Information Sources used in Doctoral Research Report by Students of Geography Department of Mautech (Yola) from 2008 to 2017

Bachelorarbeit, 2019

33 Seiten


Table of Contents

Abstract ii

1.1 Background of Study
1.2 Statement of Problems
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Significance of the Study
1.6 Scope of the Study
1.7 Operational Definition of Terms

2.0 Introduction
2.1 Types of Information Sources
2.2 Information Sources Analysis by Previous Authors
2.3 Format of Information Sources

3.0 Introduction
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Target Population of the Study
3.3 Sample and Sampling Technique.
3.4 Research Instrument
3.5 Procedure for Data Collection
3.6 Data Collection
3.7 Data Analysis

4.0 Introduction:
4.1 Data Presentation
4.2 Summary of the Major Findings
4.3 Discussion of the Findings

5.0 Introduction
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations



Academic libraries are facing different challenges in present information society. Increasing price of books, cut back of the fund allocation, variations of the information media and sources, complexity of information needs among different user categories can be identified as some challenges faced by academic librarians at present (Okafor and Ukwoma, 2017). Citation analysis was the research design method that was used for this study, no questionnaires was used. The study revealed that journals are the major information sources cited by Doctoral students of geography department, secondary sources were the most cited type of information sources, percentage of recent sources cited by Doctoral students in geography department from 2008 to 2017 when compared to the total percentage of sources cited is not appreciable and printed sources are the major format of information sources cited by Doctoral students in geography department from 2008 to 2017.Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were provided; There should be an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) laboratory in the department of geography to enable the students and lecturers to have access to e-resources. Information literacy should be part of the curriculum to enable use of open access resources that are available and The library management should collaborate with the department in acquisition of the information sources that are relevant for their studies, especially the most cited journals and monographs.



1.1 Background of Study

Academic libraries are facing different challenges in present information society. Increasing price of books, cut back of the fund allocation, variations of the information media and sources, complexity of information needs among different user categories can be identified as some challenges faced by academic librarians at present (Okafor and Ukwoma, 2017). As a result of development of modern technology, formats and categories of information sources have changed. Role of librarians’ has become more complicated with above facts. In this situation better identification of user needs as well as most required sources for users are essential for librarians to maintain a balanced collection and to provide excellent information services (Oduwole et al., 2013). This identification will help to improve the collection development policy. Especially librarians must have a clear understanding of information needs and information resources used by researchers. In this case citation analysis is an excellent method for the identification of information needs in different subject disciplines and sources used by different user categories and it is a way to understand the users (Gupta and Khare, 2013).

Information is the pivot of which the survival of any society rests. It remains the major ingredient in taking decision; and assist in reducing the degree of uncertainty. Information and its use are as old as man. Indeed, without information there can’t be communication. The technology embrace has led to the proliferation of electronically available information resources. These resources include CD – ROM databases, electronic mails, Online Public Access Catalogues (OPAC) and internet browsing (Oduwole et al., 2013). The Internet which is the most prominent of this source has made possible access to electronic books and journals; various databases and search engines. All these resources constitute Electronic Information Sources (Echezona et al., 2017).

The opportunity brought about by electronic information sources has in recent days created pressure on the educational intuitions and their libraries (Gupta and Khare, 2013). The pressure on the institutions is the provision of the necessary infrastructure and the actual access to these sources. The pressure on the library and information centers is in the sourcing, acquisition and repackaging of these sources; as well as the provision of necessary guidance to end users. Fatoki (2014) submits that academic libraries work together with other members of their institutional communities to participate, support, and achieve the educational mission of their institutions by teaching core competencies of information literacy– abilities involved in identifying need, accessing needed information, evaluating, managing and applying information, and understanding the legal, social, and ethical aspects of information use (Fatoki, 2014).

