User Interface Design of the Triage Health App

Submitted Assignment, 2018

20 Pages, Grade: HD

Abstract or Introduction

Triage App is a mobile application that helps nurse/paramedics to sort patients based on their need for immediate treatment according to certain guidelines. Using the app, users can simply report their current patients' conditions as the app label their Triage status and store them to the database. For this functionality, we assumed that the system already has patient details that can be retrieved from the unique patient ID number. The app also allows users to search and view details of their patients along with the visualization of their current locations on Triage App's map.

Accordingly, an iOS digital prototype that provides a better idea of how the product will look like has been created. The purpose of this report is to provide an explanatory on the design guidelines that we have followed in creating Triage App user interface prototype. This is highlighted on our designed screens that reflect Triage App main features, namely Sign-up/Sign-in, User Profile, Edit User Profile, SIEVE Triage, Search by a Patient, Multicriteria Search, Reports and Maps.

On each of these screens a minimum of four guidelines for user interface design that mainly stated by Norman (2013) and Nielsen (1995) are described. This includes guidelines for navigation, form, button, colour, feedback, layout, error messages and correction, so that discoverability and visibility can be achieved. By following these guidelines, the Triage App is expected to deliver its functionalities for potential users in a more effective way.

Based on our analysis on such guidelines, design principles that cover feedback inclusion such as error message or system loading message, are mostly appropriate for mobile form design. Therefore, the guidelines were applied in our UI design for sign in/sign up, user profile, search and map forms. Another design guideline principle that prominently applied and implemented in our design is the aesthetic and minimalist design as suggested by Nielsen (1995) in his heuristic principles for system usability.


User Interface Design of the Triage Health App
Monash University Melbourne
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Health, App, User Interface, Design, Mocking Bot, Assignment
Quote paper
Novi Kesumaningtyas (Author), 2018, User Interface Design of the Triage Health App, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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