1) Introduction: the terms’ dialect’ and ‘Cockney’
The paper shall explore the question of the english urban dialect Cockney as an influence of the English language, its spread all over the world and its validity nowadays.
The term ‘dialect’ indicates a regionally specific variety of language, that differs from the Standard in phonological, grammatical and lexical regards. A standard form is in every language a defined variety of the language in phonological, grammatical and lexical regards.
Beside the English Standard variety there exist a lot of rural and urban dialects. The rural dialects lost their importance in relation to the spread of the Standard, but the urban dialects still play an important role – nowadays the same as in the history of the English language, when they emerged during the urbananisation of England.They are language varieties that were built in the big urban regions and among them the best known nowadays is Cockney, which exists beside a large group of other dialects (for example the Scouse in Liverpool or the Geordie in Newcastle-upon-Tyne). By speakers of a more “educated” accent these dialects were often seen as “harsh” and “ugly”, but for the speaker of the dialect they are a possibility to express an identification with a certain group of people.
Cockney is often seen as the language of London’s working class, but actually it is a variant that arised in the East End region and that has its basis there (in general every English urban dialect is a working-class accent of the area it belongs to). Allegedly it goes back to the Middle English word “coken-ey” (a cock’s egg) which was a scournful nickname for a certain group of people (town-dweller). Strictly speaking a Cockney is a person that was born near the bells of the church Saint-Mary-le-Bow in the City of London, traditionally a Cockney is an inhabitant of London’s East End, but it can also be heard throughout the city.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction: the terms 'dialect' and 'Cockney'
- The features of Cockney
- Grammar: a non-standard with unexceptional vocabulary.
- Lexis: Rhyming Slang and language games.
- Pronounciation: h-dropping, glottal stop and phonemes
- Summary
- The history of the spread of the English language.
- English in England........
- English in the world
- Summary.
- Cockney as a part of Australian English
- Conclusion: Is Cockney still a living variety of English?
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This paper explores the impact of the urban dialect Cockney on the English language, examining its historical spread and its current relevance. The focus is on how Cockney, as a non-standard dialect with distinct phonological, grammatical, and lexical features, has influenced the English language worldwide and how it continues to evolve within the context of globalized communication.
- The historical development and spread of Cockney
- The unique features of Cockney grammar, lexis, and pronunciation
- The role of Cockney in shaping English language variation across different regions
- The influence of Cockney on Standard English
- The ongoing evolution and vitality of Cockney in contemporary English
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Introduction: the terms 'dialect' and 'Cockney': This chapter defines the terms 'dialect' and 'Cockney' and situates Cockney within the broader context of English language variation. It explores the origins and social significance of Cockney as a dialect associated with the working class of London's East End.
- The features of Cockney: This section delves into the key linguistic characteristics of Cockney, including its distinctive grammar, lexis (with a particular focus on Rhyming Slang), and pronunciation. Examples of Cockney speech are provided to illustrate these features.
- The history of the spread of the English language.: This chapter examines the historical development and global dissemination of the English language, including its evolution in England and its subsequent spread throughout the world.
- Cockney as a part of Australian English: This chapter explores the presence and influence of Cockney in Australian English, demonstrating how Cockney features have been integrated into the language of another region.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This paper focuses on the Cockney dialect, its distinctive features, its historical spread, and its influence on the English language. Key terms and concepts explored include: dialect, Standard English, non-standard language variation, urban dialect, Cockney, Rhyming Slang, pronunciation, grammar, lexis, globalization, and language change. The paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of Cockney as a vibrant and evolving aspect of the English language.
- Quote paper
- Kristina Müller (Author), 2006, The spread of Cockney throughout the English speaking world, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/74976