The understanding of the information sources used by postgraduate students will help the library to acquire regular and current journals and other information sources needed by these researchers (Oduwole and Akpati, 2013). Acquisition of needed information resources leads to availability of required current information and will help students to conduct effective research and sound comprehensive work (Fatoki, 2014). It is based on this background that postgraduate theses submitted in the department of Geography Modibbo Adama University of Technology (MAUTECH), from 2008 to 2017 will be studied. Geography department, MAUTECH start a postgraduate programme in 2008, since then it has graduated many students from both the masters and doctorate degrees programmes. The entire collections of Ph. D theses (45) submitted during the period of 2008 - 2017 to IBB Library, MAUTECH will be examined for this study.

1.2 Statement of Problems

Academic libraries are struggling with diminishing funds for acquisition of library materials. The price of books continues to rise, which has forced many libraries to cut back on purchasing. Academic libraries are faced with the problems of meeting the information needs of researchers in different fields of study. This ugly trend affects learning and research in our academic institutions, and leaves researchers with few resources.

Online resources can help alleviate these problems; however, there is a limit to the quantity and quality of information that one can easily access. Some electronic materials require subscription fees that may not be within the reach of the users. Librarians must have a clear understanding of information needs and information resources used by researchers. One way to do this is by analyzing theses to discover what materials are cited most by researchers. This will enable librarians to provide these materials and encourage learning and research. This can be done through citation analysis. The result of the analysis will help librarians base the acquisition of library materials on facts not on opinion.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study will be achieve through the following Objectives;

1. To identify types of information sources such as primary, secondary and tertiary sources used by Doctoral students of Geography department, MAUTECH, Yola.
2. To determine the recency of information sources used by Doctoral students of Geography Department, MAUTECH, Yola.
3. To determine the format of information source by Doctoral students of Geography department, MAUTECH, Yola.

1.4 Research Questions

1. What types of information sources such as primary, secondary and tertiary sources used by Doctoral students of Geography department, MAUTECH, Yola?
2. How recency is the information sources used by Doctoral students of Geography Department, MAUTECH, Yola?
3. What is the format of information source by Doctoral students of Geography department, MAUTECH, Yola?

1.5 Significance of the Study

This research study will go a long way to benefit the staff of Library in the proper management of funds and materials in the Academic Libraries. The study will proffer solution to the problems of meeting the information needs of researchers in different fields of study.

The study will further provide vivid information about materials that are most needed in the Academic libraries. It will equally contribute to existing literature in the field of library and information science and to the body of knowledge in the university community.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This research study is going to investigation difference sources of information used by Doctoral students of geography department, MAUTECH, Yola. The study will cover a period of eight (8) years from 2008 to 2017.

1.7 Operational Definition of Terms

Information: is the resolution of uncertainty; it is that which answers the question of "what an entity is" and thus defines both its essence and nature of its characteristics. Information relates to both data and knowledge, as data is meaningful information representing values attributed to parameters, and knowledge signifies understanding of a concept (Merriam-Webster, 2017). Information is uncoupled from an observer, which is an entity that can access information and thus discern what it specifies; information exists beyond an event horizon for example. In the case of knowledge, the information itself requires a cognitive observer to be obtained

Information Source: is a source of information for somebody, i.e. anything that might informs a person about something on provide knowledge to somebody. Information sources may be observations, people speeches, documents, pictures, organizations etc. In academic communities journals, books, internet are among the major sources of information.

Citation Analysis: refers to references in one text to another text with information on where that text can be found. Citation analysis is useful for understanding subject relationship, author effectiveness, and publication trends and so on. The first recorded citation analysis was done by Gross and Gross (1927) who looked at citation patterns to determine the journals to be subscribed to and back volumes to be acquired for the library of Pamona College.

Library Management: is a sub-discipline of institutional management that focuses on specific issues faced by libraries and library management professionals. Library management encompasses normal managerial tasks, as well as intellectual freedom and fundraising responsibilities. Issues faced in library management frequently overlap with those faced in managing non-profit organizations (Sharma et al., 2005).


Echezona, R.I. Okafor, V. N. and Ukwoma, S. C. (2017). Information sources used by postgraduate students in Library and Information Science: A citation analysis of dissertations. Library Philosophy and Practice e- journal, 559.

