Technical Challenges and Future Scope of Smart Traffic Management System Adoption in Kathmandu, Nepal

Masterarbeit, 2019

91 Seiten, Note: 3







1.1 Introduction
1.2 Background of the Study
1.3 Statement of the Problem
1.4 Aim of the research
1.5 Objectives of the Research
1.6 Research Questions
1.7 Scope of the Research
1.8 Significance of the Research
1.9 Overview of thesis
1.10 Summary

2.1 Introduction
2.2 STMS Overview
2.3 Smart Traffic Application using various technologies
2.3.1 Using GPS
2.3.2 Using Image Processing
2.3.3 Using Power Line Communication (PLC)
2.3.4 Using Sensors and embedded system
2.3.5 Using Cloud Computing
2.4 Benefits of IoT Based Smart Traffic Management System
2.4.1 STMS Opportunities
2.5 Summary

3.1 Research Methodology
3.1.1 Research Strategy
3.2 Sampling methods And Sample Design
3.3 Data Collection Methods
3.4 Data Capturing and Data Editing
3.5 Design of the questionnaire question
3.6 Data Collection Limitations
3.7 Data Collection Assumptions
3.8 Research Timeframe
3.9 Ethics and Confidentiality
3.10 Summary

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Respondent’s Background
4.3 Data analysis on the basis of vehicle owners:
4.3.1 Frequency analysis of gender:
4.3.2 Frequency analysis of age:
4.3.3 Frequency analysis of mode of transportation:
4.3.4 Frequency distribution of perception on existing traffic system:
4.3.5 Frequency distribution of satisfaction with current TMS:
4.3.6 Questions related to Scope of STMS:
4.3.7 Questions related to possible benefits of STMS:
4.3.8 Question related to Technical challenges of STMS:
4.4 Data Analysis on the basis of respondent category: Traffic Policemen
4.4.1 Frequency analysis of gender:
4.4.2 Frequency analysis of age:
4.4.3 Frequency distribution of Post
4.4.4 Frequency distribution of Experience
4.4.5 Questions related to the Scope of STMS adoption:
4.4.6 Questions related to the possible benefits of STMS adoption:
4.4.7 Questions related to the technical challenges of STMS adoption:
4.5 Summary

5.1 Findings
5.1.1 On the basis of data collection from vehicle owners:
5.1.2 On the basis of data collection from traffic policemen:
5.2 Discussion
5.2.1 Scope of STMS adoption
5.2.2 Possible benefits of STMS implementation
5.2.3 Technical challenges of STMS adoption
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendations
5.5 Future Work


The continuous growth in vehicle’s number has increased the congestion of traffic in maximum urban places in the world. The insufficient space to further expand the road and also the budget to further construct new roads in every city, the country must think about other method to solve this issue. Rather than following the traditional way of just expanding the roads, a system should be adopted that can help reduce the traffic problems.

In this research, future scope of STMS in the context of Kathmandu, Nepal is explained. In order to collect the information related to the existing traffic system and the objectives related to subject matter, quantitative approach of research is followed. Also, the benefits of adopting STMS in the current scenario of Kathmandu are described.

Various technical challenges need to be overcome in order to adopt STMS, those challenges are described in this research with proper references to the information collected from the vehicle owners as well as the traffic policemen of Kathmandu through questionnaire.

Keywords: Traffic system, Smart traffic light, Smart traffic management system, traffic congestion.


