The main purpose of this mixed method study; in titled Satisfaction and Status: Exploring Satellite Television Program in Ethiopia Five Secondary Schools; is to explore the satisfaction of Students, Teachers and Principals on satellite TV educational program and also look the status, perception as well as factors affecting satellite program teaching learning process and find solutions with CIPP (Content, Input, Process, and Product) evaluation scale and open questions. participants in Northern Ethiopia particularly from Debark, Dabat, Wogera and Denbiya woredas are enrolled in this study.
This research is in significance of utilization of ICT media technology can be a learning paradigm in the secondary level schools to enhance the students’ knowledge and skills as well. The study is assumed relevance to improve the system of educational satellite TV broadcasting implementation in providing the feedbacks for the strengths and weakness of the program to the relevant stakeholders so that they can take measures to alleviate the identified challenges.
The findings may create conducive environment for the teaching and learning process by satellite plasma television. The study will offer invaluable information to the school’s administration as well as to policy makers in education as to the nature of the contribution of ICT to the teaching-learning process. This goal can be achieved through the proper utilization of ICT media technology that can enhance the motivation and achievement of the students. In addition to these the study may be basis for another researcher to conduct similar study.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Table of content
- List of tables
- List of charts
- List of abbrevations/acronyms
- Abstract
- 1.1 Background of the Study
- 1.2 Statement of the problem
- 1.3 Purpose and Significance of the Study
- 1.4 Objective of the study
- 1.5 Assumptions
- 1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study
- 1.7 Definition of Terms
- 2.1 Television instruction functions, benefits and improvements
- 2.1.1 Functions of television instruction
- 2.1.2 What is instructional television?
- 2.1.3 Problems and solutions
- 2.2 Ethiopian education system and history of satellite TV instructions
- 2.2.1 Ethiopian Education system
- 2.2.2 Education achivements in Ethiopia ans Amhara region
- 2.2.3 ICT in Ethiopia and Amhara region
- 2.3 Perception of students, teachers and principals about satellite TV instruction
- 2.3.1 Perception of students on satellite TV instruction
- 2.3.2 Perception of teachers on satellite TV instruction
- 2.3.3 Perception of principals on satellite TV instruction
- 2.4 Emperical research findings about satelllite TV instruction
- 2.5 Theoretical framework
- 3.1 Research design
- 3.2 Study Area
- 3.3 Participants of the Study
- 3.4 Sampling procedure and sample size
- 3.5 Variables
- 3.6 Instrumentation and Measures
- 3.7 Data Collaction
- 3.8 Validity and Reliability
- 3.9 Ethical considerations
- 3.10 Data Analysis Method
- 4.1 Demographic result
- 4.2 The status of educational TV program in the study area
- 4.3 Students level of satisfaction on satellite TV lessons
- 4.4 Teachers and principals level of satisfaction on satellite TV lessons
- 4.5 Discussion
- 5.1 Summary
- 5.2 Conclusion
- 5.3 Recommendation
- References
- Appendix 1: Students questionner base on CIPP model
- Appendix 2: Teachers questionner
- Appendix 3: Principals questionner
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This research explores the level of satisfaction with satellite television programs in Ethiopia. The study focuses on five secondary schools, examining the perceptions and experiences of students, teachers, and principals regarding the use and effectiveness of satellite television instruction. The research aims to understand the benefits, challenges, and overall impact of this educational technology in the Ethiopian educational context.
- Student, teacher, and principal satisfaction with satellite TV lessons
- The role of satellite TV in improving education in Ethiopia
- The impact of satellite TV instruction on student learning outcomes
- The challenges and opportunities associated with integrating satellite TV into the Ethiopian education system
- The perception of satellite TV as an effective educational tool
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
Chapter One introduces the background and significance of the study, outlining the problem of improving education in Ethiopia and the potential of satellite TV instruction. Chapter Two delves into the existing literature related to television instruction, its functions, benefits, and challenges, and then reviews the Ethiopian education system and the history of satellite TV instruction in the country. It also explores the perceptions of students, teachers, and principals about satellite TV instruction, drawing on previous research findings. Chapter Three outlines the methodology used in the study, including the research design, study area, participants, sampling procedures, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques. Chapter Four presents the results of the study, focusing on the demographic characteristics of participants, the status of educational TV programs in the study area, and the levels of satisfaction with satellite TV lessons among students, teachers, and principals. The chapter also discusses the findings and their implications for educational policy and practice.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This research focuses on satellite television instruction, student satisfaction, teacher satisfaction, principal satisfaction, educational technology, Ethiopian education system, educational access, and educational quality. The study utilizes the CIPP model to evaluate the effectiveness of satellite TV programs.
- Quote paper
- Getnet Eshetu (Author), 2018, Satisfaction and Status. Exploring Satellite Television Program in Ethiopia Five Secondary Schools, Munich, GRIN Verlag,