Since the early beginning of mankind there have always been people who differed from the great majority. They presented various features which separated and isolated them from the rest of mankind; from the “normal people”. These essential characteristics can be caused by medical issues, genetic defects, or other reasons and lead to a life outside of the boundaries by reason of standing beyond normality. Causes are plain deviations from normal people’s mental or physical constitution. For instance, some of these different human beings have extra or missing body parts or lack extremities at all, some are much taller than average people, and some are smaller. Therefore, humans seen as different and not normal, or in other words, as abnormal can be called freaks.
Furthermore, these so called freaks are defined as a curiosity and abnormal formed organism. Already the lable “freak” exemplifies the personage of a strange otherness and abnormality. There are born freaks (with physical anomalies), made freaks (e.g. tattooed people), gaffed freaks (fake freaks) and novelty acts (e.g. sword swallowers).
As one matter of this term paper the representation of these different kinds of freaks will be discussed regarding Tod Browning’s film Freaks. The film deals with handicapped humans, who comply with the various definitions of a freak. My goal is to establish the place of freaks in the movie and to examine how they are represented. This also includes filmic means, like camera angles, colors and lighting, sounds and music, editing techniques, dialogue, framing and characters, costumes, and the relation between characters. The filmic representation analysis will also be focused on the representation of the conflicting cultural views on freaks and the freak show at the time the film was made. Furthermore, the gaze and the representation of reality play an important role in the critical framework of the film.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- About the film
- Cast
- Content
- Tod Browning
- Some Facts
- Critics and Public Reception
- Representation of Freaks
- Otherness and Normal vs. Abnormal
- Emotions
- The Gaze and Filmic means
- The development
- Conclusion
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This paper analyzes the representation of "freaks" in Tod Browning's film "Freaks." The main focus is on how the film portrays the conflict between normal and abnormal, exploring the cultural views of freaks and the freak show during the film's era. The paper examines filmic means, such as camera angles, lighting, sound, and character portrayal, to understand the representation of freaks and the gaze that defines their reality.
- Representation of "freaks" in Tod Browning's film "Freaks"
- Conflict between normal and abnormal
- Cultural views of freaks and the freak show during the film's era
- Filmic means and their role in representing the reality of "freaks"
- The gaze that defines the reality of "freaks"
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The introduction sets the context by defining the term "freak" and outlining the paper's objectives. It explores the historical context of people who differ from the norm and how they have been labeled and perceived.
The chapter "About the Film" provides background information about the film "Freaks." It includes a list of the film's cast, a summary of the plot, details about director Tod Browning, and information about the film's reception by critics and the public.
The chapter "Representation of Freaks" delves deeper into the film's depiction of "freaks." It discusses the concept of otherness and the distinction between normal and abnormal, examining how the film represents emotions, the gaze, and filmic means to portray the characters and their experiences.
The chapter "The development" is not included in this preview to avoid spoilers.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This paper focuses on the representation of freaks in film, exploring concepts like otherness, normality, and the cultural perceptions of those who deviate from societal norms. It examines the use of filmic techniques and the gaze to understand how the film "Freaks" constructs a distinct reality for its characters. The paper also delves into the historical context of freak shows and their role in societal views of the time.
- Quote paper
- Janine Bergmeir (Author), 2016, Filmic Representations of Freaks and Special Features in Tod Browning's 'Freaks', Munich, GRIN Verlag,