China’s booming economy is never more evident than from the air, with its growing patchwork of building sites, developments and urban planning as the rapidly changing skyline of its cities. It have been so saturated by local developers and foreign companies of this building bonanza that we sometimes forget how little our understanding of the peculiarities of the Chinese Investment market is.
Since March of 2007 lives the author in Beijing and is working as a Project Manager in a Sino-Swiss Joint Venture Company. He will transfer his experience to Germany. In this publication, the author will carry out necessary information from the forefront of the industry shine light on China’s real estate market, exploring subjects from the general information about China and the economic overview. The main focus is on the real estate industry, which is currently a key theme and will be still on one. Also focused are the legal framework, foreign investments and which taxation will be paid.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- General Information
- Introduction
- Facts & Figures about China
- General Overview
- Demographics
- Major Economic Regions
- Overall Economy
- Key Figures
- General Trend
- Future Prospects
- Continued Growth & Stabilization
- Growing Wages & Buying Power
- Appreciation of Local Currency (RMB)
- Measures to Curb Overheating
- China's Real Estate Industry
- Introduction
- Development of the real estate market in 2007
- Key Figures
- General Trend
- Market
- First tier cities
- Second tier cities
- Level of demand in selected second tier cities
- General level of demand by tier & asset classes
- Asset Classes
- Residential
- Office
- Retail
- Hotels
- Industrial
- Futures Prospects
- General Trend
- Government Measures to Curb Overheating
- Expected Effects of Government Measures
- Basic Legal Context
- Ownership of Land
- Institutional Framework
- Ownership of Buildings
- Land Use Rights
- Transfer of Land Use Rights
- Transfer of Buildings
- Sale
- Pre-Sale
- Registration of Title
- Leases
- Registration
- Main Conditions
- Permitting
- Planning
- Design & Construction
- Foreign Investment
- Corporate Structure
- Foreign Enterprise (FE)
- Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV)
- Foreign Investment Enterprise (FIE)
- Conditions for Foreign Investment
- Holding Entity Registered in P.R. China
- Registered Capital
- Debt Financing
- Guaranteed Fixed Returns
- Transactions
- Area Restrictions
- Restrictions
- Taxation
- Tax Subjects
- Self Use (Individuals & Branch Offices)
- Foreign Invested Enterprises
- Foreign Enterprise (FE)
- Foreign Invested Enterprise (FIE)
- Real Estate Taxation
- Foreign Exchange Regulations
- Repatriation of Gains
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This publication aims to shed light on the intricacies of China's real estate market, providing valuable insights for companies considering market entry or expansion within the country. The author, with extensive experience in the industry, draws upon his expertise to deliver a comprehensive overview of the real estate landscape, encompassing both general information about China and its economic context, as well as detailed information on legal frameworks, foreign investments, and taxation.
- The development of the real estate market in China
- Legal frameworks governing foreign investments in real estate
- Key figures and trends in the Chinese real estate market
- Taxation and foreign exchange regulations related to real estate investments
- The role of government measures in shaping the real estate sector
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- General Information: This chapter introduces the reader to China's economic landscape, highlighting its impressive growth rate and the increasing interest of European businesses in the market. It provides a general overview of China, including key facts and figures on its demographics and major economic regions.
- Overall Economy: This chapter delves into China's economic performance, examining key figures, general trends, and future prospects. It discusses factors such as continued growth, increasing wages and buying power, and government measures aimed at curbing overheating.
- China's Real Estate Industry: This chapter provides an in-depth analysis of China's real estate industry, exploring its development in 2007, key figures, general trends, and asset classes. It also examines future prospects and the expected effects of government measures to regulate the market.
- Basic Legal Context: This chapter focuses on the legal framework governing real estate ownership and transactions in China. It covers topics such as ownership of land and buildings, land use rights, and the transfer of both land use rights and buildings.
- Foreign Investment: This chapter examines the legal and regulatory aspects of foreign investment in China's real estate market. It discusses corporate structures available to foreign investors, conditions for investment, and relevant restrictions.
- Taxation: This chapter provides an overview of taxation related to real estate in China, covering tax subjects, foreign exchange regulations, and the repatriation of gains.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Key terms and concepts discussed in this publication include China's real estate industry, foreign investment, legal framework, taxation, economic growth, development, government measures, asset classes, corporate structure, and future prospects. The work aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the unique characteristics of the Chinese real estate market, highlighting its growth potential and the complexities involved in navigating this dynamic sector.
- Quote paper
- Thomas Krueger (Author), 2007, Potential and opportunities for China's real estate industry, Munich, GRIN Verlag,