Analysis of betrayal in Hosseini’s "Kite Runner"

Bachelor Thesis, 2017

34 Pages, Grade: A




After having the exhaustive research of this novel, I construe this novel as the finest case to outline the components of betrayal in human nature. Khaled Hosseini is one of the Afghan migrants who studied in Los Angeles and chosen to noticeably a built up author. He published his first novel, The Kite Runner, and gets positive react for his first novel from American public. Hosseini’s, Kite Runner which was published in 2003 displays new thought furthermore, shading, complexity of conflict toward friendship. It revolve around the theme of betrayal in friendship. Hosseini uncovers a well-past due understanding into a pre-war Afghanistan, through the lives of two young boys and their families. The kite runner is a gripping and emotional tale of love, betrayal and redemption.


“Betrayal is destructive attack on the sources of life, on the good object, not on the bad object” (Hinshelwood, 1991: 167). We can say that betrayal can be experienced as a ruinous assault, it strikes at a person's profoundly held feeling of self, leaving him devastated, angered and stupefied at being dealt with so suddenly and misleadingly or disreputably. This thesis extends the present knowledge of betray with the tested predictions made by Betrayal Trauma Theory which examines the effects of betrayal in relation. It happens in light of somebody's intentionally hurtful behavior, or their recklessness, or their very own weakness. Betrayal is such phenomena which present in human nature since the human got the existence on earth. The history is full of evidences with the different kinds of betrayal in relation. Shakespeare in his famous tragedies such as; Othello, Julius Ceasor, and Richard the third portray the faithful representation of human nature. In the tragedy of Richard the third, He explores the betrayal in friendship on multiple levels. He also portray treachery in Othello, Julius Caesar and many others. Shakespeare explores that intimate relation can come into question when encounter any enticing motive. The bible is full of treachery from Delilah to Iscariot, the famous traitor of them all. In Greek literature, the element of betray is present at every point. Aeneas betrays Dido, Clytemnestra betrays Agamemnon, and Epilates betrays Spartans by helping the Persians at battle. It is considered as a dreadful act because it is more than just lying and it shatter one’s belief upon himself. It is the worst and painful feeling that a person feel. It just break the trust. Hillman (1975) states that betrayal breaks the trust and faith. It leads the human to feel as a devastated until it is not worked at the point of forgiveness, its effect may last a lifetime or even beyond. “If I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend I hope I would have the guts to betray my country” (Foster, 1938:17).

As the researcher is interested in exploring the theme of betrayal in friendship. It relates with the universality of human nature. Kite Runner by Khalid Hosseini is one of those literary work which highlight the nature of betrayal in relations particularly in friendship. In this novel Hosseini crafts the story of two friends and their intimate relation. Through its universal theme Kite Runner translated into many languages and becomes the bestselling book in many countries, show its capacity to inspire many people. The novel is a good example of literary work which portray betray in human relationships and its consequences on one’s life. It reveals the human instinct which enable one to betray their close ones just for the sake of their own desires. The act of betrayal is portrayed in the characters of Baba, Ali, Hassan and Amir. In this thesis researcher, depicts the latter two characters, Hassan and Amir’s relation. Researcher, just focused on these two characters to develop a particular theme of betrayal and link this theme with Betrayal Trauma Theory. This topic is interesting to analyze due to the fact that betrayal is common in friendship and it destroy the very essence of relation. But here the admiring thing is that it does not destroy the very essence or beauty of relation.


According to the above formulation of problems, the objectives of the research are as follows:

- To understand the nature and impact of betrayal in friendship.
- To reveal what kind of betray is portrayed between two friends in Khalid Hosseini’s novel Kite Runner.
- To reveal to what extent Amir treats Hassan as a friend in Khalid Hosseini’s novel Kite Runner.


According to the framework of the research, the problems of this research are formulated as follows:

1. What is the nature and impact of betrayal in friendship?
2. How betray is portrayed between two friends in Khalid Hosseini’s novel Kite Runner?
3. To what extent Amir treats Hassan as a friend in Khalid Hosseini’s novel Kite Runner?