Table 1: Theme Table

Table 2:Comparative Analysis

Table 3:Frequency distribution of gender (Vehicle Owners

Table 4:Frequency distribution of age (Vehicle owners)

Table 5:Frequency distribution of Mode of transportation

Table 6:Frequency distribution of perception on existing traffic system

Table 7:Frequency distribution of satisfaction with current traffic management system

Table 8:Frequency distribution of familiarity with STMS

Table 9:Frequency distribution of appreciation of STMS

Table 10:Frequency distribution of effectiveness of STMS on traffic control

Table 11:Frequency distribution of positive impacts of STMS on minimizing traffic problems

Table 12:Frequency distribution of STMS Beneficial for traffic congestion

Table 13:Frequency distribution of usefulness of smart traffic lights for traffic management

Table 14:Frequency Distribution of incorporating STMS in Smart cities

Table 15:Frequency distribution of internet being a challenge

Table 16:Frequency Distribution of Government policy is a challenge

Table 17:Frequency Distribution of Resistance to change is a challenge

Table 18: Frequency Distribution of Budget is a challenge

Table 19:Frequency distribution of skilled manpower is a challenge

Table 20:Frequency distribution of gender (Traffic policemen)

Table 21:Frequency distribution of age (Traffic Policemen)

Table 22:Frequency distribution of Post

Table 23:Frequency distribution of Experience

Table 24:Frequency Distribution of STMS beneficial in Kathmandu

Table 25:Frequency distribution of helpfulness of online reading machine

Table 26:Frequency distribution of STMS in minimizing traffic problems

Table 27:Frequency distribution of STMS in reducing traffic congestion

Table 28:Frequency distribution of STMS in minimizing road accidents

Table 29:Frequency distribution of helpfulness of Smart light in traffic management

Table 30:Frequency distribution of STMS in detecting road rash cases

Table 31:Frequency distribution of Smart light in controlling congestion in peak hours

Table 32:Frequency distribution of Internet is a challenge

Table 33:Frequency distribution on Government Policy is a challenge

Table 34:Frequency distribution of Resistance to change is a challenge

Table 35:Frequency distribution of budget is a challenge

Table 36:Frequency distribution of how challenging is skilled manpower


Figure 1:Frequency analysis of gender (Vehicle Owners)

Figure 2:Frequency distribution of age (Vehicle Owners)

Figure 3:Frequency distribution of Mode of transportation

Figure 4:Frequency distribution of perception on existing traffic system

Figure 5:Frequency distribution of satisfaction with current traffic management system

Figure 6:Frequency distribution of familiarity with STMS

Figure 7:Frequency distribution of appreciation of STMS

Figure 8:Frequency distribution of effectiveness of STMS on traffic control

Figure 9:Frequency distribution of positive impacts of STMS on minimizing traffic problems

Figure 10:Frequency distribution of STMS Beneficial for traffic congestion

Figure 11:Frequency Distribution of usefulness of Smart traffic lights

Figure 12:Frequency distribution of incorporating STMS in smart cities

Figure 13:Bar graph representation of internet being a challenge

Figure 14:Bar Graph representation of Government Policy is a challenge

Figure 15:Bar Graph representation of Resistance to change is a challenge

Figure 16:Bar graph representation of budget is a challenge

Figure 17:Bar graph representation of skilled manpower is a challenge

Figure 18:Frequency distribution of gender (Traffic Policemen)

Figure 19:Frequency distribution of age (Traffic Policemen)

Figure 20:Frequency distribution of Post

Figure 21:Frequency distribution of Experience

Figure 22:Frequency Distribution of STMS beneficial in Kathmandu

Figure 23:Frequency distribution of helpfulness of online reading machine

Figure 24:Frequency distribution of STMS in minimizing traffic problems

Figure 25:Frequency distribution of STMS in reducing traffic congestion

Figure 26:Frequency distribution of STMS in minimizing road accidents

Figure 27:Frequency distribution of helpfulness of Smart light in traffic management

Figure 28:Frequency distribution of STMS in detecting road rash cases

Figure 29:Frequency distribution of Smart light in controlling congestion in peak hours

Figure 30:Bar graph representation of Internet is a challenge

Figure 31:Bar graph representation of Government Policy is a challenge

Figure 32:Bar graph representation of Resistance to change is a challenge

Figure 33:Bar graph representation of budget is a challenge

Figure 34:Bar graph representation of how challenging is skilled manpower


Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten


This chapter comprises of basic introduction to the dissertation. The background of the research is explained with respect to the research area. The core idea behind the thesis is also described in this chapter. The objectives of the research along with the problem statement is also included in this chapter. Furthermore, the research questions on the basis of the research objectives are also mentioned. The overview of the overall chapters included in this thesis is also presented in this chapter.

