Opportunities and Threats of Shariah-Compliant Robo Advisory. The Case of Wahed Invest

Master's Thesis, 2019

25 Pages



1. Abstract

2. Introduction

3. Problem Statement

4. Literature Review

5. Research Methodology

6. Islam and Financial Technology (FinTech)
6.1 What is Islamic FinTech?
6.2 What is Robo Advisory (R.A)?
6.2.1 Digital Advisory Models and their Clients Digital Advisory Models
6.2.2 Benefits of R.A

7. Analysis and Findings
7.1 Overview of Wahed Invest (New York): A Case Study
7.2 Shariah-Compliant R.A
7.3 The Market for R.A
7.4 Market for Shariah-compliant R.A
7.5 Future opportunities of R.A
7.6 Is R.A a threat for Traditional Advisors?
7.7 Opportunity (not threat) for Traditional Advisors
7.8 Opportunity for R.A in the HNW (High Net Worth) market
7.9 Opportunity for U.S and beyond
7.10 Opportunity for Banks to implement R.A

8. Conclusion & Recommendations

Excerpt out of 25 pages


Opportunities and Threats of Shariah-Compliant Robo Advisory. The Case of Wahed Invest
Masters of Islamic Finance Practice (MIFP)
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Book)
A.I Rahman completed her Masters of Islamic Finance Practice (MIFP) with multiple distinctions at The Global University of Islamic Finance - INCEIF, located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She achieved her Bachelor of Commerce degree in conventional Financial Management at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. She is currently authoring a number of books on Islamic Finance and Fintech. When she isn't writing, she teaches Mathematics to school and university students as well as English to Speakers of other languages (ESL)
Islamic Finance, Islamic Fintech, Fintech, Islamic Wealth, Islamic wealth management, Islamic wealth planning, robotics, robo-advisory, Islamic robo advisory, Islamic Robo-Advisory, Shariah Robo-Advisory, Shariah robo advisory, Shariah-compliant robo advisory, shariah compliant, shariah compliant robo advisory, Halal advisory, Halaal advisory, halaal wealth plannning, halal wealth planning, halaal wealth management, halal wealth management, Robo Advisory, financial technology, Islamic financial technology, Shariah compliant fintech, shariah compliant financial technology, opportunities threats fintech, opportunities threats Islamic fintech, Halal fintech, halaal fintech, Shariah fintech, robot advice, robo advice, Halal robo advice, Halaal robo advice, Shariah robo advice, Shariah robo-advice, Halal robo-advice, Halaal robo-advice, Shrariah compliant robo-advice, Shariah-compliant, shariah-compliant robo-advice, shariah complaint robo advice, shariah, advisory, robo, robotic, halal wealth, halaal wealth, shariah wealth, shari'ah, wealth planning, halaal wealth planning, islamic finance practice, inceif, global university of islamic finance, wahed invest, wahed invest (new york)
Quote paper
Aneesa Rahman (Author), 2019, Opportunities and Threats of Shariah-Compliant Robo Advisory. The Case of Wahed Invest, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/540407


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