This thesis tries to expose the most common element of human life that is the betrayal. Betrayal can be understood as an act of deliberately disloyalty. Such type of disloyalty is found almost in all types of relations and friendship is no exception. This research study strives its best to highlight this horrid element in the character of Amir whose infidelity perishes his friend Hassan’s life. In simple words, this research paper aware the readers that betrayal is very instinct which is present almost in all relationship. Beside it emphasizes the need of loyalty and sincerity in any relation to make it strong. The purpose of this research is to find the relationship between friendship and betrayal. Both are comprehend as a dynamic force that may have a major impact on one’s life



He who throws away his friend is as worst as he throws away his life (Sophocle, 402bc). Betrayal is something that originates from somewhere inside human instinct. It is a phenomena that underlies all the disagreeable things that individuals do one another. The term betray is explain by various authors in their works. Everyone present this in a different manner. Betrayal is present almost in every relation, love, marriage, kinship. However, here in this thesis, I focus on ‘betray in friendship’. I chose the famous novel, Kite Runner by Khalid Hosseini, who explores the very deep feelings of betrayed guy, Hassan. In the novel, Kite Runner, Khalid Hosseini marvelously explains the theme of betray in friendship. This novel explores the basic of relationship that every relation should be based on trust and honesty. Khalid Hosseini composed this book in an extremely special manner as he puts his soul and all the quality of his character to compose it.

The famous play writer, Shakespeare also explores the theme of betray in his many plays, like Othello, Julius Ceasor, Macbeth and so on. In his famous play Julius Ceasor, he portrays the element of betrayal in friendship. In this play he demonstrates that how a companion betray his friend for the sake of crown.“ Not that I loved Ceasor less, but that I loved Rome more” (Shakespeare, 1599:19). In the tragedy of Julius ceasor, Shakespeare shows how friends often betray each other. An act of betrayal creates a constellation of negative behaviors, thoughts and feelings in both victim and perpetrator. Betrayal is a dangerous power that leaves many demolishes in its way. It changes everything and its harm can be unsalvageable. It is one of those agonizing encounters that have the ability to change individuals' hearts.

According to Hoover (2014), conscience is a very bad feeling. It reminds to person of the guiltiness and the two feeling and conscience are always at war. Hoover has delivered an emotionally charged masterpiece novel; may be some day that will capture the heart of readers. This novel revolves around the element of betray. Meanwhile Ahmed (2003) states that never betray anyone because deceit is something which never die. It always remain alive and one day it reaches to you. Betrayal is probably the most crushing misfortune a person can experience. When an individual is betrayed by someone he loses his trust from that person first. It mean that the person have lost very important factor in his life. “The worst pain in the world goes beyond the physical. Even further beyond any other emotional pain one can feel. It is the betrayal of a friend” (Brewer, 2008:30). Betrayal is something which has a very negative effect on one’s personality. It shakes the one’s power of trust and belief. It is the worst pain especially given by friend. The person whom you trust a lot. To whom you share your secrets, feelings, desires, wishes and to whom you consider another yourself, and that person when betrays it would very difficult to recover from that shock easily.

Ninth grade slays is the second book in The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod by Zec Brewer, in which he highlights the betrayal instinct in human nature. The plot line of the book was interesting by featuring the main theme of the book. “Betrayal is never easy to handle and there is no right way to accept it” (Feehan, 2006:50). Of all encounters in life, betrayal by a trusted companion is a standout amongst the most hard to hold up under. It incites outrage and discouragement. “So this was betrayal. It was like being left alone in the desert at dusk without water or warmth. It left your mouth dry and will broke. It sapped your tears and made you hollow” (Godbersen, 2008:70). One moment of betrayal can rock a years- long friendship. Betrayal can take form of isolated, hurtful acts, it can also take a slow release form that is equally painful. This can affect one’s mind very badly and the person can’t able to maintain trust any more. According to Shakespeare (1603), mostly friendship is based on pretending. It all leads you towards hypocrisy. In a friendship where there is a kind ear, and shoulder to incline toward, there is a feeling of wellbeing, liking, and acknowledgment. You don't need to imagine or set up a false cover. In any case, when a companion betrays you or transforms into your adversary this leaves an open injury in your heart. Betrayal decay all the establishment of connections.