Fatoki, O.C. (2014). Impact of library resources and the Internet on undergraduate students research, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Nigerian Libraries 38 (1): 21-33.

Gross, P. L. K. and Gross, E. M. (1927). College libraries and chemical education. Science 66, 385-389.

Gupta, J., and Khare, V. P. (2013). Citation analysis of Ph.D. theses of LIS in Dr. Harisinghgour University, Sagar. International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology, 3 (2), 118-124. Retrieved September 08, 2014 from ttp://

Information Definition of Information by Merriam-Webster". Retrieved 2017-05-01.

Okafor, V.N. and Ukwoma S.C. (2017). Availability and use of information resources by academics in science and engineering faculties in Southern Nigerian Universities. TheInformation Technologist 4(2): 175.

Oduwole, A. A. (2014), “Impact of Internet Use of Agricultural Research Outputs in Nigerian Universities of Agriculture: Library Hi Tech News, 21(6): 34

Oduwole A.A. and Akpati, C. B (2013). Accessibility and retrieval of electronic information At University of Agriculture library, Abeokuta Nigeria. Library Review 52(5), 228-233.

Sharma, C. K and Singh, K., ( 2005 ), Library Management, ISBN 978-81-269-0452-5



2.0 Introduction

This chapter will be reviewing literature based on the following; types of information source and citation analysis of previous authors.

2.1 Types of Information Sources
2.2 Recency of Information Sources
2.3 Format of Information Sources

2.1 Types of Information Sources

According to Lauren (2018) Information sources for research study can be classified as follows;

Reference Books

1. Include facts, figures, addresses, statistics, definitions, dates, etc.
2. Useful for finding factual or statistical information or for a brief overview of a particular topic.
3. Examples : dictionaries, encyclopedias, directories

Newspapers (News sources)

1. Provides very current information about events, people, or places at the time they are published
2. Useful for information on current events or to track the development of a story as it unfolds
3. Examples : The Chicago Tribune, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, CNN


1. Include articles on diverse topics of popular interest and current events
2. Articles typically written by journalists or professional writers
3. Geared toward the general public
4. Examples : Time, Newsweek, National Geographic

Academic Journals (Peer-reviewed or scholarly journals)

1. Include articles written by and for specialists/experts in a particular field
2. Articles must go through a peer review process before they're accepted for publication
3. Articles tend to have a narrower focus and more analysis of the topic than those in other types of publications
4. Include cited references or footnotes at the end of research articles
5. Examples: Journal of Communication, The Historian, Journal of the American Medical Association


1. Cover virtually any topic, fact or fiction
2. Useful for the complete background on an issue or an in-depth analysis of a theory or person
3. Can take years to publish, so may not always include the most current information
4. Examples: The Politics of Gun Control, To Kill a Mockingbird, Hemingway and Faulkner in their Time

Ashikuzzaman, (2016) posits that generally information sources are classified into three types depends on the information available from the resource.

Primary Sources of Information: Primary sources are original materials. They are from the time period involved and have not been filtered through interpretation or evaluation. Primary sources are original materials on which other research is based. They are usually the first formal appearance of results in physical, print or electronic format. They present original thinking, report a discovery, or share new information. The definition of a primary source may vary depending upon the discipline or context.

Some primary resources are given below according Ashikuzzaman (2016):

- Artifacts (e.g. coins, plant specimens, fossils, furniture, tools, clothing, all from the time under study);
- Audio recordings (e.g. radio programs)
- Diaries;


Ende der Leseprobe aus 33 Seiten


Information Sources used in Doctoral Research Report by Students of Geography Department of Mautech (Yola) from 2008 to 2017
Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola
Library and Information Science
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
information, mautech, department, geography, students, report, research, doctoral, sources, yola
Arbeit zitieren
Abdulrashid Mbura (Autor:in), 2019, Information Sources used in Doctoral Research Report by Students of Geography Department of Mautech (Yola) from 2008 to 2017, München, GRIN Verlag,


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