The objective of this assignment is to develop a formal marketing plan for the launch of the new product "Amazon Echo". It includes a review on the theory and approaches of a marketing plan along with concrete practical implications as a whole package to provide meaningful indications for concrete marketing activities based on marketing analysis in order to achieve the strategic objectives of the company regarding the new product.
The first chapter focusses on the theoretical background of marketing and tries to define the best strategy possible for that project. In a next step, the profile of the company, amazon, is analysed, before, in, a a fourth step, a related strategic plan for the marketing of the amazon echo is developed. In doing so, special focus is put on the aspects of marketing mix and further strategic analaysis. Finally, this works ends by giving a short overview over the findings.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1. Problem Description
- 1.2. Objectives
- 2. Marketing Theory
- 3. Company Profile & Offering
- 4. Marketing Plan
- 4.1. Strategic Plan
- 4.1.1. Marketing Analysis
- Macro Environment
- Micro Environment
- SWOT Analysis
- 4.1.2. Company-Internal Analysis
- 4.1.3. Marketing Objectives
- 4.1.4. Strategic Recommendations
- 4.2. Tactical Plan
- 4.2.1. STP Strategies
- Segmentation
- Targeting
- Positioning
- 4.2.2. Marketing Mix (Four Ps)
- Product
- Place
- Price
- Promotion
- 5. Outlook and Conclusion
- Developing a detailed marketing strategy for the German market
- Identifying and analyzing key target customer segments in Germany
- Developing a strategic plan for the successful launch and market penetration of Amazon Echo in Germany
- Understanding the marketing theory and applying it to the specific context of Amazon Echo in Germany
- Developing a tactical plan outlining the marketing mix elements, such as product, place, price, and promotion
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This marketing plan for the launch of Amazon Echo in Germany aims to provide a comprehensive framework for achieving the company's strategic objectives. It includes an analysis of the current market situation, identification of key target customer segments, and a detailed outline of the marketing strategies and tactics to be implemented.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The introductory chapter outlines the importance of developing a comprehensive marketing plan and sets the objectives for this document. Chapter 2 delves into the theoretical foundations of marketing, defining key concepts and principles that are essential for successful marketing strategy development. Chapter 3 provides an overview of Amazon and its product offering, focusing on the unique features and benefits of Amazon Echo.
Chapter 4, the core of the marketing plan, outlines the strategic plan and tactical plan for launching Amazon Echo in Germany. The strategic plan includes a detailed analysis of the macro and micro environments, a SWOT analysis, and the identification of key marketing objectives. The tactical plan focuses on segmenting, targeting, and positioning strategies, as well as the development of a comprehensive marketing mix.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This marketing plan focuses on key concepts like market analysis, strategic planning, target market identification, STP strategies, marketing mix development, and market penetration. It analyzes the German market environment, including macro and micro factors, to inform strategic decision-making. The plan emphasizes the importance of understanding consumer behavior and aligning marketing efforts with target customer needs and desires.
- Quote paper
- Anonym (Author), 2018, How to Develop a Marketing Plan? The Example of the "Amazon Echo", Munich, GRIN Verlag,