Ancient Greek civilization gave the establishments of western culture. Insightfully, logically, and politically, the Greeks achieved a bewildering level of modernity. We found the center of human instinct in their work. Betrayal repeats all through Greek folklore however its outcomes are once in a while as irate and devastating. In Greek mythology the stories of betrayal are common. The moral lesson often point out the futility for the betrayer. We see in the tragedy Medea by Euripides, which is based upon the myth of Jason and Medea. “Its human; we all put self-interest firs t” (Euripides,431 Bc:29).

Jason and Medea both damaged each other’s desires. After marriage Jason leaves her. The result of this betrayal is a string of tragic events that leads to murder. Euripides’s ancient story which has become part of modern myth has inspired countless translations, rewrites, and novels. These ancient stories reveal the basic human instinct and events which cover the universal themes. Another Greek myth that count the element of betray is Atreus and Thyestes, the two brothers and one of them commit the sin of infidelity with his sibling's better half and after that brought up a child with the end goal of murdering his uncle. In one legend, Theseus, prince of Athens, was sent to Crete to defeat the dreaded Minotaur. Ariadne, little girl of ruler Minos of Crete, fell in love for Theseus and helped him. Thereby betraying her father’s trust by helping Theseus. These Greek myths portray the very nature of human being. Their subjects deal with the human nature and their lives. They offered significance to the world individuals saw around them. It reveals to us the earth in which mankind lived, the regular marvels they witness.


The most prompt impact of betrayal of trust is in the passionate effect on the individual sold out. The more noticeable accept that you had put in the other individual and the more prominent the effect their disloyalty has on you and the more noteworthy the pain you will feel. People need to trust. Trust relieves nervousness, helps lift dejection and makes it conceivable to reliably put intrigue and pleasure in each other. The most widely recognized types of betrayal are destructive revelations of confidential information unfaithfulness, betrayal and untruthfulness. The impacts of betrayal include loss, grief, anguish, damaged self-confidence, self-questioning, and raged. Another feeling that might be knowledgeable about reaction to betrayal is hatred. Sooner or later, however the effective passionate effect of disloyalty will spur a lot of conscious. Friends are supposed to be good for you. The people who have solid fellowship encounter less anxiety. They make the most of their life much superior to anything the individuals who don't have good friendship. Be that as it may, not all companions have a healthy impact. Some lie, some deceive and insult.

Friendship is often very painful. It creates troubles and lead to depression. (Lerner, 2001). When you understand you have been profoundly betrayed, fear truly hits you. That is the thing that you feel first and then outrage and dissatisfaction. Dr. Harriet learner, a psychologist suggests how to hit the dance floor with troublesome relationship issues. Lerner moves easily to the normal obstructions to seeing how we feel, how we need to communicate. Learner (2017) suggests, how to rescuing men and women from the quicksand of difficult relationships. She guides the women in changing the intimate relationships. She knew the psyche of men and women in a depth level.

Successful friendship are marked by genuineness, sympathy and shared trait qualities. Furthermore, such sort of kinship keeps going forever (Yager, 2002). An excellent companionship rotates around numerous imperative qualities. Its vital ingredients are , genuineness, unwavering quality, supportiveness and support. It is almost difficult to impart a decent connection to a person at the cost of the qualities. A good companion will at most circumstances know you better than yourself. Further she exhorts intentionally leaving terrible companions by the wayside. She spotlights the perils of awful companions is justifiable. She characterizes different types of betrayal in her book.


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Analysis of betrayal in Hosseini’s "Kite Runner"
University of Sindh
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this is one of finest piece of research in the bachleor's level. the overall work shows the author's keen interest in the area of literature and research, which is very important for the any thesis work.
analysis, element of betrayal, khalid hossenie's, kite runner
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Isra Shaikh (Author), 2017, Analysis of betrayal in Hosseini’s "Kite Runner", Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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