The goal and purpose of this paper is to describe the necessity and functionality of emission trading. Furthermore, it illustrates the basic procedure of emission trading and explains its general parts, in order to be able to evaluate the efficiency of emission trading and emphasize its critical aspects.
Firstly, this paper explains the basic principles of emission trading, initially special terms and definitions. Then chapter two continues to clarify why emission trading exists and why its importance constantly rises. After that, chapter three deals with important boundary conditions. Chapter four contains the functionality of emission trading and its corresponding procedures. The term paper ends up with a brief conclusion, including a little forecast for the near future.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- Purpose of the Paper
- Composition and Structure of the Paper
- Basics of Emission Trading
- Disambiguation
- History of Emission Trading
- Purpose of Emission Trading
- Greenhouse Effect
- Kyoto-Protocol
- Emission Trading in Germany
- Boundary Conditions of Emission Trading
- Different Markets
- Protagonists in Emission Trading
- Functionality of Emission Trading
- General Information
- Emission Trading Registers
- Result and Conclusion
- Criticism on Emission Trading
- Forecast
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This paper aims to explain the necessity and functionality of emission trading, illustrating the basic procedure and highlighting its critical aspects. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of emission trading and its importance, encompassing key concepts like greenhouse gas emissions, the Kyoto Protocol, and market-based approaches to climate change mitigation.
- The purpose and importance of emission trading
- The functionality and procedures of emission trading
- Key actors and markets involved in emission trading
- Critical aspects and challenges of emission trading
- The role of emission trading in achieving climate change goals
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The first chapter introduces the paper's objectives and provides a structured overview of the content. Chapter two delves into the basics of emission trading, defining key terms, tracing its history, and explaining its purpose in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. The focus is on the Kyoto Protocol and its implications for emission trading. The third chapter explores the boundary conditions of emission trading, including the different markets and actors involved. This section focuses on the practical aspects of implementing emission trading, examining its functionality and procedures. The chapter then explores the different types of accounts used in emission trading, showcasing real-world examples.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The paper explores the concept of emission trading, focusing on its functionality, purpose, and challenges. Key topics include greenhouse gas emissions, the Kyoto Protocol, market-based approaches to climate change mitigation, different trading platforms, and the critical aspects of emission trading. The paper also discusses the roles of various actors and the functioning of emission trading registers.
- Quote paper
- Anonym (Author), 2012, Emission Trading. Purpose, functionality and boundaries, Munich, GRIN Verlag,