The Impact of SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe on Rural Women Empowerment and their socio-economic conditions

A case on Dakshina Kannada District, Karnataka State

Case Study, 2018

7 Pages, Grade: 1



The objective of the study is to understand the role of SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe in rural women empowerment in Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka state. The Shri Dharmasthala SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe is improving the socio-economic conditions of the rural women in karnataka state from last three decades. There is a gradual development in the role of rural women. The rural women are playing a leading role in the family and also taking responsibilities in decision making process of her family.

The study was conducted in the month of June 2018, among women employees of SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe in Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka State. A questionnaires was administered during the study with a total sample size of 74. A five point likert scale was used in the study. In the survey instrument different variables which represents the two factors that are’ Women Empowerment’ and ‘Socio-Economic condition of rural women’ are asked to the respondents. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS tool. With a p value less than five percent considered as significant, a one sample T-test was applied for the analysis of data with a mean value of 2.5.

After the data analysis the findings of the study revealed that there is a significant positive influence on’ women empowerment’ and ‘Socio-Economic condition of rural women’ by SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe in Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka State .

Keywords: Self Help Group, Women Empowerment, SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe etc.


Self Help Groups [SHGs] are very effective for financial and social empowerment of the rural women, mainly providing economic support to them. SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe is working on empowerment of the Self Help Groups [SHGs] members to enable them to undertake income generating farm and non-farm activities on a viable and sustainable basis. SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe helps to create employment opportunities to many women and earn their livelihood from group ventures. It helps women to fulfill their basic needs and support their families through the income they earn from their entrepreneurial activities. Under SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe, poor rural women will be trained in ‘simple skills’ which helps them to generate the income and manage the business with proper skill sets in the villages or rural areas.


1. Study of role of SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe in rural women empowerment in Belthangady Taluk, Dakshina Kannada. District of Karnataka State.
2. Impact of SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe in improving the Socio-Economic condition of its women employees.


H1: SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe has no significant influence on women empowerment.

H2: SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe has no significant influence in improving the Socio-Economic condition of its women employees.


The empirical study was undertaken in the SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe in Dakshina Kannada district of Karnataka state. The scope of the study is limited to women employees in the organization, those who are working in production units.


The study is descriptive and analytical in nature. The study is basically based on primary and secondary sources of data. Which include interview method, field study, questionnaire, books, journals and websites. Structured questioner was administered to collect the primary data.

Primary Data: For this study primary data is collected through interaction with SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe officials , discussion, field study, questionnaire and interviews.

Secondary Data: Secondary data has been collected from the SIRI brochures, and relevant Articles, journals, websites and magazines.

Sample Size: The population for this study is selected from Dakshina Kannada. district of Karnataka state who are working in SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe. The Employees of production units are taken as respondents for this study. The sample size is 74 and the women employees of SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe were asked to respond to the questionnaire.

Questionnaire: A questioner consisting of 11 items including the factors like ‘women empowerment factor’ and ‘Socio-Economic condition of the women’ was self administered and filled during the interaction with the respondents of the organisation.

Description of the tool:

Part I- Personal details of the respondents.
Part II- Women empowerment and Socio-Economic conditions of the respondents.

Statistical Analysis: The data collected from the questionnaire is analyzed using SPSS tool. A simple descriptive statistical analysis tests such as one sample T-test etc has been used in this study.


H1 : SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe has no significant influence on women empowerment.

Testing of the above said hypothesis is carried out as, If probability value of one sample t-test is less than five percent level of significance then alternate hypothesis will be accepted. Other wise null hypothesis can be accepted, which means the sample mean is equal to population mean. The hypothesis tested in this study using one sample T- test is as follows.

Table 2.1: one sample T-test for women empowerment.

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From the above table 2.1 it is very clear that the significance value of one sample T-Test is zero in all variables. Hence H1 (SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe has no significant influence on women empowerment.) will be rejected and alternative hypothesis will be accepted

H2: SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe has no significant influence in improving the Socio -Economic condition of its women employees.

Table 2.2: one sample T-test for Socio-Economic condition of its women employees .

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From the above table 2.2 it is very clear that the significance value of one sample T-Test is zero in all variables. Hence H2 (SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe has no significant influence in improving the Socio-Economic condition of its women employees) will be rejected and alternative hypothesis will be accepted.


1. The findings revealed that there is a significant influence of SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe on women empowerment in Belthangady Taluk, Dakshina Kannada. District of Karnataka State.
2. On the other hand the data provided the empirical evidence to positive influence of SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe in improving the Socio-Economic condition of its women employees


The study was restricted to two factors they are ‘empowerment of women’ and ‘Socio-Economic conditions of women employees’. But there are other factors which also influence these two factors, which can be taken for the further study. The study was restricted to Production department of women employees. The future study can be extended to other departments of the organisation with department specific issues.


The study was restricted to above mentioned two factors only. This study provides empirical evidence that a significant positive influence of SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe on women empowerment in Belthangady Taluk, Dakshina Kannada. District of Karnataka State. Similarly positive influence of SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe in improving the Socio-Economic condition of its women employees


1. Information collected from SIRI Gramodyoga website (
2. SAMZODHANA – “Journal of Management Research” ISSN 2347 - 4270 Vol 6 Issue 1, April 2016
3. SIRI Gramodyoga broachers and other documents.


Survey instrument used during the study to collect the data from respondents.

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Excerpt out of 7 pages


The Impact of SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe on Rural Women Empowerment and their socio-economic conditions
A case on Dakshina Kannada District, Karnataka State
Catalog Number
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Self Help Group, Women Empowerment, SIRI Gramodyoga
Quote paper
Rangappa Yaraddi (Author)Poornima (Author), 2018, The Impact of SIRI Gramodyoga Samsthe on Rural Women Empowerment and their socio-economic conditions, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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