London ist der Kern einer Unterrichtsreihe, der im Buch der 7. Klasse der Realschule vorgegeben ist. Das Buch wird in der Unterrichtseinheit über Londons Sehenswürdigkeiten nicht zum Einsatz kommen, da es dafür zu wenige Informationen enthält. Das Thema „Sights in London“ bietet sich darüber hinaus sehr gut für das Üben von Präsentationen an, da es in London viele verschiedene und vor allem interessante Sehenswürdigkeiten gibt. Das Thema wird durch den Reisebericht am Anfang der Stunde für die Schüler und Schülerinnen interessant gestaltet. Nachdem der Text vorgelesen wurde, sind die Schüler und Schülerinnen neugierig geworden und beschäftigen sich anschließend in ihren Kleingruppen intensiver mit ihren Sehenswürdigkeiten.
Da London sehr viele Sehenswürdigkeiten bietet, wird die heutige Stunde in Kleingruppen bzw. in Partnergruppen eingeteilt. Jede Schülergruppe soll sich mit zwei bis drei Sehenswürdigkeiten Londons beschäftigen und diese anschließend präsentieren. Die Einteilungs und Präsentationsphase wird so aufgebaut sein, dass anhand eines Stadtplans von London jede Sehenswürdigkeit der Reihe nach, in einer Art „Sightseeing- Tour through London“, eingeteilt und vorgestellt wird.
Jede Gruppe gestaltet ein kleines Plakat (Muster s. Anhang) zu ihren Sehenswürdigkeiten. Die Schüler und Schülerinnen, die der Präsentation zuhören, bearbeiten eine „while listening“- Aufgabe (s. Anhang). Bevor die SuS mit der Arbeit beginnen, wird ihnen eine Musterpräsentation vorgestellt.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- 1. Conceptual Considerations
- 2. Subject Matter Analysis
- 2.1 Text Analysis
- 2.2 Difficulty Analysis
- 2.2.1 Structural Difficulties
- 2.2.2 Lexical Difficulties
- 2.2.3 Phonological Difficulties
- 2.2.4 Orthographic Difficulties
- 3. Didactic-Methodological Analysis
- 3.1 Interweaving of Competencies and Contents of the Curriculum
- 3.2 Embedding the Topic in the Teaching Unit
- 3.3 Teaching Objectives
- 4. Methodological-Didactic Considerations
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Reproduction and Elaboration
- 4.3 Implementation and Processing
- 4.4 Result Presentation and Deepening
- 5. Lesson Planning
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
The main objective of this lesson plan is to engage 7th-grade students in learning about London's famous landmarks while developing their English language skills, particularly in speaking and presentation. The lesson aims to foster interest in the city and build upon any existing knowledge, preparing students for potential future travel. The lesson is designed as part of a larger unit on London within a broader curriculum.
- Developing English language skills through speaking and presentation.
- Learning about London's famous landmarks and facts.
- Improving collaborative learning skills through group work.
- Integrating language learning with cultural understanding.
- Creating engaging and informative presentations.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
1. Conceptual Considerations: This chapter outlines the pedagogical rationale behind the lesson plan. The teacher aims to leverage their personal experience in London to spark student interest, acknowledging the likely lack of prior knowledge about the city amongst the students. The focus will be on well-known landmarks, preparing students for potential future visits and fulfilling the curriculum's requirements for regional studies. The lesson utilizes group work and presentations, choosing to forgo the class textbook due to its insufficient information on London's sights. The chapter emphasizes the engaging nature of the topic and its suitability for practicing presentations. A student-led presentation will introduce the lesson, motivating students to then further investigate their chosen landmarks in groups. A specific structure for group work, including poster creation and a “while-listening” activity, is already conceived.
2. Subject Matter Analysis: This section analyzes the materials used in the lesson. The introductory text "a great trip" is deemed age-appropriate, employing simple vocabulary and grammar. The text uses basic nouns (dream, city, time, etc.), verbs (believe, come, be, etc.), and adjectives (good, beautiful, etc.). The chapter analyzes the simplicity of the text, ensuring comprehension even if individual words are unknown. Grammatical structures used (simple present, simple past, and present progressive) are assumed to be familiar to the students. The analysis then extends to the worksheets for group work, emphasizing their similar structure and length, along with the incorporation of visuals to aid comprehension. The inclusion of the Underground line information is acknowledged as less critical than other details but is retained for its relevance to the "sightseeing tour" format of the presentations.
