The paper focuses on international trade and foreign aid in relationship with economic development comparing two former Soviet Union states: Latvia and Georgia. Communism divided the economic world into two different camps, with countries characterized by centrally planned economies and others with a free market economic system. After the Soviet Union was dissolved in 1991, now capitalism equally separated the former Soviet nations.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- International trade and economic development
- Latvia's trade profile
- International trade in Georgia
- Differences and analogies in terms of international trade
- Aid and economic development
- Aid and Latvia
- Georgia's aid profile
- Similarities and diversities on the topic of foreign aid
- Conclusion
- References
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This paper aims to compare international trade and foreign aid in relation to economic development in two former Soviet Union states, Latvia and Georgia. The study investigates the economic transformation of these countries after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, examining their integration into the global economy and their dependence on aid. The paper compares their trade profiles, analyzes their openness to trade, and explores the impact of foreign aid on their respective economic development strategies.
- International trade and economic development
- Comparative analysis of Latvia and Georgia's trade profiles
- Impact of foreign aid on economic development in both countries
- Similarities and differences in trade and aid dependence
- Economic transformation after the dissolution of the Soviet Union
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The first chapter delves into the importance of international trade and its relationship with economic development. It examines the contrasting perspectives on trade liberalization and its potential impact on economic growth and income inequality. This chapter then focuses on Latvia's trade profile, highlighting its impressive economic growth and the impact of its integration into the European Union and WTO. The chapter concludes with an analysis of Georgia's trade performance, comparing the two countries' trade indicators and identifying similarities and differences in their development trajectories.
The second chapter explores the role of foreign aid in relation to economic development. It analyzes the use of foreign aid in Latvia and Georgia, focusing on key indicators such as aid dependence, privatization, and institutional reforms. The chapter explores the diversity of aid dependence and its impact on economic development in both countries.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This paper focuses on international trade, foreign aid, economic development, comparative analysis, Latvia, Georgia, post-Soviet transition, trade liberalization, trade profiles, aid dependence, privatization, institutional reforms, economic growth, income inequality.
- Quote paper
- Mag. Michael Krause (Author), 2006, Trade, aid and economic development - A comparative analysis between Georgia & Latvia, Munich, GRIN Verlag,