On the Ethical Consideration of Animals

Essay, 2018

8 Pages, Grade: 2,3


Abstract or Introduction

This essay analyzes the ethical consideration of animals. Humans have the right to hurt or bring suffer to an animal, if they are able to provide a reasonable cause. This it is left up to humans, to decide, when it is acceptable to let a non-human animal suffer. It seems to be pretty complicated to define whether there is a reasonable cause or not. The fact that humans have this right in modern society, and where this right comes from, would be considered as the base for movements like the animal right movement. This essay will take a closer look at the development of these concepts and argue if non-human animals should be ethically considered.

The analysis of the human and non-human animal relationship and the question, if animals have rights, goes back to antiquity. The answer to this question involves a few factors, while the main factor is and was the position humans have in comparison to non-human animals. In history, most of the time, humans were put highly above non-human animals. This was mainly because of two reasons, which have been very constant for centuries. First, the God-likeness of humans and their ability to be reasonable.

It seems to be very random to claim that reason is connected to the ability of language or is necessary in order to have a mind. Non-human animals use language to communicate, but it is in a way that is beyond the understanding of humans. It is out of question that non-human animals can suffer and feel fear. If humans are such moral beings, this alone should be enough to not harm them.


On the Ethical Consideration of Animals
University of Winchester
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ethical, consideration, animals
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Anonymous, 2018, On the Ethical Consideration of Animals, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/457658


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