Small indigenous freshwater fish faunal diversity of two fish markets in Midnapur town

A comparative study

Akademische Arbeit, 2020

49 Seiten, Note: 3.1











Present study emphasis on availability of small indigenous fish in two fish markets located at Midnapur town. During the present study a comparative market survey has been conducted from 1st July to 30th Sept, 2019 for study on available small indigenous fish fauna in two fish markets of Midnapur town, one is Raja bazar, a popular and high priced fish market and another is Gate bazar, a market of low priced fish market of the same town. Results reveals that a total of 26 small indigenous fish species has been identified from the study sites. Among these 26 species, seven has been collected only from Gate bazar and ten only from Raja bazar and nine species has been observed as common to both the markets. The result would certainly enrich our knowledge about the availability of fish species in the fish market of Midnapur town.

Keywords: Small, Fish, Availability, Midnapur, Gate bazar, Raja Bazar


Small indigenous freshwater fish are often an important ingredient in the diet of village people who live in the proximity of freshwater bodies. Word ‘Indigenous’ means the originating in and characteristic of a particular region or country & native area. Small indigenous fish species (SIS) is denoted the species of fish which can grow to a maximum size of 25 cm or 9 inches in their mature or adult stage of lifecycle. They inhabit in rivers and tributaries, floodplains, ponds, tanks, lakes, beels, streams, lowland areas, wetlands and paddy fields. These fish can live in a harsh environmental condition and are able to reproduce and grow rapidly in favourable condition 1. Small indigenous fishes comprise a large portion of fish biomass and a major contributor of nutritional security to the rural people 2. These species have been considered as an excellent source of essential protein, macro and micro-nutrients, vitamins and minerals, which can play a significant role in the fulfilment of nutritional deficiency in human being. Fish circulates essential nutrients between the littoral, limnetic, profundal and benthic zone 2. small fish are normally consumed with bones, they are important source of calcium.Small indigenous fishes are not only the cheap sources of animal protein but also an ideal source of essential nutrients like iron, vitamin etc. Research has proved that the bioavailability of calcium from these small indigenous freshwater fish species is at par with that derived from milk 1. these indigenous fishes are the source of vital proteins (Xenentodon can-cila, Ailia coila) and micro-nutrients such as Calci-um (Puntius sophore, Gudusia chapra, Chanda nama), Zinc (Mystus tengra, Chela bacaila), iron (Osteobrama cotio, Mystus vittatus), as well as vitamins (Esomus danricus, Parambassis ranga) and fatty acids (Amblypharyngodon mola, Channa punctata)2. From this present study we can know the small indigenous fish diversity of two fish market of Midnapore town. Also we can get an idea of Availability of small indigenous freshwater fish from two markets of the district Paschim Medinipur.


a) To know the small indigenous fish diversity of two fish market of Midnapur town namely Raja Bazar and Gate Bazar.
b) Measurement of distributional statistics by Soreson’s (1948) similarity index (Q.S).

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a = Number of species in one area

b = Number of species in other area

c = Number of species common to both area

c) To know the IUCN status of species available in two fish markets.


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Midnapore is situated in the south western side of West Bengal. Midnapore is located at 22.25°N 87.65°E and is 23 metres above sea-level. Monsoon rains can last from mid-June to late August or even September with rains from the southeast monsoon contributing the lion's share of the annual rainfall of around 1500 mm. Specimens were collected from 2 markets (Raja Bazar & Gate Bazar) of Midnapore Town during July to September. Collection of fish fauna was done at early morning .Specimens was purchased from Fishermans who harvest fishes from natural water bodies. Fishes were collected from two markets on the same date and on random basis. Specimens were precisely recorded by photography for identification. During every effort 100 grams of fish has been purchased and counted the exact number of different fish (Table 1). Sorensen’s Quotient of similarity (1948) has been studied for comparison of fish availability between two markets.


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Fig.2. PRESERVATION (4-5% Formalin)


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Fig.3. Amblypharyngodon mola

Systematic Position ( Hamilton ,1822)

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii

Order: Cypriniformes

Family: Cyprinidae

Genus: Amblypharyngodon

Species: A. mola

Scientific Name : Amblypharyngodon mola

Common/Local names :

Mola, Moa, Moshi (Bangladesh); Mola carplet and Pale carplet (English); Mola carplet

Available Market: Gate Bazar, Raja Bazar

Identifying Characters :

a) Body laterally compressed and dorsal profile is more convex than that of ventral.
b) No barbels.
c) Caudal fin deeply forked and lobes are pointed. Dark markings present in dorsal and anal fins.
d) Body color light greenish on back and silvery at sides and beneath.