1.1 Introduction

The continuous growth in vehicle’s number has increased the congestion of traffic in maximum urban places in the world. The step that many cities is adopting to solve this problem is by expanding the roads. Although, this step has its own challenges. The insufficient space to further expand the road and also the budget to further construct new roads in every city, the country must think about other method to solve this issue. Rather than following the traditional way of just expanding the roads, a system should be adopted that can help reduce the traffic problems.

The major traffic problem in the recent scenario is the traffic congestion and the road rash case which is increasing in a blink of an eye. In the context of Kathmandu, which is the capital city of Nepal, people have to go through traffic congestion every single day. There are road rash cases happening every other day, some of which are not even detected because of the lack of cameras in the city. These problems related to the traffic are increasing on the daily basis. And no step has been really taken to address this issue.

A proper system should be adopted in order to control this problem. This issue is directly proportional to the economy of the country. If most of the working people have to spend hours and hours in the traffic congestion, then they cannot work efficiently in the working hours. So, this issue has to be resolved. The concerned authorities should make plans on making changes in this matter.

1.2 Background of the Study

Intelligent traffic system comprises of various system including the system for communicating, controlling, analyzing and managing the traffic. The intelligent traffic system is used with the objective to gain traffic performance advantages. The traffic congestion is the major issue in the recent days and the most of the cities are facing problem because of traffic congestion. (Gautam Hoshing, 2017)

Intelligent traffic management system is necessary for the smart cities in the recent context. The intelligent traffic management system helps in controlling flow of the traffic and also helps in reducing the traffic congestion. Comparing the traditional traffic lights and the smart traffic lights, the smart traffic lights activate the lights whenever it is required according to what is happening in the roads. Few of the cities that have already adopted the intelligent traffic management system are Singapore and India. Furthermore, the use of the smart traffic management system helps in reducing the irritation of drivers and reducing the road rash cases. (Sabhijiit Singh Sandhu, 2015)

The application of the Smart traffic management system is collecting the data related to the traffic in the actual time to monitor the system for resolving the traffic related issues. The STMS helps in deducting the time that is spent while pausing in the traffic congestion and also minimize the fuel and budget. (Dr. Meenakshi Sundaram, 2017)

With the current scenario of people going through traffic congestion every single day leading to the waste of time and fuel, there should be a proper system that can help in minimizing the traffic problems and also reducing the traffic congestion. Hence, the implementation of smart traffic management system can help resolve the traffic problems. (Antonio J. Fernández-Ares, 2016)

The population is growing on the daily basis and so is the urbanization, which has led to maximization in the traffic problems. Due to the increase in number of vehicles, the traffic congestion has become a major issue in the context of traffic. People have to spend hours and hours in the traffic congestion. Also, the traffic light that is currently available is not able to resolve the congestion because of the lack in the accuracy in the design. Therefore, the smart traffic system can help resolve the traffic problems since it is accurate and reliable. The smart light system helps in controlling the traffic congestion. (Lakshya Chaudhary, 2016)

1.3 Statement of the Problem

The major traffic problem in the recent scenario is the traffic congestion and the road rash case which is increasing in a blink of an eye. In the context of Kathmandu, which is the capital city of Nepal, people have to go through traffic congestion every single day. A proper system should be adopted in order to control this problem. By exploring various papers related to the subject matter, the problems are stated below:

- The existing traffic is controlled manually by traffic policeman.
- The complexity of road networks is increased to service the growing demand for road users.
- The dependency on the manual service of the traffic policeman communicating to the people which are not good in terms of efficiency and safety. (Aditi Gajurel, 2018)

1.4 Aim of the research

The main aim of the research is to explore the future scope and technical challenges of STMS adoption by analyzing the existing traffic system in Kathmandu, Nepal.