2.2 Difficulty Analysis: This section anticipates potential challenges students might encounter. The chapter discusses mitigating these difficulties by providing a model presentation before the group work, offering guidance on structure and presentation skills, and using visual aids such as wall posters with helpful tips. The worksheets are designed for clarity. The teacher plans to address individual group questions. Lexical difficulties are expected to be minimal due to the simple language used. Phonological support will be given during the presentation preparation phase, with pronunciation practice and correction as needed. Orthographic difficulties are addressed by the use of student-created posters displaying landmark names and by listing the names on the listener's worksheets.
3. Didactic-Methodological Analysis: This chapter briefly touches on the importance of English as a global language and the lesson’s aim in developing communicative competence among students, fostering their language and comprehension skills.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
London, landmarks, English language skills, presentation skills, group work, collaborative learning, cultural understanding, lesson planning, teaching methodology, curriculum integration, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, regional studies.
Language Preview FAQ: London Landmarks Lesson Plan
What is the overall objective of this lesson plan?
The main objective is to engage 7th-grade students in learning about London's famous landmarks while developing their English language skills (speaking and presentation), fostering interest in the city, and preparing them for potential future travel. The lesson integrates language learning with cultural understanding and is designed within a larger unit on London.
What are the key themes covered in the lesson plan?
Key themes include developing English language skills through speaking and presentation; learning about London's famous landmarks and facts; improving collaborative learning skills through group work; integrating language learning with cultural understanding; and creating engaging and informative presentations.
What topics are covered in each chapter of the lesson plan?
Chapter 1 (Conceptual Considerations): Outlines the pedagogical rationale, teacher's experience, student prior knowledge, curriculum requirements, and lesson structure (group work, presentations).
Chapter 2 (Subject Matter Analysis): Analyzes the materials used (introductory text, worksheets), focusing on vocabulary, grammar, and age-appropriateness. It also includes a detailed difficulty analysis.
Chapter 2.2 (Difficulty Analysis): Anticipates potential challenges (structural, lexical, phonological, orthographic difficulties) and outlines strategies to mitigate them (model presentation, visual aids, guidance, addressing individual questions).
Chapter 3 (Didactic-Methodological Analysis): Briefly discusses the importance of English as a global language and the lesson's aim in developing communicative competence.
Chapter 4 (Methodological-Didactic Considerations): Details the methodology used throughout the lesson, including phases of introduction, reproduction and elaboration, implementation and processing, and result presentation and deepening.
Chapter 5 (Lesson Planning): Provides a detailed lesson plan outlining the steps and activities for the lesson.
What kind of materials are used in the lesson?
The lesson uses an age-appropriate introductory text, worksheets for group work incorporating visuals, and encourages the creation of student posters. The inclusion of Underground line information is acknowledged as less critical but retained for relevance.
What are the anticipated difficulties students might face, and how are they addressed?
Potential difficulties include structural, lexical, phonological, and orthographic challenges. These are addressed through a model presentation, visual aids, guidance on structure and presentation skills, clear worksheets, addressing individual group questions, pronunciation practice, and student-created posters displaying landmark names.
What is the role of group work and presentations in the lesson?
Group work is a central element, encouraging collaborative learning and the creation of informative presentations about London landmarks. Students work collaboratively to research and present their findings, enhancing their speaking and presentation skills.
What are the key words associated with this lesson plan?
London, landmarks, English language skills, presentation skills, group work, collaborative learning, cultural understanding, lesson planning, teaching methodology, curriculum integration, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, regional studies.
What is the target audience for this lesson plan?
This lesson plan is designed for 7th-grade students.
- Quote paper
- Anonym (Author), 2012, Ausführlicher Unterrichtsentwurf zum Thema London Sights. Präsentationen im Englischunterricht, Munich, GRIN Verlag,