The population of this research is a set of 165 Tourists who were purposively selected from the area of the study and 58 service providers who by quota sampling were segmented into 28VNP tourists guides,15 tours guides/drivers,5 community guides, and 10 hotel ,bar restaurant as staff who necessarily interact with tourists.
According to the findings, 86 tourists (52%) tourists experienced language challenges related to:
the lack of knowledge of international languages, cultural identification by 99 tourists or 60% while nature interpretations related problems were questioned by 66 tourists or 40%. This has negative impact on 91 tourists or 55% to pay unjustified bills, 41 or 25% who lose properties and 33 tourists or 20% experience financial loss; it also inconvenience staff through losing job as said by 20 service providers or (50%), the lack of promotion as said by 15 (30%) and the lack of motivation as it was said by 10 or (20%).
Finally, 111 tourists (67%) suggest training by language specialists while 54 tourists (33%) suggest intensive interaction with native speakers to address language related problem. Briefly, this research brought victims of language communication challenges altogether on a round table so as to promote language communication improvement for customers satisfaction.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- 1.0 Introduction
- 1.1 Background to the study
- 1.2 Motivation
- 1.3 Statement of the problem
- 1.4 Significance of the study
- 1.5 Objective of the study
- 1.6 Research questions
- 1.7 Hypotheses
- 1.8 Scope of the study
- 1.9 Methodology
- 1.10 Organization of the study
- 2.0 Introduction
- 2.1 Definitions of key concepts
- 2.1.1 Language
- 2.1.2 Dialect
- 2.1.3 National language
- 2.1.4 International Language
- 2.1.5 Communication
- Oral communication
- Nonverbal communication
- Process of communication
- Interpersonal communication
- Intrapersonal communication
- 2.1.6 Tourism and tourists
- 2.1.7 Cultural tourism
- 2.1.8 Hospitality
- 2.1.9 Challenges
- 2.2 Aspects of a language in use
- 2.2.1 Micro linguistics
- 2.2.2 Macro linguistics and/or Applied Linguistics
- 2.3 Barriers to effective communication in business
- 2.4 Bilingualism and multilingualism
- 2.5 Bilingual Lexicon
- 2.6 English Language
- 2.6.1 Principal varieties of English usage
- 2.6.2 Good English
- 2.7 The importance of Language
- 2.8 Philosophy of Language
- 2.9 The uses and functions of Language
- 2.10 The Language of hospitality and tourism
- 2.10.1 English for hotel management
- 2.10.2 Moment of truth
- 2.11 Language communication challenges
- 2.11.1 Borrowings and loanwords
- 2.11.2 Linguistic Interference
- 2.11.3 Causes of interference
- Lexico-morphology dissimilarity
- A system of grammatical genders
- A list of common hypothetical roots
- Invariable roots of the type -CV-
- A well-balanced vowel system
- 2.11.4 Consequences of negative transfer “Kinyafranglais”
- Listening problems
- Speaking problems
- Epenthesis
- 2.11.5 Cross-socio-cultural communication problems
- Industrial revolution and neologism irregularity
- Cultural differences in nonverbal communication
- Gestures
- Touch
- Eye contact/gaze
- Conclusion
- 3.0 Introduction
- 3.1 Area of the study
- 3.2 Population of the study
- 3.3 Sample size and sampling techniques
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This work aims to explore the significance of the English language in the tourism sector, specifically focusing on the challenges and opportunities presented by the use of English as a lingua franca in a multilingual environment. The research delves into the various aspects of language use in tourism, examining how linguistic interference and cultural differences can impact communication and create barriers to effective hospitality.
- The importance of language in the tourism industry
- The challenges of multilingual communication in tourism
- The impact of linguistic interference on tourism experiences
- The role of English as a lingua franca in tourism
- Cultural differences in nonverbal communication in tourism
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
Chapter One provides a general introduction to the study, outlining the background, motivation, statement of the problem, and significance of the research. It also sets out the objectives, research questions, hypotheses, scope, methodology, and organization of the study. Chapter Two delves into a comprehensive literature review, defining key concepts such as language, dialect, national and international languages, and various forms of communication. It explores the role of language in tourism and hospitality, analyzing the challenges and opportunities of using English as a lingua franca in a multilingual context. The chapter examines the impact of linguistic interference and cultural differences on effective communication in the tourism industry.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The study centers around the interplay of language, tourism, and communication, focusing on key terms such as English as a lingua franca, linguistic interference, cultural differences in nonverbal communication, multilingualism, and the challenges of communication in a multicultural tourism environment. This research investigates the practical applications of language in the tourism sector, highlighting the importance of effective communication for successful hospitality experiences.
- Quote paper
- Jean Claude Musoni (Author), 2014, Linguistic Communication Challenges Encountered by Tourists Visiting Musanze District, Munich, GRIN Verlag,