While contemporary writings on industrial relations debate endlessly concerning possible national improvements or international convergences of unions and labour systems, few if any make the attempt to move on from a given expectation and debate optimal responses by the parties involved. Keeping the EMU convergence criteria and the increasing competitive pressure of a global market in mind, I make clear predictions about my expectations for the future of European industrial relations. As it stands, the trade unions throughout Europe are not in an optimal position regarding the future of collective bargaining at any level, as they are seen as main culprits in the stagnation of competitive advance. The ideological advance and economic implementation of neo-liberalism has clearly limited their negotiating power at the bargaining table, and dwindling membership rates are proof of decreased trust and confidence by employees everywhere. It therefore lies in the unions own hands to optimally adapt to the situation. Optimal response, in my opinion, is to converge interests and actions in a modern way. This modernity is reflected by not fighting the developments, but moving with them, and creating an optimal stance in future dialogue and representation. The unions cannot expect much support from the national governments in this transformation, so they must re-orientate their expectations and demands to a level both acceptable to the other social partners and beneficial for their own members. Implementing new kinds of services for the members and becoming involved in the development of a European system of social welfare are but two examples. The fundamental idea behind any such modernisation, however, is that unions must become potential representatives for all kinds of workers, whether unemployed or highly-skilled, and not only the traditional middle-class employed. Only then can the unions throughout Europe expect to remain respected as serious social partners and players, albeit in a different way than in the post-war decades.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- Problem Statement
- Optimal Problem-Solving Perspectives
- Thesis Set-Up
- Economic Facts and Trends
- The EMU Convergence Criteria
- Unemployment in the European Union (EU)
- Union Density in the European Union
- Further Observations
- Introduction
- The European Union as a Global Competitor
- Three Forms of Capitalism
- How can the EU become Stronger?
- Objectives and Preferences of the European Social Partners
- The Social Partners
- The ETUC
- The EU and the National Governments
- The Social Partners
- The Ideological Debate
- Ideologies in Post-War Industrial Relations
- Neo-Liberalism and Neo-Pluralism Defined
- Neo-Liberalism
- Neo-Pluralism
- The End of Ideologies in EU Industrial Relations?
- Neo-Liberalism and Neo-Pluralism as Potentially Dominant Approaches
- The Implications for Tomorrow's Europe
- Contemporary Thinking: The Rise of 'Neo'-Ideologies
- The European Union as a Global Competitor
- Planned versus Inevitable Trade Union Change
- The Possible Convergence of Unions' Actions and Interests
- Must Alliances be formed?
- Employees' Fear of Future as Union Opportunity
- Are Alliances a Long-Run Inevitability Concerning Strong Futures?
- Decentralisation in Contemporary Industrial Relations
- Collective Bargaining in Europe
- The Agenda of Contemporary Collective Bargaining
- Shaping the Agenda Today and Planning for Tomorrow
- The Employers and the Employers Associations
- The EU and the National Governments
- The Unions
- Implications and Expectations for the Future Agenda
- Collective Bargaining in Europe
- Exogenous Economic Pressures and Variables
- Multi-National Companies' Effects on EU Industrial Relations
- Effects on other Employers and EU Responses
- Implications for the Advance of Decentralisation
- Multi-National Companies' Effects on EU Industrial Relations
- Planned versus Inevitable Trade Union Change
- The 'Neo'-Roles of the European Social Partners
- The EU, UNICE and the National Governments
- The ETUC and the Trade Unions
- Membership versus Representation: The Debate
- New Roles and Functions for the Trade Unions
- Culture and the Welfare State in Europe
- Culture in Europe
- Contemporary Economic Thought on Culture
- Is Culture a Tool or an Obstacle in European Decentralisation
- The Welfare State and Social Security in the EU
- Searching For a Uniform European System
- The Neo-Liberal Standpoint and Influence
- Implications of System Search on Trade Unions
- Trade Union Inclusion in the New System
- Culture in Europe
- The 'Neo'-Roles of the European Social Partners
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This work aims to predict and analyze the future of European industrial relations, focusing on optimal responses from trade unions to anticipated developments. It considers the implications of economic globalization, the EMU convergence criteria, and the rising influence of neo-liberalism on European labor markets.
- The impact of globalization and the EMU convergence criteria on European industrial relations
- The role of trade unions in adapting to changing economic and social realities
- The ideological debate surrounding neo-liberalism and neo-pluralism in European industrial relations
- The potential for convergence of union interests and actions in a decentralized environment
- The importance of trade union modernization and adaptation to maintain relevance and influence.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Chapter 1: Introduction: This chapter introduces the problem statement, focusing on the need for understanding optimal trade union responses to anticipated developments in European industrial relations. It also outlines the theoretical framework and research methodology of the study.
- Chapter 2: Economic Facts and Trends: This chapter examines key economic and social developments in the European Union, including the EMU convergence criteria, unemployment rates, and union density. It analyzes these trends to provide a context for understanding the challenges facing trade unions.
- Chapter 3: The European Union as a Global Competitor: This chapter explores the competitive pressures faced by the European Union in a globalized economy. It examines different models of capitalism and analyzes the strategies for enhancing the EU's competitive position.
- Chapter 4: Objectives and Preferences of the European Social Partners: This chapter examines the objectives and preferences of key social partners in the EU, including the UNICE, the ETUC, and national governments. It analyzes their positions and potential areas of conflict and cooperation.
- Chapter 5: The Ideological Debate: This chapter examines the ideological debate surrounding neo-liberalism and neo-pluralism in European industrial relations. It analyzes the impact of these ideologies on trade union power and negotiating strategies.
- Chapter 6: Planned versus Inevitable Trade Union Change: This chapter explores the potential for planned or inevitable changes in trade union strategies and structures. It analyzes the potential for convergence of union interests and actions, and the feasibility of forming alliances.
- Chapter 7: Exogenous Economic Pressures and Variables: This chapter examines the impact of external economic pressures, such as multinational companies, on European industrial relations. It analyzes the implications for trade union strategies and the potential for further decentralization.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Key terms and concepts explored in this work include European industrial relations, trade unions, neo-liberalism, neo-pluralism, globalization, EMU convergence criteria, decentralization, collective bargaining, social partners, and the welfare state.
- Quote paper
- Sicco van der Laan (Author), 1999, Optimal Trade Union Responses to Expected Developments in European Industrial Relations, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/6178