1.5 Objectives of the Research

The objectives of the research are as mentioned below:

- To access the scope of STMS in Kathmandu, Nepal.
- To evaluate possible benefits of implementing STMS.
- To explore technical challenges in adopting the STMS.

1.6 Research Questions

- What is the scope of introducing STMS in Kathmandu, Nepal?
- What are the possible benefits of adopting Smart Traffic Management System?
- What are the technical challenges of adopting Smart Traffic Management System?

1.7 Scope of the Research

The scope of the research is to analyze the existing traffic system in Kathmandu, Nepal and to access the scope of STMS in the context of Kathmandu, Nepal and to further explore the technical challenges in STMS adoption.

1.8 Significance of the Research

The thesis aims to access the future scope of adopting STMS in the context of Kathmandu, Nepal. Also, this thesis deals with evaluating the possible benefits of implementing STMS.

Furthermore, this thesis explores the technical challenges in adopting STMS.

1.9 Overview of thesis

Chapter I

The chapter I comprises of basic introduction to the dissertation. The background of the research is explained with respect to the research area. The core idea behind the thesis is also described in this chapter. The objectives of the research along with the problem statement is also included in this chapter. Furthermore, the research questions on the basis of the research objectives are also mentioned. The overview of the overall chapters included in this thesis is also presented in this chapter.

Chapter II

The chapter 2 is related to the study of various research papers that is related to Smart Traffic Management system. This chapter comprises of papers related to overview of traffic management system, smart traffic management system using various technologies, opportunities and application of Smart traffic management system. The research paper related to the subject matter are critically analyzed. The literature review is supported with the theme table where the themes are compared with the respective author’s perception on the subject on the subject matter. Various papers are differentiated into sections and analyzed critically. Also, five base papers are selected for this research of which the concepts and ideas are shown in the tabular form. Furthermore, comparative analysis of the research paper is done where the techniques, advantages and limitations of different and papers and authors are compared.

Chapter III

The chapter 3 discusses on the methodology that is used for this research. The method used for the data collection is described. The sampling methods and the sample design are briefly explained along with the data gathering techniques and data collection tools. The questionnaire is the method of the data collection used for this research and the respondents of the questionnaire are explained along with the size of the sample. The data collection limitation and the data collection are also included in this chapter. Furthermore, the research timeframe and confidentiality and ethics and confidentiality that is related to this research is also discussed in this chapter.

Chapter IV

The chapter IV describes the analysis of the data collected through the questionnaire. The respondent categories of the questionnaire are mentioned in this chapter along with the background of the respondent. Also, data analysis on the basis of both the respondent categories, vehicle owners and traffic policemen are done with the help of SPSS too. The frequency analysis is shown in the graphical representation as well as the tabular form.

Furthermore, the interpretation of the data is done with respect to the research questions.

Chapter V

The chapter V describes the findings of the research. The findings are done on the basis of the data analysis done on the chapter IV. The findings are further discussed with the critical analysis. Also, the research is concluded with the recommendations on the basis of findings of the research. Furthermore, future work is also given in case this research is continued in the future.

1.10 Summary

The chapter I comprises of basic introduction to the dissertation. The background of the research is explained with respect to the research area. The core idea behind the thesis is also described in this chapter. The objectives of the research along with the problem statement is also included in this chapter. Furthermore, the research questions on the basis of the research objectives are also mentioned. The overview of the overall chapters included in this thesis is also presented in this chapter.


Ende der Leseprobe aus 91 Seiten


Technical Challenges and Future Scope of Smart Traffic Management System Adoption in Kathmandu, Nepal
Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation  (Lord Buddha Education Foundation)
M. Sc
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
technical, kathmandu, adoption, system, management, traffic, smart, scope, future, challenges, nepal
Arbeit zitieren
Jyotir Chatterjee (Autor:in)Shrijana Basnet (Autor:in)R. N. Thakur (Autor:in), 2019, Technical Challenges and Future Scope of Smart Traffic Management System Adoption in Kathmandu, Nepal, München, GRIN Verlag,


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