Arthritis. Social work Case Study

Fallstudie, 2019

8 Seiten

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The social workers suffer from a lack of empirically grounded research of practice results. This is due to the fact that it is reflected in research texts, disciplinary guidelines and doctoral program standards, that study must develop and test concept, rather than solving the unproven research.

We will look at case study of Mary a single mother who lives alone, in the city suburb and has been experiencing joint pain for a long time. Mary decided to visit hospital one day to know the cause of her pain only to be diagnosed with Arthritis. The student will apply Psychosocial Theory to ensure that treatment of the patient is successful.
Arthritis is a disorder which affects the human joints. The Symptoms comprise of stiffness and joint pain. Other symptoms can include swelling, redness, warmth and decreased variety of motion of joints which are affected by this condition. In different types of arthritis, organs are too affected. The onset may be sudden or gradual. There are numerous forms of arthritis with different symptoms. The common types of arthritis are Psoriatic Arthritis osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
Symptoms and signs of osteoarthritis differ, depending on the joints are which affected by this disorder and severity of the affection. Though, most known symptoms are stiffness and pain, mostly first thing in the morning and following resting. The affected joints can get swollen, particularly after lengthy activity.


Arthritis. Social work Case Study
ISBN (eBook)
arthritis, social, case, study
Arbeit zitieren
Joseph Aneya (Autor:in), 2019, Arthritis. Social work Case Study, München, GRIN Verlag,


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