Finland is unlike the fellow-Scandinavian neighbours, its people don't descend from the Germanic people but rather speak a language related to Estonia and some languages of Siberia. The country was a province and then a grand duchy in the time of hundreds of years under Swedish rule. After that in 1809 Russia takes over control for a further century before independence on 6 December 1917. The constitution was created in 1906. The finish government amended the constitution several times, last in 2011. Throughout the Cold War Finland's depended on the strong influence of the Soviet Union on its foreign and defence policy, a status dubbed "Finlandisation". But it successfully defended its independence through cooperation with Germany. The collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 90s allowed Finland to apply for membership of the EU. In culture, Finland has made particular mark in the fields of architecture and music.
Dieses Paper wurde verfasst, um den geschichtlichen, politischen und internationalen Hintergrund von Finnland zusammenzufassen, um im Anschluss innerhalb des Projekts als Vertreter Finnlands innerhalb der von den Studierenden modellarisch nachgestellten Europäischen Kommission zum Thema Asylpolitik zu diskutieren und abzustimmen. Das Ziel des Projekt war es, dass die Studierenden einen Einblick in das Policy Making der Europäischen Union bekommen und es sozusagen in einem Selbstversuch direkt miterleben. (Jeder Studierende hat ein Land der EU vertreten und hat im Kurs in dieser Rolle agiert)
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- History
- Facts and Figures
- Domestic Policy
- Energy and Climate Policy
- Education, Training and Research
- Foreign Policy
- United Nations
- European Union
- Law Enforcement
- Asylum System
- Immigration
- Membership in international organizations
- UN
- G-9, WTO
- EU
- Economy
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This country profile aims to provide a comprehensive overview of Finland's history, domestic and foreign policies, and its role in international organizations. The focus is on the country's unique position in Europe, its strong welfare state model, and its commitment to sustainable development and global cooperation.
- Finland's historical development and its relationship with neighboring countries
- The key features of Finland's domestic policy, including its welfare state, its commitment to education and research, and its approach to energy and climate issues
- The priorities of Finland's foreign policy, with particular emphasis on its role in the United Nations, its engagement with the European Union, and its relationship with Russia
- Finland's membership in international organizations, including its active participation in UN peacekeeping and its commitment to EU integration
- The strengths and challenges facing Finland's economy, including its reliance on exports, its commitment to innovation, and its efforts to address demographic and economic challenges
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The first chapter provides a historical overview of Finland, highlighting its unique linguistic and cultural background, its periods under Swedish and Russian rule, and its eventual independence. The second chapter presents key facts and figures about Finland, including its demographics, geography, and economic indicators. The third chapter focuses on Finland's domestic policy, discussing its welfare state model, its priorities in education, energy, and climate change, and its commitment to social justice. The fourth chapter explores Finland's foreign policy, emphasizing its strong commitment to multilateralism, its role in the United Nations, its support for human rights and peacebuilding initiatives, and its views on European integration and cooperation with Russia. The fifth chapter outlines Finland's membership in international organizations, highlighting its active involvement in the United Nations, its contributions to UNESCO and OECD, and its key priorities within the European Union. The sixth chapter provides an overview of Finland's economy, discussing its strengths in manufacturing, innovation, and exports, as well as the challenges it faces in maintaining economic growth and addressing a rapidly aging population.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The key terms and concepts explored in this country profile include Finland, European Union, welfare state, domestic policy, foreign policy, international organizations, United Nations, UNESCO, OECD, G-9, WTO, economy, trade, innovation, sustainability, and global cooperation. These terms provide a framework for understanding Finland's unique position in the world and its multifaceted approach to governance and development.
- Quote paper
- Bettina Grünleitner (Author), 2014, Country Profile: Suomi/Finland. History, Domestic and Foreign Policy, International Organizations, Economy, Munich, GRIN Verlag,