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Fig.4. Esomus Danricus

Systematic position ( Hamilton ,1822)

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii (Ray-finned fishes)

Order: Cypriniformes (Carps)

Family: Cyprinidae (Minnows or carps)

Genus: Esomus

Species: E. Danricus

Scientific Name : Esomus Danricus

Common/local names :

English: Flying barb

Bangladesh: Darkina ,Darki and Darkya

Available Market: Gate Bazar

Identifying characters :

a) Body elongate and compressed laterally with pointed head. Lower jaw longer.
b) Body depth 3.3-4.8 times in SL and head length 3.5-5 times in SL 3
c) Mouth small and 2 pairs of barbels of which maxillary pair is extremely long reaching middle of the body.
d) Pectoral long and pointed. Lateral line incomplete. 29-32 ; 27-30 [3,4] scales in longitudinal series.
e) Body color olive-green to gray-green. A broad dark lateral band from mouth to caudal base. In juvenile, this band is bordered by a fine gold stripe 3.
f) Pelvic reddish and other fins are brownish to orange.

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Fig.5. Salmostoma bacaila

Systematic position ( Hamilton ,1822)

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii

Order: Cypriniformes

Family: Cyprinidae

Genus: Salmostoma

Species: S. Bacaila

Scientific Name : Salmostoma bacaila

Common name / Local name : Large razorbelly minnow, Chela, Narkeli chela

Available Market: Gate Bazar

Identifying characters :

a) Body is elongate and strongly by compressed; mouth is oblique, lower jaw with a well developed symphysial knob; scales are very small, dorsal fin inserted well in advance anal fin; a considerable space present between anal and caudal.
b) Lateral line is concave. Body colour is dorsally darkish but the rest of the body silvery.
c) Maximum length is 17.5 cm , longest specimen in collection 142 mm [4,5].

Fig.6. Parambassis lala

Systematic position( Nelson , 2006 )

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii (Ray-finned fishes)

Order: Perciformes (Perches)

Family: Ambassidae/Chandidae (Asiatic glass fishes)

Genus: Parambassis

Species : P. lala

Scientific Name : Parambassis lala

Common/local names : English: Highfin glassy perchlet

Bangladesh: Chanda , Lal Chanda

India: Lal Chanda, Kat-Chanda (West Bengal) 3

Available Market: Raja Bazar

Identifying characters :

a) Body small, almost rounded with oblique mouth.
b) 16 gill rakers on lower arm of first arch and about 90 lateral line scale [3,4].
c) Dorsal, anal and caudal fins deep orange or reddish orange colored with blackish outer margins.
d) Orange-yellow body color with three longitudinal dusky bands extending dorsoventrally; operculum with dark strips3

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Fig.7. Pseudambasis baculis

Systematic position (Hamilton, 1822)

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii (Ray-finned fishes)

Order: Perciformes (Perches)

Family: Ambassidae (Asiatic glassfishes)

Genus: Pseudambassis

Species: P. baculis

Scientific Name : Pseudambasis baculis

Common/local names: English: Himalayan glassy perchlet

Bangladesh: Chanda and Kata chanda

India: Chanari (Uttar Pradesh) and Sheesha-machhi and Kunggi (Punjab) 3(Talwar and Jhingran, 1991)

Available Market: Raja Bazar

Identifying characters :

a) Small and rather slender body with oblique mouth. 90 scales on lateral line. Lower jaw almost equal to upper jaw.Scales are small. Color translucent and yellowish-green back; flank and belly silvery white with a silvery longitudinal bank on flank [3,4,6] .
b) Fins are hyaline.
c) A golden spot on the occiput 4.
d) Gill rakers about 11 on lower arm of first arch [3,6] .


Ende der Leseprobe aus 49 Seiten


Small indigenous freshwater fish faunal diversity of two fish markets in Midnapur town
A comparative study
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
midnapur, small, freshwater, fish, raja bazar, gate bar.
Arbeit zitieren
Dr. Angsuman Chanda (Autor:in), 2020, Small indigenous freshwater fish faunal diversity of two fish markets in Midnapur town, München, GRIN Verlag,


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